Name: Andromedans | Andromedas

Member Name: Andromedan Star Nations.

Accepted into the Galactic FederationApproximately 3.5 million years ago.


Location  – Home System: The Constellation of Andromeda

Distance from Earth: Approximately 150 to over 4,000 Light Years.

Attitude: The Andromedan Council has ordered all extraterrestrial presences on the planet, on the planet, and on the moon to be completely out of our space. They want everything that’s ET, benevolent or not, off the planet. 


Physical Appearance: Humanoids similar in appearance to Earth humans. They usually wear the traditional multicolored Galactic Federation jumpsuits  Andromedans consist of two basic Earth human types:

  1. The first is a Caucasian that ranges from a so-called “Nordic” type (blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin), to a “Mediterranean” type (light to dark brown hair, gray to brown eyes, tanned-looking skin).
  2. The second is a typical Oriental, with dark hair, dark Asian eyes and skin color that varies from very pale brown to a dark shade of brown.
  • Average HeightAverage WeightBody Temperature
    • Male: 5 feet, 7 inches to almost 7 feet (1.7 to 2.12 meters).
    • Female: 5 feet, 4 inches to almost 6 feet, 4 inches (1.63 to 1.93 meters) high.
  • Pulse/Respiration:
  • Blood Pressure:
  • Life Expectancy:
  • Hair:
  • EyesThe eyes of all Andromedans are slightly larger than those of Earth humans.
  • Skin: light blue skin, but when they age, the skin becomes more white
  • Sex:  Male & Female – Andromedan women are noted for their alluring energies and their quite buxom figures.
  • Average Age: 2007 years

Other Physical Information: The lips are thin and colored almost a light pink, while the ears are fitted slightly lower on the side of the head and are slightly smaller in size. The hands and the feet are delicate in appearance with long fingers and toes.

See also  1993: Human Type Aliens

Special Traits and Abilities: Andromedans are noted in the Galactic Federation for their mastery of all forms of scientific endeavor.

Communication Type: 

Average Amount of Sleep Needed: About 2 hours per day.

Language: Andromedans speak a language whose dialects vary from a Spanish- or Italian-like sound to one that is more tonal and guttural in its intonation.

Origin: they are the oldest race in our galaxy and are very concerned about our future.

Life Form Type: Humanoid


Most Common Species:

Level of Species:


Transportation Type: Andromedan ships range in shape from their traditional sombrero- shaped scout ships that measure some 50 to 65 feet (15 to 20 meters) across, to lens-shaped small atmospheric command ships that are up to a half-mile (805 meters) in length.

Witnesses Reports:

  • Several sources, including “Branton,” mention that the Andromedans are a member of the Federation of Planets.
  • Some people claim to have been in contact for a long period of time with the inhabitants of a planet within the Andromeda constellation. Alex Collier is one of them. He says that “they are the oldest race in our galaxy and are very concerned about our future. They have light blue skin, but when they age, the skin becomes more white. The average age of Andromedans is 2007 years. Collier’s contacts say in December 2013, we will cease to exist as 3rd density beings, and move up to 4th density(we are still 3rd density). They say on Mar 23, 1994, energy began radiating from black holes at the base of each galaxy to help in this transition. The contacts say the primate race was created by the Draconians, and first brought to Mars, than Earth. Back then, the earth was closer to Mars and covered with ice. They say humans are part of a soul group that they call Paa Tal, which was opposed to the Draconian influence and has warred with them for hundreds of thousands of years. They say that earth will be ruled by Draconian tyranny approx. 350 years from now (about 2352 AD) and have traced the shift of energy to our solar system, (about 1995). Specifically to the earth, moon, and Mars.
  • The Andromedan council agreed that all ET life should be removed from the earth, moon, and Phobos by Aug 12, 2003 (?). They say there are only 2000 original grey aliens, and most of them are on Phobos, a moon of Mars. (Most of the other Greys are clones, thereby supporting the hypothesis that the grays are dying as a race due to genetic stagnation and they are looking for new DNA to revive their race.) If the aliens are not out of the moon by 2003, they will pull the moon out of orbit to ‘deal with it.‘ (didn’t Happen)They say our moon is an artificial satellite from another star system (the star Chauta in Ursa Minor). ” (Quoted by Chuck Roberts in his Mystical Encyclopedia).
  • Wendelle Stevens mentions another Andromedan contactee. In 1972, Mexican Professor Hernandez was told by one of his students, ‘Lya, that she came from the planet Inxtria, revolving around Beta Andromeda (Mirach, 197 light-years away). Her message mainly was one of the ecological concerns.

Special Features/Characteristics: a type of Andromedans were the “blue race” that supposedly landed in Florida in 1954 which are believed to be The Star warriors mentioned by the Hopi Indians

Summary/Description: These are a non-physical race of purely awesome ancient angelic beings from the Andromeda galaxy. They ultimately are the spiritual force behind the Ashtar command and are the leaders behind the Pleiadians and our whole human branch of evolution!

Not only that, but they are the guiding power behind at least one other completely different branch of evolution:

The Cygnusian races – quite slimy, amphibian-like creatures who come from planets in the constellation Cygnus. Again, the way the Andromeda galaxy beings are helping the beings in our own Milky Way galaxy grow is a microcosmic example of how the Pleiadians civilization is helping our Earth civilization grow.0

The Andromedan Council has ordered all extraterrestrial presences on the planet, on the planet, and on the moon to be completely out of our space. They want everything that’s ET, benevolent or not, off the planet.

This will be very interesting since there are over 1,833 reptilians living on our planet and over 18,000 grays living underground and on the moon. The council would like to see how we will live with each other when we are not being manipulated by ETs, as we have been for the last 5,723 years


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