Utah’s Underground

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Location:  Utah | Arizona
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown
Notes:  “A-K warriors watching undercover and very secretive government movements going on in southern Utah and northern Arizona by the government and archaeology dept. of Utah. They are mapping the Anasazi underground caverns and tunnel systems in Arizona, Utah, Nevada, and New Mexico. This action has been going on for about 2 years.

They are using a new development of radar coupled with seismographic signals. One of our spies in the government said recently that they have made some rather astounding discoveries. Navaho and Kaweah warriors are watching this gab gang of white men. Kaweah warriors in Arizona are looking for two gold hunters in south Arizona area.”
Source:   “Anasazi Underground“, a report from AMERICAN INDIAN DEFENSE, Hutchinson, Kansas

Location:  Alpine Utah
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown
Notes:  This “suburban legend” involves a farmer near Alpine who solicited the help of some other men to move a large boulder in his field. The boulder was moved, only to reveal a tunnel leading downward. They descended the sloping tunnel but came to a place where their progress was prevented by a “giant serpent“. In fear, they went back to the surface and re-sealed the shaft with the boulder.
Source:   K. Studstrup

Location:  Canyonlands National Park Utah
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown
Notes:  The Druid Arch area is reportedly the site of a joint alien-military base. Many unusual phenomena have been described, including strange men “posing” as park rangers discouraging people from going into certain “public” areas, the invisible military personnel who could only be seen as reflections in mirrors, UFO sightings, and manifestations, and also a high level of electromagnetic energy which adversely affects electronic equipment. 
Source:  “Lands of Ancient Star People“, article by Robert Morning Sky in UFO UNIVERSE, Spring, 1996

Location:  Drain Utah
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown
Notes:  The “Main Drain” Cave was found to be the deepest official cave (to date) in Utah
Source:  http://www.cavediggers.com/MainDrain.pdf

Location:  Dugway Utah
Functions: Chemical Storage, Radiation storage.
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Dreamland and Dulce
Notes:   Reported underground connection to the Sub-Global network, and also reports of automatons and reptilian humanoids operating under holographic human disguises, who have been seen to transform temporarily to their alien state, according to a hairstylist and a worker at an auto shop in the town of Dugway who both witnesses such temporary transformations.

Related:  1998: The Dulce, New Mexico base.

Location:  Green River Utah
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown

Location:  Kennecott Mines Utah
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown
Notes:  Kennecott Copper Company has been connected to the Illuminati and the KKK. These connections have been exposed in other writings by this author. Kennecott’s mine (reported to be owned by the World Bank) in the Salt Lake City area is serviced by Union Pacific, which is reported connected to the Mormon Church. The mine is receiving a heavy volume of big trucks after 11 pm for instance, in a normal night over 6 dozen large trucks with 2 trailers each rolling into the mine. In other words, it appears that the heavy train & tractor-trailer activity indicates something besides mining.

granite_mountainLocation:  Little Cottonwood Canyon Utah
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown
Notes:  A few miles up the canyon there are 3 switchbacks on the north side of the road, with security signs posted, leading up to the “granite” cliffs.

The first switchback leads to the underground records vault maintained by the Mormon church, which has an underground but “off-limits” connecting passage which leads deeper into the mountain, to a massive cavern where military and alien personnel collaborate, and in which witnesses have observed massive construction projects and large underground buildings in which humans and greys have been seen working at benches on electronic [mind control, etc.] equipment.

Also, reports of a “Melchizedek” lodge penetrating the Mormon/LDS and Masonic lodges, the Mt. Shasta Mayan colony, and other ‘lodges’ in Sirius and Arcturus, which have formerly maintained treaties with the grey aliens although many of them have turned against the greys as a result of their betrayals of interactive treaties. The 2nd and 3rd switchbacks going up the canyon both intersect at the same point, which is apparently the main surface entrance to the underground “military” facility.

Location:  between Salem and Thistle Utah
Functions: Religions archives storage.
Levels: Multiple – 1 -?
Tunnels to: Delta, Colorado Riverton, Wyoming
Notes:  Under the mountains between Salem and Thistle [ghost town] Utah, there are, according to reports, caverns in which a joint Nazi – Masonic – Reptilian underground facility is maintained. Also reports of massive alien/reptilian “infiltration” activity in the area and especially along the “Wasatch Front” of the Western Rockies. 

