We continue now with the interview with ‘Sharula’:
“INSIGHTS: Earlier, you mentioned… you had to petition the Aghartha, the ones in charge of the inner earth cities. Are there other cities in existence?”
“SHARULA: Oh, yes. There are many. There are over one hundred inner earth cities. Some of them are very similar…”
“INSIGHTS: How does one travel from city to city or from surface to inner city?”
“SHARULA: Probably the most common method is what we call the ‘tubes.’ It is a series of underground trains. We’ve bored tunnels that run underneath all the oceans and all the continents and connect all the cities and several of the retreats. The trains, which look very much like a subway train, are run on a cushion of air, an electromagnetic cushion, so they never actually touch the sides of the tunnel. This cushion creates a force field without friction and therefore they can achieve very high speeds. The trains are capable of running over 3,000 mph.”
“INSIGHTS: Between the surface and the inner cities, how does one travel?”
“SHARULA: There are several entrances that open to the surface. We’ll use that method or we’ll use a ship which is run by the silver fleet.”
“INSIGHTS: The silver fleet…explain that please.”
“SHARULA: …The silver fleet is made up of beings from the Agharthean cities. Many of the ships that people see in the air are silver fleets’ ships, except for the ‘nasties.”
“INSIGHTS: How can you identify a silver fleet ship as opposed to the ‘nasties,’ as you call them?”
“SHARULA: …all the Confederation ships run off of ‘divine’ geometrics (or rather, ‘cosmic’ geometrics – Branton). The ships will be either cylinder (cigar?) or they will be saucer shaped or they will be round. There are NOT a lot of protrusions and angles; they have a tendency to be smooth. The ships that come in boomerang shapes and other weird configurations are usually not Confederation ships.”
(Note: although this may be true to some extent, in recent years according to some reports the saurian grays have begun to use the ‘disk’ or ‘saucer’ shape also more frequently. The ‘triangular’ craft seen en masse in Belgium, etc. are apparently ‘gray’ craft according to abductees there, which would tend to confirm some of what Bonnie or Sharula is saying. Also, these ‘boomerang’ craft have often been seen in connection with the Archuleta sub-base network of the southwestern U.S., which would seem to indicate from what Sharula has said that the “Dulce” network is largely under the control of the ‘nasties’, or the draconian powers, as many other sources allege that it is. – Branton)
“INSIGHTS: Let’s talk about the people themselves, the Telosians. What would a typical Telosian look like?”
“SHARULA: The typical Telosian has a slightly golden tone to their skin and have a tendency toward high cheek bones and slightly almond shaped eyes. Most Telosians run toward light hair and we have all eye colors. The men are generally 7′ to 7’6″ in height and the women are generally 6’6″ to 7’1″ in height. When we come to the surface we have a process of altering the molecules of our bodies so that we are able to appear the same height as people here on the surface.”
“INSIGHTS: Does your civilization have any of the social problems that ours seem to have, like: pollution, hunger, homeless people and water droughts?”
“SHARULA: No. We don’t have pollution because we are able to monitor our systems at all times. We have learned to accelerate the atom. When the first scientists started working with atoms they didn’t realize that they weren’t meant to shatter the atom for energy; they were meant to accelerate the atom for energy that won’t die out and won’t produce hazardous afterform. Because we learned to accelerate the atoms, we’re also able to dematerialize all of our waste matter and return it back to its original form…”
“INSIGHTS: Is the U.S. Government aware of the existence of Telos and the other underground cities?”
“SHARULA: Yes. For a long time they have been trying to get in, to access the information of Telos and the silver fleet. The promise of what they need would be given to them, but in return there are several things they have to do or quit doing.”
“INSIGHTS: What was it that they were given to do or stop doing?”
“SHARULA: Basically, return the country to what it was founded on and return to an open and honest government, so that every citizen has access to what’s happening in the government.”
