In the counterintelligence world, a “sib” is a carefully planted rumor designed to undermine the morale and the will to resist of the enemy. For example, the British political warfare executive, “PWE planted sibs amongst the German soldiers on the Russian front that the German medical establishment was compelled to start using Jewish blood during surgeries and blood transfusions on German soldiers because of the overall shortage of blood products. You can imagine the kind of effect this rumor had on German soldiers imbued with the Aryan superman myth! Likewise, another sib, which was planted amongst the front line German soldiers, was that Jews were responsible for spreading the bubonic plague in certain German cities. Please observe how the hard core researchers like the late Karla Turner were constantly slandered and verbally abused by the likes of Boylan and the rest of the Muppet show. Question: What was it about Kandy Turner’s research that these Muppets found so threatening that they would heap endless streams of abuse and invective at her? Could it possibly be that there are aspects of this phenomenon that are so terrible that the Muppets of the world would rather have you dwell on the metaphysical and “spiritual” aspects of the experience–rather than the cold hard truth? What is doubly insidious about this form of Muppet propaganda is that it neatly capitalizes on the innate desire of the abductee, that what is happening to them is for their own spiritual evolution as well as for the ultimate benefit of mankind.

It is clear from the above examples that the British political warfare executive and its offspring–the American Office of War Information (OWI) did not spare the sensibilities of the German troops at the front–and indeed exploited absurd Nazi notions of Aryan racial supremacy and racial inferiority. They were trying to wear down the fighting capacity of the enemy.

Do you remember what Philip Kramft said in his book “Contact Has Begun?” He said “The Verdants” (Why didn’t they just call themselves the Green Party?) said they have perfect control over the weather and can manipulate the gravity field of any planet they choose to accommodate them perfectly. It’s called Terra Forming and Weather Weaponry. I myself have seen UFO’s cloak themselves in cloud formations, indeed I have seen the cloud formations actually being created, which was quite a sight to see, let me tell you. Psychological Warfare Tactics

Bottom line: Do not allow these very basic psychological warfare and propaganda methods to work on you, the hapless :”experiencer”, “contactee”, “light worker” or whatever adjective is used to describe people who are being injected, experimented upon, sexually molested et al by non human intelligences.

Please take the time to study Military History and especially the intelligence/counterintelligence and security apparatus, which has evolved since World War Two.

Some of the methods being used by the reptilian propagandist like Boylan and Greer are so basic they wouldn’t even have passed muster with any self respecting counterintelligence officer of World War II.

Study the “Double Cross System” in which captured German agents were “turned” by Britain’s MI5 and made to send back misleading information (disinformation) to their Nazi German controllers. (And yes, did you know that Adolf Hitler had connections with the occult dark gods who worked their evil atrocities through him? Most of the people today naively believe that Adolph Hitler was the root source of the evil Nazi Regime, rather than the dark malevolent forces working through him. His abusive childhood is a classic study of how the dark forces eventually consume someone from within. Base, primordial and perverse characteristics are symptomatic of a manipulated and demon infested individual such as Adolph Hitler was.

See also  2012: The Octopus

Read about the supersecret “London Controlling Section” which was responsible for the dissemination of all “Ultra” derived intelligence (intel obtained through the deciphering of enemy codes) and was responsible for all the cover and deception operations related to ultra derived intelligence. As Winston Churchill says, “In war, the truth must be guarded by a body guard of lies.”

An understanding of the Surface Intelligence and Security Apparatus is absolutely essential to any understanding of this whole mess before you start delving into the subsurface world where “need to know” and “security clearances” don’t even matter. As stated above, in the deep black aerospace/reptilian controlled subterranean world, knowledge is limited to levels of awareness and there is always a price to pay to get to the next level of awareness. There is no such thing as a free lunch, not on this planet anyway. If you want the knowledge there is going to be a certain price you will have to pay and most are unwilling to pay that price.

Conditioned and Triggered Responses in Contactees/Experiencers

The reason why so many abductees are hopelessly confused about this whole mess is because trigger mechanisms have been programmed into them to keep them from getting at the truth of their experiences. I have seen it countless times where an abductee will immediately fall asleep the moment the lecturer begins talking about “fear based” issues but when he/she attends a lecture by a channeller or some other light worker, the abductee is bright and attentive and awake during the whole lecture.

Falling asleep is just one trigger mechanism. Another is annoyance or anger at the “fear based” lecturer or abductee. Likewise an overwhelming compulsion to get up and walk out, to get up and eat, to get up a smoke a cigarette, getting nauseous, a headache etc etc etc.

I have known people who are absolutely incapable of finishing a “fear based” book but can rip through reptilian disinformation books in a matter of hours. What’s up with that? I’ve seen abductees listen to their spirit guides who consistently detract them away from the alleged fear based research information that will probably trigger them into a panic attack. Why do you think that is? Could it be that the self-same spirit guides are the perpetrators themselves?

In the battleground commonly referred to as the “Abductee Support Group” this knee-jerk hostility immediately manifests itself amongst programmed and manipulated New Age La-Dee-Dahs. Whenever “Fear Based Issues” like painful back problems (very common amongst those who have memories of reptilian contact especially amongst females) or autoimmune disorders or the whole gamut of gynecological problems are regarded as spiritually retarded fear mongers. Furthermore, those who bring these topics up are sometimes accused of being some kind of spiritually unevolved disinformation artist! The cold hard truth is that most UFO researchers and abductees aren’t even worth spying on. To the gullible and manipulated—everyone seems to be a government agent! If that were true there would be no one left to spy on. The painful truth is some of these abductees and researchers are having their phones tapped and mail opened because there is no one else around in their region worth instilling paranoia on.

