Sirius A / B – This is the Original Homeworld of the Feline Family line, these have been expressed in Egyptian Mythology [Sekhmet, Bekhat]. I also notate a very curious relationship in between the Orcas and Whales with Sirius. I see Sirius as one of the main original star systems with planets where the Higher Harmonic form of many Earth Based Mamallian creatures originate from. I see an especially strong connection to the The Felines (the Lion People), which probably a couple of people could confirm through their intuitive empathic sense.

You see, the Lion/Sphinx on the the Giza Plateua, and the whole entire pyramid complex as well as all the other sacred sites around the planet are part of a Gigantic Astrological Super-Computer, this can be understood by doing research into like Archaeo-Astronomy [ie Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval, Maurice Cotterell, etc]. We all know that the pyramids are in mathematically calculated aligned with the stars. But you see, I think that the ‘Original Civilization’ – the one which exists across multiple star systems had reached further ingression into the way the people in ancient times perceived things [in otherwords – more than likely prior to the worldwide flood there was open acceptance of the influence and overseeing of humanity by those who are from otherworlds, or at least our ancestral heritage in these regards was acknoweldged, the human species – eh].

After the flood occurred pretty much humanity’s entire understanding base was wiped out. Like we have already become aware, as the flood was occurring or before – Noah was told to build a boat. Well myths are fragments basically, that is a fact. There are mirror reflections and great truths that can be gleaned from piecing them back together. I see it as after the flood occurred, there were various locations that served as repositories – where the information was stored. Of course we have destroyed most of these repositories – supposedly the Vatican Library where a good majority of it is at [all the fragments].

The obvious Repositories that I can think of were fragments are apparent, or thoughout a specific cultures expression [it can be perceived that they held onto ingressions of the alchemical stellar gnosis]. When one looks at things through a multi-level spectrum, one can see that there were expressions – even if they were only held onto within the Sacred Texts. The thing is this process involving what we call the destruction of Antlantis & Lemuria .. well according to the Hindu’s there have been like 4 previous root races I believe prior to ours. I would see a certain correlation in between this and the way the ancient Mayans saw our times as an ending of the 4th world and beginning of the 5th. This has not been a process that just occurred over night.

Mayan Calandar
Mayan Calandar (Photo credit: Space Ritual)

We know according to the Mayan Calandar that it measures the Lunar Cycle and also an Intergalactic Cycle. Various people have begun to work this out – Jose Arguelles, Humbatz Men, supposedly Mayan Calandar notates 25,860 Cyclic Orbit of our Star System through the 12 signs of the zodiac. This calandar can supposdely be calculated forwards and backwards in time millions of years [indefinitely].

Then there is specific mechanism associated with the Mayan Calandar, the Tzolkin – this is basically a Digital Mechanism that helps one to understand these various inter-relationships and how to navigate through the time locks. Time Locks are encodement mechanisms that exist woven within us, and keep us from accessing the entirety of the dimensional spectrum. {this is why with the Tzolkin or Dream-Spell, their are spectral tones, frequencies, for each day, etc].

The thing is, we have found remains of anatomically modern humans dating backwards in time in between 750,000-1.5 million years. I had Hank Wesselman as an instructor for a Semester – Shared Wisdom. He is like a shamnic anthropologist, but I guess he worked with the Leakeys back in the day. This does not exactly fit into the fact that there were also Neandrathals.

There is alot of Gaps in our fossil record and actually I think our whole entire scienfitc model of the evolutionary process needs to be turned upside down. If we are to truly understand our concepts of God, the Devil, Good, Evil .. and how this all intertwines into the Universal Symbolism and awareness that is rapidly being gained – there is still alot of context that has not yet entered the pictures we’ve formed. To think that humanity solely evolved through Natural Selection from Apes is wrong, and it is also wrong that we mis-understand and have so much distorted our original conception of those who are godlike [hence we can not clearly discern our own potential and the truth of our stellar heritage]..


Ainu man, circa 1880.
Ainu man, circa 1880. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Tibet / China / Himalayas – These people have held in tact many of the original teachings, one of the oldest continous civilizations. … the Ainu people don’t quite fit in, where are they from. The Chinese have a very strong respect for the Dragons [see Draconis below]. If we are to consider that the human species ancestry is stellar, it would definitely be interesting to note the racial characteristics of asiatic hominids.

