AN ‘ANONYMOUS’ SOURCE ‘MAY’ HAVE ‘INTERCEPTED’ THE FOLLOWING ‘SUBSPACE TRANSMISSION’ [BEGIN TRANSMISSION] From: Draculi-Levithon IV-0094736 Commander of the Alpha Draco Regional Contingent Ephraim [Canada] & Mannassah [USA] sectors Solar-3 [Terra] Infiltration force Station-D, Level-VII To: Rashtikarsh-Draculon IX-0006476 Central Commander Alpha Draconian Galactic Intelligence Force 664th degree Terminal #3 – Central Nexus Command Planet Typhon, Alpha Draconia Glorious and Exalted One, I send you my humble greetings. Might and power be to your holy and majestic name, and to your service as director of Galactic Intelligence on behalf of his great and omnipotent highness, the Lord Emperor of Alpha Draconis, and arch-regent of Lucifer. Ever since our illustrious race in the most ancient of times joined in alliance with the Luciferian gods, also known by the […] Read More

1998: COSMOLOGY 101

The following information may be true, then again it may not be true. Or it could be a combination of both. These are actual claims made by abductees and contactees as to the nature of certain specific star systems in our general galactic neighborhood, as well as the nature of their inhabitants. Just how much of the following claims are accurate, I do not know. Perhaps some of you out there have ‘inside’ knowledge that can serve to confirm, refute or refine some of these claims. If so, then by all means please share your feedback, so that we can begin to get a handle on the who, what and where of our interstellar neighbors, whether these “neighbors” prove to be friendly or not- so-friendly. […] Read More


Name: Vegans AKA: Location  – Home System: Vega is the alpha [or brightest] star in the constellation of Lyra, even though it is actually closer to Earth than it is to the other star systems in the Lyra constellation. Descended from refugees from the ‘Lyran Wars‘, who work closely with other refugee-colonists now living in the Pleiades, Wolf 424, and elsewhere. Vega was one of the first Lyran civilizations to develop a unique and cohesive identity that assisted in seeding and colonizing many systems, including Altair, Centauri, Sirius, and Orion.”  Distance from Earth: Attitude: Relatively peaceful and gentle humans, often described as “dark-skinned orientals” similar to the native residents of the nation of India. Motives: Physical Appearance: Average Height: 6 to 7 feet tall Average Weight: Body Temperature: Pulse/Respiration: Blood Pressure: Life Expectancy: Hair: black hair Skin: darker skin (sometimes […] Read More


Name: Altairians AKA: Corporate Location  – Home System: Altair stellar system in the constellation Aquila | Headquarters of a collective known as the “Corporate“, which maintains ties with the Greys, Nordics, Ashtar, and Draconian collectives Distance from Earth: 16.7 light-years from Earth Attitude: The Altair civilization is quiet and contemplative, given the peaceful philosophic orientation. / Mostly Aggressive Motives: Physical Appearance: Average Height: Average Weight: Body Temperature: Pulse/Respiration: Blood Pressure: Life Expectancy: Hair: Skin: Sex: Life Expectancy: Other Physical Information : Special Traits and Abilities: Communication Type:  Origin:  Life Form Type: Reptilian | Humanoid Subspecies: Most Common Species: Level of Species: Habits: Transportation Type: Witnesses Reports: According to Chuck Roberts and several other UFO-related sources, the Altair system has reptilian inhabitants from the Draconian Empire. This is […] Read More