2015: 5 Alien Species Constantly Visiting Earth

While it is often believed that most aliens are an unfriendly bunch, there are a few species that have been on Earth for centuries who serve to disprove this claim. Some of the more friendly alien species are listed below. by Locklip THE LYRANS It’s a widely held belief that the Lyrans are our oldest ancestors. In fact, there are those that believe that the Lyrans were actually the first “humans” to form a civilization in the Milky Way galaxy. The world famous Billy Meier was one of the first people to talk about Lyrans. He claims that they revealed to him their origins and story. He was extremely gracious to share this story with mankind. Mr. Meier reports that: “They have described their ancient […] Read More

UFO Contact from the Pleiades – Chapter 6a

CHAPTER 6a Other Atmospheric Planets After the meetings with the DALs, and the exchange of equipment, the Pleiadian ship made a number of hyper leap trips to various locations, and sometimes things of interest were pointed out to Meier. One of those areas of special interest to us is the variety of other atmospheric planets mentioned and their apparent frequency in the widths of the cosmos. The thirty-fourth contact was a face-to-face meeting on Sunday, 14 September 1975. It began at 13:43 after being called by Meier to get some answers. He wanted to identify the writer of an anonymous letter. Semjase went into her ship, interrogated some equipment devices, and gave him the identification he sought. They discussed the Bermuda Triangle at great length […] Read More

1999: Human and ET Common History

Unknown Author (text known as “ET Art”) posted by “John F. Winston” &ltjohnfwin@mlode.com The purpose of our Earth, and our relation with the Pleiadians, et al. I found an interesting excerpt in the book “UFO Contact from the Pleiades” (which I found quite inspiring) that I would like to share as an explanation for the big picture of us Earthlings, our relation with the aliens who visit us, and the universe surrounding us: “Three years ago when I was examining the possibilities of the Pleiadian story, I came across the work of the Laboratoire de Recherche A. Kranninem of Bruxelles, a think tank, who had spent years in exhaustive study of the origin of UFO’s. I combined essential parts of this study with observed data […] Read More


There are many who claim that extraterrestrial life exists throughout the universe, and therefore they claim that the Bible must be discredited as a result, due to its implications that physical life was created for the first time on planet earth. From a Judeo-Christian perspective however, the stars and galaxies would be inhabited by angels, both standing and fallen angels, however physical beings such as humans and animals would NOT have been CREATED on other worlds. For according to the Torah or the Bible , it was God’s plan to CREATE man first on EARTH and no where else. That is, planet earth being the “cradle” of all physical life. Yet, as some have said, does one necessarily remain in the “cradle” forever? So then, […] Read More

1999: The 21 Trillion Year Old Hologram

April 4, 1999. The ET Global Connection: A Lecture by Alex Collier Original transcript by Val Valerian Although many elements contained within this December 1995 lecture are basically unverifiable, the synchronicity with the material presented by Drunvalo Melchizedek, especially in his video presentations on the Light and Dark Brotherhood and his lecture at the Conclave of Michael Conference in Banff, Canada in 1994 make this material so highly interesting that it demands presentation in The Leading Edge. Relate it to other material and decide yourself. Together with other material in existence, it appears to have a bearing on the immediate future of the planet and all its inhabitants. (Legend: AC- Alex Collier Q-Audience questioner). Introduction: AC: Hello, I’m Alex Collier. In the last 31 years I have been given so much information, that I […] Read More


Name: Gizan – (or Gizahn) AKA: Location  – Home System:  Distance from Earth: Attitude: Motives: Physical Appearance: Average Height: Average Weight: Body Temperature: Pulse/Respiration: Blood Pressure: Life Expectancy: Hair: Skin: Eyes: Life Expectancy: Other Physical Information: Special Traits and Abilities: Communication Type:  Origin: Life Form Type: Sub Species:  GIZA INTELLIGENCE The Giza intelligence was a splinter group from the Pleiades that came to earth and formed a base under Egypt. Apparently they had some influence over some of the world religions in the past. The Giza Intelligence was removed by the Plejaren in the 1970s because they supposedly attacked the Plejaren, so Plejaren saw fit to capture and remove the Gizan’s or the (Bfaath) from underneath Egypt. Most Common Species: Level of Species: Habits: Transportation Type: Witnesses […] Read More


Name: Errans AKA: Location  – Home System:  Erra is the name of a planet circling Taygeta, which is one of the main stars of the Pleiades Cluster Distance from Earth: Attitude: Motives: Physical Appearance: Average Height: Average Weight: Body Temperature: Pulse/Respiration: Blood Pressure: Life Expectancy: Hair: some with blonde hair and others with a darker shade Skin: Eyes: Life Expectancy: Other Physical Information: Special Traits and Abilities: Communication Type:  Origin: Nordic Life Form Type: Humanoid Sub Species: Most Common Species: Level of Species: “The Errans are several nose-lengths ahead of us, meaning 3,500 years in technological regard and about 30 million years further in their spiritual development. Due to their enormously high evolutionary level, they master universal space travel almost perfectly. They maintain a great number of bases throughout the entire universe […] Read More