Name: Agharians – (or Aghartians)



Life Form Type: Asiatic Nordic, or oriental humans, human reptiles


Location  – Home System: Ophiuchus

Distance from Earth:



Physical Appearance:

  • Average Height:
  • Average Weight:
  • Body Temperature:
  • Pulse/Respiration:
  • Blood Pressure:
  • Life Expectancy:
  • Hair:
  • Sex:
  • Life Expectancy:
  • Eyes:
  • Hearing:

Other Physical Information :

Special Traits and Abilities:

Communication Type: 


Origin: A group of Asiatic Nordic, or oriental humans who, sources claim, discovered caverns and abandoned antediluviancities‘ below the region of the Gobi desert and surrounding areas, which had been taken over by reptilian entities. Several hundred or thousand years ago an Asian prince allegedly led several militant followers into the caves and came in conflict with the saurian-reptoid inhabitants of an ancient subterranean city or network known as ‘Agharta‘ or ‘Agharti‘, and after a considerable conflict, the reptilian forces were driven out. There are indications that since that time the Reptilians have attempted an occult-re takeover of Agharta and some (not all) of the inhabitants may have succumbed to these occult manipulations.



Transportation Type: The Agharian ‘space fleet‘ is allegedly known as the ‘silver fleet

Witnesses Reports:

Special Features/Characteristics: 



Other Reports

A group of Asiatic Nordic, or oriental humans who, sources claim, discovered caverns and abandoned antediluvian ‘cities‘ below the region of the Gobi desert and surrounding areas, which had been taken over by reptilian entities. Several hundred or thousand years ago an Asian prince allegedly led several militant followers into the caves and came in conflict with the saurian-reptoid inhabitants of an ancient subterranean city or network known as ‘Agharta‘ or ‘Agharti‘, and after a considerable conflict, the reptilian forces were driven out. There are indications that since that time the Reptilians have attempted an occult-re takeover of Agharta and some (not all) of the inhabitants may have succumbed to these occult manipulations.

See also  2010: David Icke & Credo Mutwa -- The Reptilian Agenda

Professor de Souza, in his capacity as leader of the Brazilian Theosophists, had for years been interested in the Agharti legend, and the more he pondered over the underground kingdom and its network of tunnels, and how it was conceivable that anyone might utilize them without a very special form of transport, the more he came to the conclusion that the Flying Saucers were the answer. That the subterranean dwellers were an advanced people seemed beyond doubt, so if they were capable of living and thriving beneath the Earth’s surface there was surely no reason why they should not have developed a form of transport far more sophisticated than anything known on Earth. And the very shape, maneuverability, and speed with which these crafts were credited seemed to make them ideally suited for traversing the network of tunnels that lead to and from the underground kingdom.

In 1957, the ideas of de Souza and Strauss were carefully examined by a writer named O. C. Huguenin in a book called From The Subterranean World To The Sky: Flying Saucers. After declaring that `the hypothesis of the extra-terrestrial origin of the flying saucers does not seem acceptable’, Huguenin wrote: We must consider the most recent and interesting theory that has been offered to account for the origin of flying saucers: the existence of a great Subterranean World with innumerable cities in which live millions of inhabitants.

This other humanity must have reached a very high degree of civilization, economic organization, and social, cultural and spiritual development, together with extraordinary scientific progress, in comparison with whom the humanity that lives in the Earth’s surface may be considered as a race of barbarians. According to the information supplied by Commander Paulo Strauss, the Subterranean World is not restricted to caverns, but is more or less extensive and located in a hollow inside the Earth large enough to contain cities and fields, where live human beings and animals, whose physical structure resembles those on the surface.

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Huguenin then describes how these people, far in advance of the rest of humanity in terms of scientific development, devised machines called Vimanas that `flew in the skies and the tunnels like aircraft, utilizing a form of energy obtained directly from the atmosphere’. They were, he says, ‘identical with what we know as Flying Saucers’.

This may explain why a small percentage of the ‘MIB‘ encounters involve oriental-like humans, perhaps members of a small renegade or ‘off-shoot‘ group of Aghartians. Such ‘renegade‘ elements may also exist in the Telosian empire and of course within the United States itself. There also seems to be a loose secret alliance between Aghartian, Telosian, and American officials according to some sources. In all three groups, there seems to be a visible government which seeks to establish and may have in part inspired Constitutional-like liberties, as well as a secret renegade ‘secret‘, ‘Illuminated’ or ‘fifth column‘ international or interspersal government which seeks to undermine the traditional values and liberties of all three civilizations.

The Agharian ‘space fleet‘ is allegedly known as the ‘silver fleet

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