2000: Memories before the Flood

Sirius A / B – This is the Original Homeworld of the Feline Family line, these have been expressed in Egyptian Mythology [Sekhmet, Bekhat]. I also notate a very curious relationship in between the Orcas and Whales with Sirius. I see Sirius as one of the main original star systems with planets where the Higher Harmonic form of many Earth Based Mamallian creatures originate from. I see an especially strong connection to the The Felines (the Lion People), which probably a couple of people could confirm through their intuitive empathic sense. You see, the Lion/Sphinx on the the Giza Plateua, and the whole entire pyramid complex as well as all the other sacred sites around the planet are part of a Gigantic Astrological Super-Computer, this can be […] Read More