This whole discourse sounded remarkably like the Ramtha Dialogues, considering the fact that, although the communicators in both cases said they originated in the Pleiades, they communicated to entirely different groups of people, in different places, at different times; all unknown to each other. They both described a non-personified Creation consciousness that ensouls all, and in which all has its being.

The Creation consciousness is the sum of all its parts, and each part has equal access to the All. In effect, we are all coCreators within The Creation, and each has its own direct contact with its Godself within. In that sense, each is master of his own destiny and constantly creates his future as he progresses. The future of all is the collective of all the individual futures as they balance out.

In the eleventh contact on 15 April 1975, again in mid-afternoon, Meier is criticized once more for moving too slowly in getting his mission, for which he has been so carefully prepared over such a long time, into motion. He is advised that he needs support and that he should get his friends more involved and organize them into a group effort. When he complains of a lack of resources for such undertakings, he is reminded how they saved his life in the desert of Africa when he was totally without resources, that his training included helping him to find resources where they were scarce.

After more discussion, Meier remembered something and asked Semjase about a new sighting observed from his home:

Meier- what was it the evening of the 20th of March, at 19:30 hours? My children and my wife had called me to the window, because they saw, within only about a kilometer of distance, an object of reddish or yellowish colors, flying from north to south. Several neighbors had seen this from the street too and wondered about it.

Semjase: This was none of us either, but the event is known to me. It treats of a beamship of a race known to us, from a neighboring system to our home planets. It treats of peace-minded beings, who for the sake of expedition, travel through space and to other worlds. Especially the Earth interests them, and so their shining beam ships are frequently seen. Their technologies are not yet as developed as Ours, and the creatures are as well rather unconcerned whether they are seen or not.

Meier – what sort of beings or characters are they?

Semjase – They are human forms, and what is more important, is that they are peaceminded and in contact with us, which unfortunately can not be said about all who cross through the Universe.

The twelfth contact occurred at 15:11 in the afternoon of 20 April 1975, only a half-hour after a photo demonstration. Meier had taken pictures of some friends at this site a little earlier in the day, and now in the excitement of another flight demonstration and trying to get as many photos as possible, it appears that he had inadvertently re-loaded the film with the pictures of the people on it into his camera and shot photos of the spacecraft on top of the others in what appears to be a series of double exposures.

When Meier got the developed slides back and had them printed, he was sure that the Pleiadians had posed their ship over the heads of the people, but in a computer, we were able to separate the two pictures into their separate parts and they look to be double exposures. If they were double exposures, the film frames matched together quite closely, which seems to be something very difficult to do, if not purely by accident. Semjase asked for the slides for study and did not bring them back. She criticized Meier for trying to get people and the spacecraft in the same picture though, saying that such photos may not be good for certain of those concerned.

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 4b

Meier had brought small boxes and padding as he had been instructed to do, and Semjase gave him some extraterrestrial mineral specimens she had promised, telling him what each was so he could make me notes to later identify the specimens. While they were doing this, Meier observed that the Pleiades is a so-called open star-cluster in Taurus, and asked how many stars they had there in that group. Semjase answered, “Some 254.”

Meier came back to the landing site the following day to examine the tracks and noticed that an army team was searching the same area and taking samples. They had the landing-place marked on their map. He pretended not to be involved and got on his moped and rode away.

The thirteenth contact at 17:20 in the afternoon of 25 April 1975, was a short one.

Semjase – The time today is, by regret, very scarce, thus we can only discuss the most important (things). For the first, I bring back the loaned book, about which I don’t need to express myself more. I refer to the judgment which I have given you in my last contact. me views have not changed.

Meier – I will convey your answer to me friend, and in his name I also thank you for your trouble.

Semjase – It is not worth mentioning, and on the other hand, I am very delighted that your friend wanted my judgment of this book. If all of your friends were as reasonable, confident and friendly, as he, then everything would run better with your mission. I am delighted about your other two friends, though they are some ponderous in objective. This matter is only their thinking, which they first have to educate toward new objectives and new recognitions. Still, I can assure them of finding their endeavors, their perceptive faculties and their will being remarkable. About the other persons in the group, I already have spoken in our last meeting, and I do not want to came to that again.

The decision is done in this respect, by which it is sufficient. But their whole mind is not well for our undertaking, so I have wondered whether I should destroy the film, which you exposed on Sunday morning of the 20th, at 10:00, in which they were photographed… I have decided to destroy the film as was me. Your closer friends should not be disappointed for that, as in the tomorrow day, I want to give you one more chance, during the afternoon, to photograph further pictures. I have but to dettle the destination, no disturbing factors there being allowed, such as the mentioned persons represent…

Meier – Of course I observe your decision, Semjase, though I pity the destruction of the film. That you offer one more chance for such photographing makes it acceptable again. What now still interests me is another matter. More and there I can observe UFOs, which, according to their forms, do not belong to you.

In most cases, the objects are but so very far away, that one can not see more details, or even photograph them, which doing would be very interesting for comparison. Can I do anything in this respect, to get some time a chance for photographing? The second question concerns the crystals you have brought me. my friend F.L. was delighted with the green malachite stones. He now asks you whether you could bring him a still greater piece of this same sort of mineral?