Austrailia – The Aboriginees should probably be considered as those who have held onto this knowledge for the longest, I have read that the circuits within their soul matrix loops reach back 65,000 years .. memory imprints – they have access to this through the way they perceive things and their ‘dream-time’.

Sumeria / Assyria – Babylon [Akkadic] – We see a strong Nephilim/Annunaki influence throughout these times, I would say that after the flood to a certain degree humanity was being re-acculturalized by various extraterrestrial groups who have had their own motivations .. there is also a strong tie in here relating to the Caucus Mountains [Indo-Aryan Invaders]. Is also important to notate the ‘Zigguraut’ structures. There were chicks having sex with the Nephilim back in the ancient days, like it says in Genesis 6 – talking about those who came down from the Stars .. seeing the daughters of man as fine in form and robust in sexuality. Jelaila Starr would say ‘NIBIRU’.

I would wager that after the global flood and the civilization was demolished, I see there being a human element and other species involved; but there were also dynamics relating to the natural stellar and planetary cycles that contributed to the demse. Our recorded history basically picks up with the human species after some worldwide catastrophe as being hunter-gatherers. Well what the heck do you think happens after a major ice age ends and man made/other planetary catastrophes initiate a major geologic shift. There is evidence that there could have even been a crustal displacement 13,000 years ago .. as is evidenced by finding Mammoths in Siberia.

See also  1998: What the Aliens Left Me

Persia [istanbul/turkey/pakistan] – I see Ancient Persia, with roots in Zorastrianism; which would probably be considered the first really balanced understanding and expression of the unification in between opposing polarities. Their understanding of the universal mechanics through the shape of Persian Architecture and spiral lines in their edifices, etc.

Egypt – The Most Obvious location, Central Grid Node of Ancient Holographic Crystalline Super-Computer Grid Network. Backwards in time, prior to the flood; I have seen that the pyramids were part of this sort of interstellar communications system – a sort of hyper-dimensional resonant link .. Movies like Stargate and the whole connection throughout time into modern days, ie: Pyramid on the Back of the Dollar bill, etc .. etc. Specific myths like those of Isis and Osirus are intricately connected to Sirius.

Rome & Jerusalem – King Solomon – link to Babylon, through Jesuit orders. Can’t really say too much about this .. remember Vatican Libraries – biggest modern day repository [besides probably CIA, FBI, and other Alphabet Agencies – of the modern days pieces to put things into context].

Central Africa – There is going to be a major headline which breaks global news that will tie Central Africa to Jerusalem, I am not quite sure what it revolves around yet though. Obviously in relation to Sirius there is the Dogon Tribe, they say they got their knowing from those who were not from around here. All I can say is that yes, many of the characteristics of humans or the developments have occurred through natural selction and adaptation within a particular environment. There have always been those from the stars who have been involved in interbreeding and also other species [genetic manipulation].

Greece – Pythagoras, Hermes Trismegstus, Socrates, Plato .. this is the first foundations .. the roots of Western Civilization. I seem to have a very strong soul level connection with an old man named Andrejas Drakovich. He was a lonely old scribe who spent 38 years in exhile hiding – meanwhile translating sacred texts by Candle-light. I send many thanks to him for the time which he spent in hiding meanwhile working for the greater whole – without being acknowledged & without the touch or caring of any other beings [besides those invisibles with which he worked].

Ireland [Celtic/Teutonic – Druids ?] – Mostly note the intricately woven celtic artwork, alot of serpentine characteristics. I would say there is a strong relationship in here to both London and Stonehenge – the throne of England also.

South America – Of course most famous are the Mayans, interesting to notate sculptures of very big heads with seemingly african hominid characteristics. Huge pyramids just like in Ancient Egpt. The Mayans seemed to be balanced in Lunar & Solar Recognition .. Conquistadors came over, what the heck were the Natives doing waiting for White Men to return to herald a shift in the unfoldment of things. How had they even known of other races before ?

Within these various cultures, there are so many fragments that compose a picture that not only shows us the existence of Otherworlds as a physical reality. By this I mean other Star Systems possessing planet’s with Living Systems .. it also shows examples of cross breeding or genetic splicings [representations of half horse, half human, and other representations, or distorted misrepresnetations] as well as so much hyper-extended awareness .. it pretty much blows away even what our fledgling 21st Century mindset has begun to formulate.