Related:  1992: Underground Bases in Southern California

Location:  Salt Lake City Airport Utah
Functions: Underground FEMA facility
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown

Location:  Salt Lake City: Mormon Caverns Utah
Functions: Religions archives storage. Underground FEMA facility
Levels: Multiple – 1 -?
Tunnels to: Delta, Colorado Riverton, Wyoming
Notes:  Massive underground facility for human cloning, beneath the University of Utah, where human cloning has been carried out at least since 1977.

Location:  Salt Lake City: Below Crossroads Plaza Utah
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown
Notes:  Below Crossroads Plaza [via the EXITS behind the “Crossroads Cinemas” theater on the “right”{?} and also under “manhole” covers within and outside of the mall] are reportedly ancient tunnels that were discovered by early construction workers and excavators, some of which have been refurbished. Also hints of a human/alien collaboration in the area.

The tunnels, catacombs, and cavern systems below reportedly involve the following:

  • Dangerous encounters with reptilian humanoids,
  • federal agency involvement,
  • men were seen in a 300 ft. long chamber wearing suits and carrying Uzi machine guns,
  • holographically concealed side passages,
  • a greenish glow was seen emanating from behind a locked[?] door in the 3rd sub-level below Crossroads,
  • ancient wooden doors blocking passages that lead north – also on the 3rd sub-level, tunnels under the NE corner of the Crossroads plaza leading south and east that are blocked by metal gates,
  • a huge passage “large enough to drive a semi through” leading south and strung with lights at the bottom of a multi-leveled concrete shaft with descending trap doors,
  • three-toed footprints and a seemingly bottomless pit seen in the cavern from which the the “semi” tunnel extends southward,
  • rumors of over 100 miles of passages some ancient and some modern,
  • several accounts of people who have disappeared in the underground labyrinth,
  • paranormal manifestations,
  • and whispered rumors of connections to a vast system of cavern-networks covering an area of about 1000 miles diameter and part of an uncollapsed segment of an ancient global aquifer which collapsed forming the ocean beds – a vast system of caverns with penetrates Utah and extends into parts of Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, and Colorado.


Location:  Wattis Utah
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown
Notes:  “Nearly a year ago workers of the Lion Coal Corp’s Wattis mine of Wattis, Utah, broke into a network of tunnels which appeared to be of great antiquity. According to A. B. Foulger, vice president and general manager of the company, the miners were advancing down the center of a 3, OOO-foot peninsula branching off from the mountain where the mine is located.

Related:  Oklahoma's Underground

They were working an eight-foot coal seam at 8,500 feet.

“As they moved down the peninsula, the miners ran into pockets of coal that had oxidized to the point that it could almost be scooped off the face with bare hands. They encountered larger and larger pockets of this lifeless coal until at last, they hit two tunnels, about 200 feet apart.

“In May 1953, both the tunnels appeared to be between five and six feet in height and width. Because of moisture, the coal between the two tunnels had deteriorated to the point where it was no longer merchantable.

“Several of the miners crawling down these old drifts a short distance found that the tunnels were about half full of slack coal. Rooms had been mined off from either side of the tunnels…

“By the testimony of the mining engineers, they were of such great antiquity that the coal had weathered to uselessness for any kind of burning or heat. By the testimony of the miners, there were not only tunnels but coal mining rooms.

“By our conclusion, therefore, the tunnels were dug by an ancient race which used the coal for some purpose.

“It is no answer to say ‘we can’t be sure because we don’t know that the Indians in this area used coal.’

“The facts remain: here are ancient mines; they were dug by someone, if not the Indians, by someone else. Certainly by someone who preceded the white man to this area. Possibly by someone who preceded the Indians.”

Source:  pages 7-10 of the July 1954 issue of FATE magazine:

Location:  Zion Canyon Utah
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown
Notes:  Reports of a vast underground drainage system which receives the waters of the Great American desert of Utah, Nevada, Arizona, and California, stretching from Zion Canyon, to the Grand Canyon of Arizona, to the Carson Sink of Nevada, and to the Mojave desert of California, through which large subterranean rivers flow.
Source:  Letter from Chuck Edwards in THE HIDDEN WORLD, issue A-8 [1962]; The Conspiracy Against Reality

Location:  Utah
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown

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