There is a “SEEKER” born every minute.

* This is the KEY to the UNI-versal TRUTH: “Love radiating through our heart is the ultimate universal unifying force. By creating the shareable feelings of unconditional love, compassion and joy in our heart chakra, we align ourselves to the Earth and universe, thereby staying in harmony with the cosmos.

In choosing these feelings, which create the heart harmonics, we accelerate the willed evolution of our DNA.” But, The Reptilians use the “Occult” (Hidden) Knowledge (and they are the ones behind “hiding” it from Humanity) to “teach/manipulate” only PART of the Truth. They want you to “BECOME a “Shelled” EGG. An “enclosed” chakra system. An “EGG”. Then the Serpent energy “attacks” the “Third Eye” and the Reptilians “Hive” Mind, FEEDS off the Energies created.

* There is a “seeker/sucker” born every minute. And the Reptilians GAME whomever they can. Using the same Chakras (wheels of Energy) IF you “crack the Egg” (become a “butterfly”), THEN all the Energy VORTEXES “Expand” from their “tightened” states and totally connect to the ALL that IS, the Nature of the “EST” ( The “It Is” / Here & Now).

So….if you experience ONLY part of the TRUTH, the Reptilian “lower nature”, of FEARS, have you caught in a FRACTAL “backwater” spin (DEAD END) and separate you from the WHOLE, that is the SOURCE of ALL creation.

This Reptilian “GAME” is a “Soul” Stealer. Eventually, humans will see how the Reptilians want to draw them into CONTROL systems. The Reptilians are also learning lessons about the “ALL”…..that if they create Wars, Kill, drink Blood, create Pain, it will really “drain” them of TRUE LIFE. The more they drain themselves with EVIL – Anti-Life), the more they have a “need” to create FEAR “control systems” in the humans they are “feeding” off of. They know they are NOT getting anywhere, and they are SCARED! They are really “afraid” that Humans will “Awaken” and STOP the “parasite” relationship. Then, the Reptilians “THINK” they will die. They are TOO “Intellectual” left-brained) and do not have the “Intuitive” right-brain) activation to realize that NOTHING can really go into the BLACK HOLE of OBLIVION …..that is a False Fear.


They THINK that all that is, is the limited observations of their senses. We, Humans and Reptilians, are all parts of the WHOLE…The SOURCE. We can go NOWHERE…because we are already HERE, micro-second to micro-second. There is NOWHERE to go too or go away from…

The humans are learning the lesson NOT to let “others” direct their lives. Not to surrender to the FEARS that the Reptilians “use” to control the population. The DRACO/Reptilians are scared because they KNOW that mega AWAKENING Energies from NATURE) are increasing and THEY can NOT control the Powerful VIBES from the Central Core of the SOURCE. By 2012, most humans will EXPERIENCE the TRUTH through their SOUL connection to the Truth….the SOURCE.

The crap Reptilian “New Age” mind control systems will collapse. The Bull Shit stuff like, Ashtar command, “channeling” Entities telling you what to do, the NWO, UFO invasion fears, Satanic Magic, Elder “Aliens” picking you up and saving you (How to serve Man), RELIGIONS and CULTS of ALL kinds, the “official” science cult, etc. All this SHIT will be gone.

And the energy of FLOWING with the Truth of Nature will MOVE the “Beings of LIGHT” (which we ALL are) into HARMONY! “Love radiating through our heart is the ultimate universal unifying force. By creating the shareable feelings of unconditional love, compassion and joy in our HEART chakra, we align ourselves to the Earth and universe, thereby staying in harmony with the cosmos. In choosing these feelings, which create the heart harmonics, we accelerate the willed evolution of our DNA.”

See also  2016: Are you able to decipher this “alien” code?

The HEART CHAKRA is the most Important…….it is the MIDDLE Chakra, of BALANCE (between the upper and lower chakras). It is the “MEET POINT”….the fulcrum of the “activation” of the WHOLE Chakra SYSTEM. The Reptilians want humans to “FOCUS” on the lower and upper points. That creates “imbalance”….then they can manipulate a person or group.


* Location: The heart area in the center of the chest.

* Attributes: Unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion, group consciousness, peace, tolerance.

* To Awaken and Balance: Serve others, love and take care of yourself. Breathe consciously.

The true secret behind the code letters of “V.I.T.R.I.O.L.”: ….Go sit in a Cavern, for a short time. You will become AWARE of your “HEART Rhythm” ….then RELAX….go with the flow.

EXPERIENCE the “Timeless/Spaceless” ISNESS.

This IS the true SOURCE. “Ommmmmmm”

Thank You, for your INNER-EST, “TAL”

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