2016: The Black Knight Satellite and Why Humanity May be Monitored by an Advanced Species of Extraterrestrials

The words “Black Knight” may not ring many bells in the field of science to a simple person with little access to forbidden knowledge. In our case, it is no literature reference, nor Monty Python’s famous Holy Grail quest. by Ewao This object of worldwide interest has quite a history of interacting with a few of our most brilliant minds in the realm of science, thus making its existence undeniable among our list of unexplained UFO phenomena. The Black Knight is a celestial body that is theorized to have roamed our orbits for more than 13,000 years and counting. Though it is an ancient neighbor of our beloved blue star, its presence had been noticed in 1899, when Nikola Tesla was experimenting with a high-voltage […] Read More

1998: “The energy bolts give the necessary conditions for these other dimensional civilizations to be able to start experimenting with our universe and/or planet.”

“This document is the alleged result of the actions of one or more scientists creating a covert, unauthorized notebook documenting their involvement with an Above Top Secret government program. Government publications and information obtained by the use of public tax monies cannot be subject to copyright. This document is released into the public domain for all citizens of the United States of America.” Well, today I bring you all something truly magical: documents about life on other planets, supposedly from an official of some shadowy agency. It’s just one of many documents on a wonderful site I must explore in the future. Lately, conspiracy theories have been depressing. A lot of bigotry and people eager to write off tragic incidents as “false flags”. What happened […] Read More

2014: US Soldier Claims He Has Spent 17 Years Battling ALIENS on MARS

A former US Marine has claimed he spent 17 years of his career on MARS. The ex-naval infantryman, who uses the pseudonym Captain Kaye, says he was posted to the Red Planet to protect five human colonies from indigenous Martian life forms. He claims he then spent nearly three years serving in a secret ‘space fleet’ run by a multinational organization called the Earth Defense Force, which recruits military personnel from countries including the US, Russia, and China. Captain Kaye’s testimony reveals that the main human colony on Mars is called Aries Prime which is located inside a crater. Aries Prime serves as the headquarters for the Mars Colony Corporation. According to Captain Kaye, the air is breathable on the surface of Mars, and the […] Read More

The Yellow Book

by Robert M. Collins ………Abstract……… Note: Many of the items in “Carter Brief” reportedly came from the “Yellow Book.” The Yellow Book was said to be written in the years 1972-1973 by EBE-2 (female) who is reportedly the “Alien” Ambassador to the United States: (See also purported CIA Mj-12 memo related to EBE-2). There are three copies of the Yellow Book, one is kept by EBE-2 and the other two are kept in a “Vault” near the Mall in Washington DC. On the floor of one of the main entries to this building that has this “Vault” is a board game called “King’s Table.” Perhaps more on this later… The Yellow Book is said to be a sort of holographic compact disk, which can project […] Read More


The United States Government and Extra-terrestrial Entities by Richard K. Wilson and Sylvan Burns Table of Contents Introductions ………………………………….. 1 Quotes ……………………………………….. 17 Documents …………………………………….. 20 Freedom of Information Act ……………………… 74 JMP Request for Executive Order …………………. 75 Lear-Cooper Indictment ………………………… 79 Mind Control ………………………………… 89 Groom Lake and Dreamland ……………………… 106 John Lear Statement, Revised 25 June 1988 ……….. 112 Mutilations, Military and Aliens ……………….. 119 Abductions …………………………………… 130 Four-Corners Map …………………………….. 136 Project Beta, September 9, 1978 ………………… 137 The Case of Paul Bennewitz …………………….. 151 Dulce Genetic Facility in New Mexico ……………. 154 United States Tunnel Maps ……………………… 162 CIA and UFO Data ……………………………… 164 Technical Agency Information …………………… 167 Historical Data Regarding Aliens and the Government. 171 Definitions and Projects ………………………. 192 Conclusions ………………………………….. 195 […] Read More

1990: CIA Mj-12 Memo??

By: Robert M. Collins This memo below published originally in 1990 as an appendix to Bill Moore & Jamie Shandera’s Mj-12 Documents Report has been checked with a couple of sources in “a need to know.” Here are some points they made: 1) The memo(s) are not legitimately classified CIA documents. 2) Since they appear to be interoffice memos there was no care taken to properly classify them since they were to be shredded right after they were read. 3) The details in the memo(s) ie, movements and conversations appear to be correct from what they knew. Notes on “blacked out” areas starting with the first “blacked” area: Was ___ Should read—-DCDR2…..R2 being ?? Was ___/Mj-12 Should read—-NSA/Mj-12 Was ___ Should read—-EBE-2 Where it says […] Read More


It will be fine with me if you post my paper on The Aviary. I’m assuming you are posting the entire article, unedited. Best wishes, Rich Richard Boylan, Ph.D. Since sometime in the 1970s, a small group of individuals with extremely high-security clearances, who were working on various aspects of UFO research and policy, began to interact unofficially on a regular basis to pool information. Their objectives were to coordinate data, see the big picture, analyze the meaning of UFOs and extraterrestrial contact with Earth, use this knowledge to gain access to additional information on the hyper secret Majestic-12 (MJ-12, the government’s ultimate UFO-information control and policy group) and gain special influence through their collective power. This elite group of roughly a dozen individuals working […] Read More

2001: The Birth of The CIA – And Flying Saucers

By Frank Warren frank-warren@pacbell.net 6-13-1 There’s been a lot of speculation on the irony of the “birth of the CIA” in September, of 1947, ( formerly, The Central Intelligence Group) coinciding with all the “flying saucer activity” beginning in June of that year, starting with Kenneth Arnold’s sighting over Mt Rainier to the “crashed discs” in the area of Roswell New Mexico. Some have claimed, that the sole purpose of creating the CIA was to investigate the “flying saucer” phenomenon. That, of course, is not the case. [CIG and then CIA were born primarily out of the realization of the importance of a “post-war” intelligence gathering agency, similar to it’s “wartime” predecessor, the OSS, and President Truman’s frustration with being out of the “intelligence loop,” […] Read More

1989: MAJI (UFO Conspiracy)

This file includes all 5 parts. I’ve decided this is important enough to send all the information I have on the topic. This is going to be a sequence of 5 fairly longish posts if the subject does not interest you (Surely it does, else you would not be in a.c, now would you?) then add this subject line to your killfile. It will be the same in every post. This is article one of five: A petition to the United States Congress to indict all members of the Majestic conspiracy. PETITION TO INDICT The Government of these United States of America, having been formed under the Constitution and having been duly elected and appointed by the people of these United States of America under […] Read More

2001: The Men in Black Phenomenon

Space 2001 MIB. One of the most unusual aspects of the UFO mystery is the Men in Black (MIB) phenomenon. It involves the subtle intimidation of UFO witnesses by strange visitors dressed almost entirely in black. The recent movie on the subject trivialized the whole issue, but what is the truth concerning MIB? Is it all just a baseless fantasy or is there really an agency that sends out darkly dressed men to secure peoples silence? Long term activity. Years of amassed evidence points to a definite trend that is no mere illusion. In the 1950’s a number of witnesses to UFO sightings claimed to have received threatening visits from men attired almost entirely in black. Typically they would be dressed in black suit and […] Read More