Name:  Amphibians

AKA: Alpha Centaurians The Sirius Beings

Location  – Home System: 

Distance from Earth:

Attitude: They are very hostile and known to attack humanoids for no reason.


Physical Appearance: 

  • Average Height:
  • Average Weight:
  • Body Temperature:
  • Pulse/Respiration:
  • Blood Pressure:
  • Hair:
  • Skin: webbed toes and/or fingers
  • Eyes:
  • Life Expectancy:

Other Physical Information: The Amphibian is a Semi-aquatic reptilian type with humanoid and amphibian features such as webbed toes and/or fingers. 

Special Traits and Abilities:

Communication Type: 


Life Form Type: Similar to the Saurians or Reptilians yet being hominid creatures with reptilian as well as amphibian-like features and are semi-aquatic in nature.


Most Common Species:

Level of Species: The amphibians evolved into a humanoid species that eventually developed a culture that ran its course or was destroyed in an Atlantis-like catastrophe–just after they had begun exploring extraterrestrial frontiers


Transportation Type: They are related to some water UFO’S and UFO sightings near water.

Witnesses Reports: Certain UFOnauts, then, maybe the descendants of the survivors of that amphibian culture RETURNING from their space colony to monitor the present dominant species on the HOME planet.

Special Features/Characteristics: 

Summary/Description: May have once lived on land, yet became more aquatic over the centuries. ‘They‘ have been encountered near swampy regions, rivers, etc.


See also  2014: Roswell Researcher Claims To Have Alien Body Photos

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