Name: Dinosauroid | Terrans = Descended from Dinosaurs AKA: Location  – Home System: EARTH Distance from Earth: 0 Attitude: Motives: Physical Appearance: “Russell calls his imaginary creature a ‘Dinosauroid’ which would look like a hairless, green-skinned reptile with a bulging skull, luminous cat-like eyes, and three-fingered hands… “The amphibians evolved into a humanoid species that eventually developed a culture that ran its course or was destroyed in an Atlantis-like catastrophe—just after they had begun exploring extraterrestrial frontiers. Certain UFOnauts, then, maybe the descendants of the survivors of that amphibian culture RETURNING from their space colony to monitor the present dominant species on the HOME planet.” Average Height: Average Weight: Body Temperature: Pulse/Respiration: Blood Pressure: Hair: Skin: Eyes: Life Expectancy: Other Physical Information: Special Traits and Abilities: Communication […] Read More