See, it has been taboo to include the existence of otherworldly phenomena as a potential reality since the original cover-up began when the multi-species leak began to occur back in the early 1900’s [German UFO’s & Antartica].

Before moving on to other Star Systems, I would just like to mention Sheldan Nidle, in reference to Sirius [Planetary Activation Organization].

O’rion – For some reason, I have always had a very strong pull towards this Constellation. I have even imagined that if you traced back the languages and family lines .. that since my last name was Ryan .. I do know that it comes from Ireland .. I know it translates back to O’ryan .. but I have always felt a connection within my Heart .. thinking that if my family line was traced back – there was some level of relationship in between my family line and this Star System.

It has always been the Great Hunter who has guided me in my own orientation it seems. The thing which we do not understand is that there is are some very powerful reptillian sub-species who reside there. Like I was mentioning, the original archetype of the Devil or El Diablo is a reptillian based one. What we have represented as horns throughout our myths are in reality hyper-extended pre-frontal lobes. This is when for my own self things can really start to be put into context.

I have been doing alot of thinking about ‘Ancestral Mass Karma’ or various levels of Karmic Knots that are held within our energetic fields and soul matrix configuration. People are saying that it is time for a major clearing of this ancestral mass karma that intertwines through us as individuals and also as a species. My sense is that the biggest release and dissolution has to occur around putting all of these various pieces back together and in the correct context.

It should not be shameful to be acknowledged the relationship and role within the scheme of unfoldment as it relates to the human species, ie. the involvement of others who are not from around here. You see, by not acknowledging these components – in actuality the human species dis-empowers itself. This is so evident by the stronghold grip .. Military/Industrial/Hollywood Complex.

There are references in the original translations not of a Serpent, but of a Viper; I am telling you – this is the Family line also of the O’rion Reptillians [Rigel]. Pit Vipers are related to the Horned Draconians, which are in actuality Hyper-Extended Pre-frontal lobes [of course on a Pit Viper they are dormant and it is another sub-species phenotype, very low level, etc]. This can not be stressed enough, my own individual ancestral mass karma can not be cleared until people begin to understand this.

The reason why I was given the visual representation of the 12 DnA strand Heart Soul Star is because it is a very important component in putting the whole entire puzzle back together. This is one of the reason why I have always felt such a strong kinship with the Reptillians or at least a fascination by them – but I also understand that they are exactly that – reptiles.


So straight from O’rions Heart, I apologize; I do know that many factions of the O’rion Dragons have re-oriented their stance in relation to the Human Species. The faction that I was in communication with was part of a sort of Tri-Lateral Commission in between the Andromedans Orions & Draconians. I have come to understand them as the ‘O’rion Syndicate’..

I mentioned Andrejas Drakovich back in Ancient Greece, but I also must mention Ethanacy; for he is the one who truly held the council contract. This was of course broken through the dynamics that went down relating to the Ancient Crystalline Technology. Ethanacy was one of the High Priest Astronomers who lived before the flood, he was a Crystal Grid Engineer. From what I have come to understand of him, he was almost 300 years old when things finally went down.

But it was through his decision, somehow this extension of my soul- [which was intertwined into how they gained re-possession of some of the Crystalline Techology – this is why through my Andrejas Drakovich – I have awareness of the Omicron Matrix] . This is sorta tied into the reason why my last name is Ryan and why I have been able thoughout time to gain access to these various levels within myself. I am almost positive that this man turned towards the Dark Side, or the Sons of Belial.

Now there is some real heavy distortion in here when it comes to distinguishing in between Satan, Lucifer, AA Michael, the Devil, Dragons etc ..

There has been major territorial disputes over both the Human Species and this Planet Earth itself, this is why it is said that what unfolds on earth will affects countless numerous worlds across multiple sectors of this entire galaxy. When it comes to planet’s Earth actually is not classified as anything special besides the potential which is contained within humanity.

I love my link to O’rion and the Soul Heritage which it represents, even if it is one from a draconian involved family line .. have always thought about the snakes being driven out of ireland …..