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 4g

Semjase – I regard it very interesting that you pass over the destruction of the film so easily, which is just not your character because I know very well how much you can become excited if anything does not run as you desire. You pose a riddle in this respect. But you also honor me, that you simply accept my decision.

Concerning the strange UFO that you want to expose for a comparison, I myself can do nothing, unfortunately. You well might influence them with your thought, concentrated on their flight and light mission, but not in a way that you could command them to come near enough to capture them on film. From my side, I have only a possibility to do so. So I will do this if I have a chance, and call you.

Of course, I would like to bring a piece of the malachite stone to your friend F. L. But this should not become a habit, as I have agreed in general, bringing stones and crystals, when they are destined for your collection’s purpose or for the selling of them. But for your three closest friends I will make an exception. However, they will have to be patient, because it will be some weeks before I can provide such things again.

In respect to your lectures concerning our mission (about needing more photos), we have conciliated. So I can tell you the decision, that we agree to your making still some dozens of diaphotos of my ship; this contrary to my former decision. we come to that from the opinion, that a certain number of pictures of this kind are useful for the matter and are worth it… Nevertheless, we want to limit the pictures to an amount of 100, which surely will be enough……

Editors comment:

There is no little confusion over the pictures taken at Ravensbuhl at 10:00 in the morning on 20 April when Meier snapped a number of pictures of several group members standing upon-a rise and looking out over the valley. A little after 14:30 that same afternoon he snapped color photographs of a flight demonstration of the spacecraft in the same general vicinity. When he got the slides back from developing, he was surprised to discover many frames with an image of the spacecraft above the heads of the group of friends.

At that point, he was sure that the Pleiadiws had actually been in those pictures but invisible to him and the group. In small slide form, they looked pretty much like Meier might be right. The first direct printing from slides to prints was on the lighter side and they still looked pretty much the same. In a later denser printing, it became possible to see two separate horizon lines. When these prints were introduced into a good computer it was possible to separate the images into their two separate pictures.

We can only conclude that Meier is mistaken here and had lost count on the film frames he had exposed at 10:00 and confused some frames with those exposed at 14:40 in the afternoon without witnesses.

It is entirely possible that Semjase destroyed some of the film with the error pictures, as she said because at that time Mr. Meier did not have the best of control over his photos and films. He may have had a partial roll of pictures of the people from the morning photos in his camera at the end of the morning picture-taking session and rolled it back into the film cartridge when he removed the film from his camera.

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 4a

Putting it with his unused film to be finished later, he may have, in the excitement of his hurried snapshots of the flight demonstration that afternoon, unknowingly loaded it into the camera and started again with frame number one, forgetting that he had some pictures already on the beginning of the film, or even possibly thinking he had a fresh roll with no used frames, and simply shot the whole roll over again.; or he may have knowingly loaded it again with the intention of advancing the film past the earlier exposures, with the people, to new frames, and then just forgot to do so, either of which would have double-exposed that first frame and all subsequent pictures up to the first unexposed frame, after which the UFO pictures would have continued without the people below it. This is just about what I saw when I looked at this series before some losses there.

In this case, the double exposures would have to be the first frames on the roll, and all with the lower edge numbers. Unfortunately, nearly all of the original diapositives have been lost, and we have been unable to locate those originals for possible verification.

Of course, we are only guessing here, because we simply do not know, and Mr. Meier is no longer certain but does not accept our double-exposure argument, preferring his own understanding.

Continuing now the talk between Semjase and Meier:

Meier– I am delightfully surprised, Semjase, thanks very much.

Semjase – Your thanks are not necessary.

Meier– Nevertheless, I am delighted. But now still one question: does there exist the possibility……..

Semjase – Regretfully, I must interrupt you. As I have said, my time is very limited today…

Meier– I only have a very short question.

Semjase – If so, please ask.

Meier – Is there the possibility that you could bring from your home planet, or from any other worlds, some pictures any time, or that I can give you my camera, by which then you get pictures?

Semjase – This I have to deny, unfortunately, because such would go too far. Besides the crystals and stones, we have to limit ourselves to the things of the Earth.

Meier – Thank you, Semjase, this suffices for me. But I have just now remembered, having been on the 21st of April, the day after our last meeting, again at Ravensbuhl, having observed militaries there searching the whole environment. Have you noticed anything of this matter?

Semjase – This is a further question, but I know nothing of that event. It might well be possible, someone having observed the departure of my ship and having announced this to the authorities or to the Army, which now and then happens, unfortunately, after which a search is performed. This happens when we are not careful enough or when less careful strange ships appear and even land. As you know, we do take precautions in every respect to prevent such occurrences.

Though all caution is not enough, because often there are observing eyes where we do not assume them to be, even at so late a time of the night. This may unfortunately then lead to unpleasant incidents, especially when we fly several times to the concerned place or have to touch down there, especially authorities and the Army feel themselves menaced in their power when they are informed of sightings and landings of beam ships (which are beyond their ability to control), although we are not interested in upsetting or menacing their primitive force, as this mission is obligated alone to Earth human beings.

Chapter 4f

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