Below central Asia there is said to exist one of the largest and most ancient human subterranean societies in the world. All in all, this society which has been referred to by many as ‘Agharta’ or ‘Agharti’ consists of humans, most of whom have no real enmity towards those on the surface, other than ‘their’ desire to protect their world from intrusion from undesirables.

Although, as in most other civilizations in the world, small groups of ‘renegades’ may exist among them who may be tied into the MIB-Reptilian scenario; but for the most part the inhabitants of this realm are believed to be relatively friendly. In fact, according to one source this civilization was founded upon conflict with the serpent race or ‘Lizard’ beings, who were allegedly driven from those particular caverns when the ancestors of the present Aghartians or SOME of the present inhabitants of Agharti encountered them.

This ancient ‘war’ was believed to have taken place after their ancestors, who at one time lived on the surface, first discovered this ancient underground realm and the malevolent influences of the serpent races which had for ages been manipulating the minds of people on the surface via ‘witchcraft.’

Also, many of the cavern civilizations in the western hemisphere are believed to be allied with the Aghartians, the Telosians of Mt. Shasta being included as one of the North American sub-colonies allegedly tied in with the Agharti network.
Perhaps the most complete descriptions of this underground realm come from the two travellers Ferdinand Ossendowski and Nicholas Roerich.

To begin, we will quote from Ossendowski’s writings as they appear in his book ‘BEASTS, MEN AND GODS’ (1922. E.P. Dutton & Co., N.Y.).

Quoting from the chapter ‘THE SUBTERRANEAN KINGDOM’ (pp. 300- 311) we read:

“…On my journey into Central Asia I came to know for the first time about the ‘Mystery of Mysteries,’ which I can call by no other name. At the outset I did not pay much attention to it and did not attach to it such importance as I afterwards realized belonged to it, when I had analyzed and connected many sporadic, hazy and often controversial bits of evidence.”The old people on the shore of the river Amyl related to me an ancient legend to the effect that a certain Mongolian tribe in their escape from the demands of Genghis Khan hid themselves in a subterranean country.

Related:  The Underground Empire 5

Afterwards a Soyot from near the Lake of Nogan Kul showed me the smoking gate that serves as the entrance to the ‘Kingdom of Agharti.’ Through this gate a hunter formerly entered into the Kingdom and, after his return, began to relate what he had seen there. The Lamas cut out his tongue in order to prevent him from telling about the Mystery of Mysteries. When he arrived at old age, he came back to the entrance of this cave and disappeared into the subterranean kingdom, the memory of which had ornamented and lightened his nomad heart.

“…The favorite Gelong Lama of Prince Chultun Beyli and the Prince himself gave me an account of the subterranean kingdom.”‘Everything in the world,’ said the Gelong, ‘is constantly in a state of change and transition–peoples, science, religions, laws and customs. How many great empires and brilliant cultures have perished! And that alone which remains unchanged is Evil, the tool of Bad Spirits. More than 60,000 years ago a holyman disappeared with a whole tribe of people under the ground and never appeared again on the surface of the earth.

Many people, however, have since visited this kingdom, Sakkia Mouni, Undur Gheghen, Paspa, Khan Baber and others. No one knows where this place is. One says Afghanistan, others India. All the people there are protected against Evil and crimes to not exist within its bourns. Science has there developed calmly and nothing is threatened with destruction. The subterranean people have reached the highest knowledge…”

(Note: The 60,000 year period is probably greatly exaggerated. According to an American “monk” by the name of Ernest Dickhoff, as described in his book ‘AGHARTA’, the human habitation of this realm was initiated no more than a few thousand years ago, after the deluge, when an Asian Prince entered with an army of humans and fought with the Reptilians who had taken possession of these caverns.

Much activity and growth may have nonetheless taken place within such an uncontested civilization within the few thousand years since, according to Dickhoff, it’s human habitation. According to one source, over 20,000,000 persons now reside in Agharti, and many more on the surface accept it’s existence. It is said that an ancient “library” exists between the surface and Agharti, in underground vaults to which certain Asian ‘initiates’ have access. Below or beyond these vaults, the kingdom itself is said to exist. – Branton)

“Prince Chultun Beyli added: ‘This kingdom is Agharti. It extends throughout all the subterranean passages of the whole world. I heard a learned Lama of China relating to Bogdo Khan that all the subterranean caves of America are inhabited by the ancient people who have disappeared underground. Traces of them are still found on the surface of the land. These subterranean peoples and spaces are governed by rulers owing allegiance to the King of the World…'”

(Note: If the subterranean of America was once MOSTLY inhabited by humans who migrated there from the surface or other parts of the inner world, then the fact of the MODERN DAY infiltration of the saurian or serpent races into the underground of America must suggest that the major infestation occurred sometime within the last two or three centuries. The so-named ‘King of the World’ is apparently a reference to the present leader of the council of Agharti, which would probably make whoever held such a position the most influential man in the world, for good or evil.

And in fact, according to former Dulce Base security worker ‘Thomas C.’, certain of the U.S. Presidents in the past have held conferences with these kings of Agharti. A succession of many such ‘kings’ have allegedly reigned over this underground realm, most of them probably receiving more adoration than they deserve and have apparently been regarded as ‘gods’ by some of the residents of the subterranean world.

This would not necessarily be the fault of these ‘kings’, many of whom according to sources HAVE acknowledged a higher potentate than themselves and allegedly even pray to Almighty ‘God’ on behalf of humanity. Just like the Popes of Rome or rulers and presidents of the surface nations, these Agharian ‘kings’ possessed their own personalities, some being perhaps more suited to reign than others, but nevertheless should be respected as the elected(?) representatives of perhaps tens of millions of persons who dwell within the inner world.

The name of one such king, according to one source, was ‘Rigdon Jyepo’. Names of other Agharian rulers are unknown except, perhaps, to the inhabitants of Agharti itself. – Branton)

Prince Chultun, speaking to the author, continued:

Related:  The Underground Empire 2

“‘…In underground caves there exists a peculiar light which affords growth to the grains and vegetables and long life without disease to the people. There are many different peoples and many different tribes. An old Buddhist Brahman in Nepal was carrying out the will of the ‘gods’ in making a visit to the ancient kingdom of Genghis,–Siam,– where he met a fisherman who ordered him to take a place in his boat and sail with him upon the sea. On the third day they reached an island where he met a people having two tongues which could speak separately in different languages.

They showed to him peculiar, unfamiliar animals, tortoises with sixteen feet and one eye, huge snakes with a very tasty flesh and birds with teeth which caught fish for their masters in the sea. These people told him that they had come up out of the subterranean kingdom and described to him certain parts of the underground country.’

“The Lama Turgut traveling with me from Urga to Peking gave me further details.”‘The capital of Agharti is surrounded with towns of high priests and scientists. It reminds one of Lhasa where the palace of the Dalai Lama, the Potala, is the top of a mountain covered with monasteries and temples.”‘…In cars strange and unknown to us they rush through the narrow cleavages inside our planet. Some Indian Brahmans and Tibetan Dalai Lamas during their laborious struggles to the peaks of mountains which no other human feet had trod have found there inscriptions on the rocks, footprints in the snow and tracks of wheels.

The blissful Sakkia Mouni found on one mountain top tablets of stone carrying words which he only understood in his old age and afterwards penetrated into the Kingdom of Agharti, from which he brought back crumbs of the sacred learning preserved in his memory.'”

Ferdinand remembered a particular conversation with one Lama:

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