The O’rion Reptillians are very involved in dynamics surrounding the Stargate / Wormhole which is in the Heart of O’rion – this essentially is probably the most major tunnel that there is within our local galactic region. I have come to understand that along one route – there is a direct link via hyperspace in between Galaxies to Andromeda.

Draconis – Now this is where it starts to get both complex, simple and dynamic at the same time. From my understanding, there is a reason why the ancient people had a calandar that measured greater orbital cycles of time as well as a keen interest in solar cycles and the influence of other stellar spheres and those who periodically came from them.

There have been so many wars throughout the cosmos, we can think about the dynamics unfolding on our planet and pattern replicate them at a higher level to see an inverse reflection in the state of affairs throughout the cosmos. But you see, from what I have come to understand there has been a certain armistice that has been reached.

Right now, there are negotiations underway along many vectors, the human species is an integral component in a dynamic that will effectively serve as a contingent. By contingent, I mean that through Humanity reclaiming his rightful stake and claim as the Soverign Caretakers and Overseer of this Earth, our Planetary Homeworld .. well this goes along way to clear the slate for not only humanity but the draconians who were involved when things went down.

The mainly recognized Star in the Draconis constellation relating to various Reptillians is Alpha Draconis. I would say that this is the Star System from where the more Humanoid types originate from [Draconoids]. I would say the the Alpha Draconians are the ones who are in Covert Concordance with the little Greys, who we supposedly come from Zeta Reticuli.

So in 1995, I was approached by a renegade group of Alpha Draconians. This renegade group was one who is seeking to see the groups or sub-species of draconoids returned into alignment with their overseer. The entire Draconian Collective is ruled through the Female, why do you think their is a Queen in England. The thing is though, the Draconian Queen is a Superluminal – so this means she is at the same level and calibre as theAlpha Centaurians. I have come to know the Superluminal Draconian Shapeshifter Queen as ‘She Whose Name Can Not Be Pronounced or Spoken by Mortals w/out a Split / Forked Tongue’.

Where Omicron Draconis fits in here is that it is, as far as I know – the main and one of the Original Stronghold homeworlds. It was the ancestors of those who were from Omicron Draconis who seeded the planet earth so many billion years ago. So basically the dynamic relationship in between the Reptiles / Dragons and Humanity is one of whose stake is this planet. Even though this little ball of dirt is in a single sun-star system – in the outer arm of the milky way spiral, it is an especilally habitable world.

Solis is still in the prime of it’s life, it is a shame that humanity is destroying the planet so much, this is actually one of the major reasons why they dragons / reptillians have begun to become apparent. It is no co-incidence that craft that did not conform to normal aviational standards of flight performance began to show up in tandem with our detonation and testing of atomic / nuclear weapons.

There is almost a split or schism in many ways in relation to the various sub-species of reptillians and their stance and orientation towards this planet and who does it rightfully belong to.

What I think was that when the Grandfather Designers of this planets living systems got together, like Barbara Marciniak says – it was to serve as a sort of Interstellar Library – or a planet that would be an integration of species from many different worlds. What I think is that thoughout the process, which is overseen – difficulties have occurred. One of them was the comet which impacted this planet and wiped out the dinosaurs, or each successive extinction. I am sure that these were a major shaping factor for those who have been overseeing the evolutionary development upon this world.

I do not see the Reptillians or Dragons from Omicron Draconis as being the sole contributors to the design specifications for this planet. I feel that there were others involved and originally this planet was a project sanctioned for development by the Andromedan Council [which can be explored through the Ra Material]. The sense that I have is that not only are the reptillians master geneticists, I have had inner visions of their technological capabilities. I have seen these as include the capability to almost engineer or culture star systems – move planets around, etc.


There is a alot of confusion as it relates to the information that is available dealing with these dynamics.

I would say that there have been many great wars, in the process of evolutionary development, and rotation within this galaxy .. 4.5 billion years is a long time. That is how long this planet has been around, it was only 65 million years ago that the Dinosaurs began to be wiped away.

I think that after their extinction the blueprint for this world shifted, the Reptillians sort of let this planet lay to waste after their seedlings and the environment was decimated for however many years after the cometary impact.

I think that during this time period is when the dynamics relating to some of the other groups came around, those from Sirius, Lyra, the Pleidaes, and Alpha Centauri. .