(Note: i.e. Constitutionally-based government, Bill of Rights’s, etc.? If this is Sharula’s interpretation of an ‘open’ government, then we must assume that the Telosians, or at least many of them, are opposed to the present plans to establish a one-world socialist dictatorship or ‘New World Order’ which will no doubt impose tremendous threats upon individual liberty of conscience.
The reader may recall the information from an earlier file to the effect that human ‘benevolents’ were working with the U.S. Government in the Nevada Military complex against the saurian grays. Their ‘teachings’ stated that the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights was very much respected by them. Also, could these be allied with the same ‘human’ aliens who landed in Florida after the two giant asteroid-ships took up a geosynchronous orbit around the earth, and warned us not to have any dealing with these ‘gray’ aliens, and offered their own assistance if we disarmed our nuclear weapons?
Were ‘they’ tied in with the Telosian ‘Blonds’ or the Pleiadean ‘Nordics’? Some accounts suggest that both human groups are at least aware of each other, and possibly have an alliance with each other. Now that the Soviet Union has broken up and the ‘need’ for intercontinental ballistic nuclear missiles has been decreased, will the U.S. government break-off their self-destructive alliance with the ‘grays’ and instead seek alliances with the human groups who had originally warned them about the grays? – Branton)
“INSIGHTS: Are you referring to the government’s interaction with other ‘extraterrestrial’ (and/or ‘innerterrestrials’ – Branton) that are not of the silver fleet?”
(Note: The interviewer is no doubt referring to the ‘pact’ which the secret government was manipulated and deceived into making with the reptilian ‘Grays’, and subsequently with other branches of the ‘serpent race’ – Branton)
“SHARULA: Yes. That is only one.” “INSIGHTS: When was the government first introduced to Telos?”
“SHARULA: They have been aware of the subterranean cities and they have been aware of Telos since the country’s conception. It is only near the turn of the century that they started taking action. This action did not get really aggressive until the 1950’s.” Note: There are indications that some members of certain Masonic-type ‘secret government’ societies, such as the Rosicrucian Order, have attempted to establish contact with the subterranean residents of Mt. Shasta, although it is uncertain just what might have come of this. Several encounters with the ‘Blondes’ (both subterran and exterran?) have revealed ‘their’ own concern about what is taking place with the abductions and mutilations of human beings by the sauroid Grays, although many of these groups claim that they cannot ‘interfere’ with the problem due to some ‘cosmic law’ of non-intervention.
This may be true with those ‘Nordic’ or ‘Blonde’ societies who hail from other planetary bodies, such as the Taurians, Lyrans, Eridanians, and Cetusians (the latter of whom seem to be taking the most action to help their brothers here on earth, in essence interfering with the saurian ‘interferers’ from the Draconis, Bootes, Reticuli, Canis, etc. constellations), and the ‘Solar Tribunal’ groups of Mars, Luna, Saturn, etc., and so on.
However, in the case of the Telosian-Aghartian alliance, this ‘non-intervention’ policy would not apply, since this is their world also, and they are just as native to earth as anyone else living on this planet. In light of this fact, and especially in light of their own awareness of the reptilian-saurian threat, we would urge them (if by chance they are reading this) to reconsider such a stance and join with their fellow human brothers and sisters on the surface in defending our society from this ancient threat. According to Sharula, in another interview, the city of Telos exists on five different levels. The bottom level is about one and one-half miles across, while the other levels are different.
The closest level to the mountain itself is about three-quarters of a mile across. This would allow for the possibility of “housing” a large number of inhabitants in a more concentrated area than surface cities could permit, being that surface areas can only be inhabited on the one (surface) level, except for high-rises. This might explain the large (million- and-a-half) population of this particular sub-city. As a possible confirmation of the above, we quote the following transcript of parts of an interview between John Lear and the National Fringe Sciences Bulletin Board:
Question: You just mentioned that there were… other ‘species’ in contact with this world… are they aware of the EBE’s?
Related:  The Underground Empire 2

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