2016: NASA and Russia Received Three Detailed Messages from Alien Planet

In an attempt, to reach Earth, an alien species sent out three detailed messages. NASA and Russia were the first to get them and the findings are beginning to baffle scientists. NASA AND RUSSIA GET ALIEN MESSAGE FROM STAR When astronomers first felt the spike in radio signals from a distant star, they were all too excited. The sources of this signal came from the sun-like star called HD 164595. Not exactly a catchy name but that’s not the point here. This star is from constellation Hercules nearly 95 light years away.  Some of the more boring scientists out there think this is nothing more of a natural phenomenon. However, other astronomers think NASA and Russia just received an alien message. It’s not the first time […] Read More

2016: If YOU Don’t Change, We Will REMOVE You – NASA warns about the ET’s Agenda

This is NOT a fear-mongering article, but instead a very real article about the true possibilities of WHY the ET Beings are here.  The Human Race as a whole are very destructive creatures and sadly the earth and all of the other living things on this planet are feeling the price for our ‘greed and aggression’ In a very recent study conducted by top researchers at the ‘ University of Pennsylvania and the  NASA  and published in the academic journal  Acta Astronautics  ( Would Contact with Extraterrestrials Benefit or Harm Humanity? A Scenario Analysis ), leading scientists have claimed that intelligent Beings from other planetary systems could very well reach Earth, in order to destroy humanity “in order to make the galaxy a better place to live” and protect […] Read More

2015: Extraterrestrial Found in Russian Lab – Alien or Human?

Police have unraveled the mystery of the mummified remains of babies found in Russian lab reported by shocked citizens. The body type was believed to be more like a mystifying alien look than a human. The head is like a tiny-onion-shaped, slanting huge catlike eyes occupying a huge part on its face. Perhaps creating hybrids, both human DNA and half-alien, was the objective of the Russian lab. The purpose is to possibly create an advanced intelligence in humans. In Western Siberia, there have been human organs and bones left scattered around the neglected facility, and officers have probed into its hideous discovery. On the bodies of the babies, they were visible scars. According to the Siberian Times, the scars show that surgical procedures have been […] Read More


From The AMERICAN SOCIETY OF DOWSERS – Fall 1995 Edition © 11 August 1995 INTRODUCTION There has always been the debate between scientists/astronomers and ufologists as to the existence of sentient extra-terrestrial life. The scientists and astronomers would agree that it most likely exists, but we would be lucky to find anything indicating its existence in distant (or even local) star systems. The Search For Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) studies have been operating for years. But to date, all they have produced are lists of nearby star systems having the possibility of containing planets which may be capable of hosting sentient life. Ufologists, on the other hand, claim we have already been visited by aliens, and frequently at that! Multiple species seem to have visited us […] Read More