Consider this scenario: An intelligence officer says to his general:”General, it seems that the enemy is massing in our front. We have identified certain units, which have arrived recently from other areas. The enemies wireless communications traffic has suddenly gone dead and all signs point to an imminent attack in our sector.” How do you think the general will respond to his intelligence chief? ” Why are you being so fear based? Why are you drawing that negativity to you? Bla, bla, bla, quack , quack, quack.”

See also  1998: SUPER-SYNOPSIS

Can you see why I have so little patience for that sort of immaturity?

The New Age La Dee Dahs consistently use a melange of metaphysical spiritual platitudes about the whole ET phenomenon and often times become irate and livid during these exchanges with abductees who are more mature and sensible than they are about the ET subject. And all of the vindictiveness and hollering by these New Age La Dee Dahs (Pagan Idolaters) is done in the name of “Love and Light.” Of course.

Other programmed behaviors are promiscuity, self destructive behaviors such as substance abuse, self destructive relationships (many female abductees have had at least one and usually more controlling, domineering and abusive men on their lives for extended periods of time. (It never occurred to them that these abusers were themselves being manipulated) and the list goes on and on and on and some of you “researchers” out there are still running around with that metal spoon in your pocket hoping to get a CE2 sample for analysis. You are still staying up all night atop a wind swept plateau hoping a UFO flys by. GROW UP.

Ego Activation by the Dark side

Once and for all: This is not an Alien Phenomenon per se, it is a Human Phenomenon because it’s happening to humans. Logic, is what Mr. Spock calls it. And if you are going to take part in this great drama–please, please, please do not allow the aliens to activate your ego. It is the simplest thing. A few meaningless telepathic transmissions, a few UFO fly-bys, a few:”meaningful synchronicities” and your egos are activated and then you turn into another Muppet. I call these types of manifestations “parlor tricks.” I’m not interested in parlor tricks. The same exact thing happens to budding wiccans and witches. The very first spell or incantation works and they think they were responsible for it when it was actually the demon or familiar spirit who is manipulating them. i.e. their Handlers. (Handler is a term I use for the abduction syndrome because it is the most apt.)

The real message of the Boylan’s, Greers and all of these other Muppets is “Don’t bother me with the facts.” “If you don’t believe what I believe you are a spiritual retard and probably a government agent to boot.” And once again, all of this wailing and gnashing of teeth is done in the name of:”Love and Light ”

What we are involved with is Spiritual Warfare and I’ll argue that point until someone else is blue in the face. Everything has to first manifest in the unseen realms before they manifest in the visual spectrum, in the spiritual before it manifests in the physical. Look around you: The symbology of the reptilian overlordship is all around. The thought form of reptilians in the mass media is constantly hammering you. Crude and vulgar behaviors are being presented to you in the mass media and the so-called entertainment industry–as if crude and vulgar behavior is The Norm in our society today. The baseness and vulgarity, which is being promoted, is symptomatic of a reptilian influenced society. People are so used to the lies that if they heard the truth they would probably have an allergic reaction to it!

See also  2002: Cordell Hull saw Aliens in Glass Containers

The Original Serpent Seed

The reptilians strive to activate that dark serpent seed which is programmed within all of us. The struggle is within. The opposing polarities of Good and Evil are striving to promote certain attributes and behaviors within us. One side wants to corrupt us from within. the other wants us to break out of this spiritual prison. Ultimately it comes down to your own individual choice. I hesitate to use the term “free will” because being an abductee myself I know that I have been manipulated and programmed and it’s a constant struggle to overcome all of these hang-ups– but that’s what will make the ultimate victory that much greater. I firmly believe in the indomitability of the Human Spirit and I firmly believe that it is in our destiny to achieve Nobility as a race. If we had just been left alone I am sure we would have reached that level of greatness already but alas, that hasn’t been the case.

Take the time take to read books by Frederick Douglas, the pre-civil war ex- slave who wrote the classic autobiography, “My Bondage, My Freedom.”

This Is Not a Popularity Contest

I don’t want to know what the academic community knows because they are not qualified to tell me anything. Everything I’ve learned has come from my own experiences and studies as well as from the mentorship of Barbara Bartholic of Tulsa, Oklahoma. I’m not in this for popularity or ego gratification, which seems to be the norm in the UFO research community. Indeed most of you out there never even heard of me. All I ever wanted was the respect and admiration of the people I respected and admired. People like Barbara Bartholic and Eve Lorgen. I am not seeking the approval of others. I could give a rip about popularity.

“War is about war…it’s not about popularity making.” General William Tecumseh Sherman

I can’t say enough about Barbie and Evie. They have endured things that would have made a lesser person run off screaming to the nearest mental institution. They are true spiritual warriors in every sense of the term.

Spiritual Warfare, ladies and gents… that is what this gig is all about. Were it left up to some of you peaceniks out there, those of us on the West Coast would be speaking Japanese, those on the East Coast would be speaking German and we would need passports to visit the southern states of the Confederacy where there would still be slavery. The fight has been programmed right out of some of you people. You will continue to “research” up and until the great reptilian cattle drive in the sky begins.

It’s the old story, “If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything.” Words to live by. And if you choose to be a New Age La Dee Dah and your children are having these abductions and you just blow off their concerns as being of no consequence, that makes you in my book a very bad parent. If people knew what kinds of conditioning and programming are being done to our children by the aliens, people’s minds would short circuit instantly to retain their sanity, if nothing else.

God Give us the Victory,

James Bartley
San Diego

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