The Coming of the Cassiopaeans

For almost five years these pages have consisted almost exclusively of the original, verbatim transcripts from the “superluminal communication” sessions with “us in the future,” also known as the Sixth Density Light Beings In Service to Others, the Cassiopaeans. Having seen so many examples of “Voices of Higher Beings” falling into corruption through ego or anticipations and expectations of others, I endeavored with fervent determination to keep myself, my ego, my story and anything of a personal nature OUT of the content. However, a recent correspondent with my husband, Dr. Arkadiusz Jadczk, wrote the following regarding these pages: “…I visited your wife’s site and found your physics page there. It’s a pity it can’t be linked to your other site… it’s one of your best […] Read More

1995: Aliens: Angels or Demons

Many people, especially with Christian background, are afraid of the UFO phenomena and usually perceive it as the influences of the devil or keep another fear pattern against it. I found this fragment on alt.alien.visitors (kind of rude newsgroup) who might show two different Christian point of views on the UFO phenomena: Someone wrote: … According to the Bible; So as it was in the days of Moses, So shall it be in the last days. In the days of Moses, the fallen angels (demons) had mated with the human race and created a hybrid race called the (Nephelim?). It is clear to me that this is once again part of their agenda. He shall come as an angel of light and deceive the very […] Read More

The Yellow Book 2

What follows is the original Text concerning Yellow Book from “The Aviary” by Richard Boylan, a great researcher willing to have his reports published and stand up to public scrutiny! The Yellow Book is reported to actually be a sort of holographic compact disk, which can project images of the information it contains. It is alleged to contain references to Biblical events, even including a holographic depiction of the crucifixion of Christ. The red Book is a human compendium of information derived from the extraterrestrials. One of the predictions is that there will be a very large rift in human society as a result of ET contact becoming publicly known. This is supposed to happen in 1997. Another reported prediction is that the ETS will […] Read More


There are many who claim that extraterrestrial life exists throughout the universe, and therefore they claim that the Bible must be discredited as a result, due to its implications that physical life was created for the first time on planet earth. From a Judeo-Christian perspective however, the stars and galaxies would be inhabited by angels, both standing and fallen angels, however physical beings such as humans and animals would NOT have been CREATED on other worlds. For according to the Torah or the Bible , it was God’s plan to CREATE man first on EARTH and no where else. That is, planet earth being the “cradle” of all physical life. Yet, as some have said, does one necessarily remain in the “cradle” forever? So then, […] Read More


Name: The Ancients AKA: Location  – Home System:  Distance from Earth: Attitude: Motives: Supposedly the first species to come to earth and taught humankind the ability to grow crops and organize in communities. Physical Appearance: Average Height: 5-7 feet (est.) Average Weight: 90-130 pounds (est.) Body Temperature: Pulse/Respiration: Blood Pressure: Life Expectancy: Hair: none Skin:  tan, rough Eyes:  large tear-shaped, black (take up almost 1/2 of their head) Sex:  n/a Life Expectancy: Other Physical Information: Large head which is proportionally much larger relative to its body than the heads of humans. Slit for a mouth. Indentations for nose and ears. Hands are webbed with only four fingers. Thin body. Resemble a praying mantis insect.  Special Traits and Abilities: said to have and use telekinetic abilities to defy gravity as well as invasive mind control/ESP powers. Communication […] Read More


Name: Sons of Darkness AKA: Location  – Home System:  Distance from Earth: Attitude: Motives: This is a species that has supposedly perpetrated  a war within our universe to battle for the human soul, and domination over all humanoid species since the beginning of time. Physical Appearance: Average Height: Average Weight: Body Temperature: Pulse/Respiration: Blood Pressure: Life Expectancy: Hair: Skin: Sex: Life Expectancy: Other Physical Information: Special Traits and Abilities: Communication Type:  Origin: Life Form Type: Humanoid Subspecies: Most Common Species: Level of Species: Habits: Transportation Type: Witnesses Reports: Special Features/Characteristics:  Summary/Description: It’s unclear if they are a truly alien species or demonic as both sides of the Bible and UFO camps claim them as their own. Source: There has been a reference to them in the Bible, and in other religious texts.


Name: Sons of Light AKA: Watchers? Location  – Home System:  Distance from Earth: Attitude: Motives: This is a species that fights the Sons of Darkness within our universe to battle for the human soul, and supposedly sent to protect all humanoid species since the beginning of time. Physical Appearance: Average Height: Average Weight: Body Temperature: Pulse/Respiration: Blood Pressure: Life Expectancy: Hair: Skin: Sex: Life Expectancy: Other Physical Information: Special Traits and Abilities: Communication Type:  Origin: Life Form Type: Humanoid Subspecies: Most Common Species: Level of Species: Habits: Transportation Type: Witnesses Reports: Special Features/Characteristics:  Summary/Description: It’s unclear if they are a truly alien species or angelic. Source: There has been a reference to them in the Bible, and in other religious texts including the Keys of Enoch. Dead Sea Scrolls.