2002: Popular Reptilians

This list was sent anonymously but alot of the names can be verified by others in files on this site and others who expose government corruption, black projects, coverups and aliens. Here are things as they stand from one who “sees”: If you see your name on this list and you would like to protest, just send us an email and we’ll post it. I’m not claiming these people weren’t 100% human at one time, what I am saying is that they invited the control and bodily takeover of Reptilians through blood drinking and rituals and now can be bodily overtaken by them or possessed against or within their own will. *please keep in mind, we all have the ability to see these humans/reptilians for […] Read More

2005: The Reptilian Candidate.

The Reptilian Candidate. During the George Noory Coast to Coast show the other night, Dr. David Jacobs said that from his research many hybrids were now living amongst us and he was very worried about it. His statements led me to the conclusion that they are here in force and their purpose was to weaken the US so they could take over here and then around the world. There are too many facts that indicate this is the truth. Let’s look at something that is going on nationally that is very wrong. How does a candidate with insufficient experience and training to be president come to be nominated by a major political party? Barack Hussein Obama somehow managed to do it but there are too […] Read More