2016: Are you able to decipher this “alien” code?

An astrophysicist at the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research based in Goettingen, Germany, has developed a binary code to see if anyone might be able to decipher an alien message. “Suppose a telescope on Earth receives a series of pulses of a still unidentified beyond the solar system font. The source is a star about 50 light-years from Earth. The pulses are in the form of short and long signals and received in a very narrow band in an electromagnetic frequency of 452.12919 MHz A computer algorithm identifies the artificial nature of the pulses.; It is to carry message pulses and these pulses represent binary digits. Suppose further that you-for some reason was put in charge of decoding the message, “says this curious […] Read More

2014: University of California Scientists: ‘Camouflaged’ Aliens Live Among Us

Scientists of the University of California came up with an unusual hypothesis suggesting that space aliens have long settled on Earth and lived among us as observers. Of course, there is no evidence of this, but according to ancient sources, including the Bible, our planet has been visited by representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations since its inception. In 2000 scientists of the University of California, led by Professor Jonathan Malkisom, held a press conference, during which the sensational news that representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations have long been among humans was reported. They adopted human appearance and closely monitor our every move. “It’s like an extreme version of the camouflage found in some insects and animals. Moreover, according to historical records, there have been aliens on Earth […] Read More