Thanks to Neal Adams for his permission to post these great videos.
Source site by Neal Adams:
Question: Relative to your videos, I have one question… As the land goes back together, the ocean seems to disappear. What happened to the water? Weren’t the oceans displaced over the land?
Neal Adams: In making the video I had to ignore the water level completely. And I did. Because if I focused on that. nothing about the upper tectonic plates would make any sense VISUALLY.
Going backward in time, in fact the percentage of the Earth covered with water would remain nearly the same… About two thirds.
This is because when there were no deep seas on the earth, there were, what were called shallow seas covering two-thirds of the land. This process from one to the other was gradual and evolutionary.
Of course this is perfectly logical and scientifically understandable. Since all elements are produced in common amounts at the core of the Earth as are the gases including Oxygen and Hydrogen. If, as the Earth grows, it’s field increases, that field will hold the Earth’s gases from flying off into space to a greater extent as the Earth grows. Water will increase in amount,but not percentage. A bigger Earth holds more water on it’s bigger surface and greater mass.
Incidentally that increase in amount and depth of water , means also that that deeper that water will get, in general, colder at depth… leading to colder winters and ice ages,… as we have now . There was no such thing as ice ages and icy winter or frozen poles in the ages of the dinosaurs.(Nor in fact, to be precise , were there Mountains in the ages of dinosaurs, therefore nor were there rivers fed by frozen ice capped mountains. There was merely runoff, which can be similar but ever-changing in depth.
It is reasonable to assume that dinosaurs migrated hemispherically. until the breaking up of the upper continental plates destroyed their migratory pathways. This contributed to the depletion of dinosaur families until a final extinction 63 million years ago when migratory pathways were totally cut off.