1999: Reptoid Rape: A Multi-Part Series 2

Cathy O’Brien Sub Fugura 5 archived 10-07-99 Archive file# e100799i donated by James Vandale Subject: IUFO: ::: Reptoid Rape ::: Reptoid Rape: A Multi-Part Series On May 7, 1966 a 9 year old child named Cathy O’Brien was subjected to an occult ritual she called “The Rite to Remain Silent” in alleged preparation for her future interdimensional expeditions. “I work for the Vatican, and now, so do you,” [Michigan State Senator, Guy] VanderJagt told me. “You have just entered into a covenant with the holy Catholic church. You must never break that covenant.” Still capable of questioning at that time, I asked, “What is a covenant?” VanderJagt answered, “A covenant is a promise to keep secrets, the secret that the church knew all along. The […] Read More


According to a video tape made by a former C.I.A. agent, John Lear, based upon what he said he witnessed from military agents with top secret security clearances, there are about 70 different extraterrestrial civilizations that have been monitoring the Earth. Based on interviews by civilian UFO researchers from civilian professional UFO research organizations there have been people reporting abductions by beings from at least 40 other planets, although the negative experiences seem to be confined to about 6 prominent planets in both studies. The other reported beamed-up or taken-up experiences and land encounters have involved entities either friendly or neutral who are studying us much like our own scientists study primitive natives in jungles. There have been reported contacts with beings from 4 other […] Read More