Bascially I just see there as being throughout the evolutionary development process on this world – over the past 3.6 billion years since life has developed the potential that evolution has not only occured through natural selction but that there is a much greater story underlying all of the fragments – once we put them all back in the correct context the whole scope will become clear once again.

You see, I see the development of higher evolutionary life forms as the purpose for the universe itself, the extension of sentience through physiology .. for what other reason would all of the stars exist – if it were not to birth unlimited innumerable countless worlds that could potentially be inhabited and explored.

Antares – What I have come to understand about Antares is that it is in the Constellation of Scorpio. I think it is important to note that in our Ancient Mythologies – the great hunter O’rion is killed by a scorpion stinging him. I think there has been a clash in between the Reptillians from O’rion and those who are from Antares in relation to the Stargate or Wormhole that is in the Heart of O’rion and Mother Earth itself.

I think that in a certain sense the struggle in between the forces of light and darkness – ie Archangel Michael versus the Dragon may be intricately connected to this ancient dynamic. I also feel that the woman Anna Hayes has a very strong connection to Antares and that there are aspects intertwining into this star system that are of an opposing pole as well.

What we are working on establishing on Earth is something that can also assist in the ‘Armistice’ being affective throughout the entire local galactic regions.

Zeta-Reticuli ~ These are of course the Little Greys, they are the ones who are in covert alignment with the Rigel Reptillians and dracanoids from Alpha Draconis. I was lucky to be confronted by a renegade group of the AD’s back in 1995, lucky that it wasn’t a faction that was solely bent on conquering the earth. I have come to learn that even within this renegade faction there have been indviduals who did not have the same orientation as the objectives of the rengades. You see the Renegade Alpha Draconians objective is to see this collective ancestral karma intertwining through their ancestors involvement in what went down when the Crystalline Technology was re-claimed – and then further backwards; into alignment with their grandfathers and the other original planners intentions – not only for earth, but for the Dragons / reptiles themselves.

Most of the Alpha Draconians want to see their claim and stake on this planet, like I said – I would consider this to be where the Dracanoids are from. I think their are overseers on Omicron Draconis who sort of are a little bit removed from this, but there is definitely an interest because of the raw genetic material that is available on Earth. This is also why there is concern, we are destroying ourselves esentially – look at how much bio-mass – raw DNA material that we destroy in our ignorance.

This concern intertwines into the Zeta-Reticuli, if it can be looked at in reverse, one can see a reflection in those who we have come to know as the greys. Some have said that they are a dieing species having lost their capability to re-produce.

So basically the Rigel Reptillians & Alpha Draconians are the ones helping the Zeta-Reticuli and this intertwines into the dynamic involving the reptillians involvement with the Shadow Gov’t Elements.

What needs to be done by the Dracanoids is a shift towards acknowledging the Superluminal Draconian Shapeshifter Queen.

Pleidaes – This is also another central star system with a very strong relationship to planet earth, and of course it has been explored by many different authors so I will not really get into it very much. It is definitely interesting to notate the Mayan’s and their Calandar in this regard.

Barbara Marciniak is probably the best source of Pleidian Material, I think Lia Light stuff is pretty watered down. I really have not ever felt a very strong connection to the pleidaes itself besides a fascination with all of the information and cross synthesis that can be gained by looking at the facets of information coming forth regarding this star system. I did draw the 12 DnA Strand Heart Soul Star before I was aware of her 😉

Arcturus – This is one that I feel that I still need to learn stuff about, I at one time did posess the book ‘We Are The Arcturians’ but I gave it away. I think that there is a strong relationship in between Arcturus and Alpha Centauri though, although I feel that Alpha Centauri deals with a higher level relationship.

Alpha Centauri – I see Alpha Centauri as being the Star System that can put all the pieces together, not in only in relation to the Human Species Stellar Ancestry – but also the dynamics and how things operate within in us – as well as how we can gain almost all of our memories.

I am not quite sure how the Mythologies of the Pegasus, Unicorn, Cyclops and Centaur fit into this .. but in time I hope to understand more clearly 😉

Andromedans – Main Council, Super-Luminal Alpha Centaurians & Draconian Queen are one level stepped down.

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