’MEANWHILE, biologists have been stepping up research since the 1970s on how ultraviolet light affects living organisms. The most recent results, reported at a conference last month In Washington, carry implications for plankton, crops, and people.

“It is well known that ultraviolet light causes skin cancer in humans. The wavelengths screened by ozone happen to be precisely the wavelengths absorbed by 1w. when the radiation is absorbed, it turns to heat, which can damage cells.

’less understood, but long suspected, is that organisms living near the ocean surface may be killed in minutes by increased ultraviolet light, and that farm crops can be harmed. Scientists have been testing these effects in experiments with lamps intensified in the short wavelengths, like the sunlamps used in tanning salons, and with lasers tuned to precise frequencies.

[When the message on the depletion of the ionosphere was originally transmitted to Eduard Meier by by the extraterrestrials, he was told to transmit it directly to Professor Michael B. McElroy at Harvard, and the ETs provided the postal address. The letter was sent.]

A most sobering situation here indeed. Either one of these drastic changes in the Earth’s environment holds great dangers for all living things on this planet. This was all predictable, and was caused by man himself, and when we failed to realize our danger and ignored what we were doing to ourselves, benevolent extraterrestrial beings took it upon themselves to warn us — a warning that has gone unheeded to the point that the damage is done and the dangers are now irreversible! If this is not cause for alarm, nothing is…

Remember we were warned back in early 1975 and were given figures and rates then by extraterrestrial observers at that time.

The twenty-sixth contact on 18 June 1975 took place at the very early hour of 04:11 AM, where an interesting bit of information was developed. Semjase opened the conversation this time:

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 4n

Semjase – regretfully a longer conversation is not possible for me now, because I am obligated for a special task. Thus in the coming time I will not be able to came into contact with you as often. Please understand that we have to space out contacts more in time.

Meier – Are you still going away?

Semjase – As I have been ordered, but I am not leaving your solar system…

Meier – What about this moment with the demonstration?

Semjase – This does not deal with me longer trip, before which I want to exercise the demonstration.

Meier – I see. I thought that we were finally at this point.

Semjase – The time for that does not press, as I still have a lot to do before this. my new task is taking me only to some planets of your system, and to your satellite, the moon. This is in connection with something that has happened since our last meeting….

[Since this material was received by us and translated for publication here, we have become involved in the investigation and publication of a very profound and extensive UFO case involving some extraterrestrial beings who seem to have an operating base on our Moon that is set up about every two years and is manned and used actively for something like six months, and then they leave and are gone for around eighteen months before they come back again. This timing would fit a retrogressed cycle of the events we have been able to observe up to now. (See UFO ABDUCTION AT MIRASSOL, by Dr. Walter K. Buhler – This Publisher.)]

In a discussion about a space project, Meier inquired if the ETs had ever interfered in such projects, and received a startling reply.

Semjase – Surely, but not we alone. We have followed the whole development, and also influenced it is certain measures. on the other hand we have had to trouble ourselves for elimination’s in different cases, or to help projects fail.

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 4a

Meier– That sounds like you have sometimes interfered in matters…….

Semjase – Surely, If you want to consider it so.

Meier– I want to tell it that way… There is something not fully evident for me, because you just now made a strange comment, that you are not the only ones who are keeping their eyes and ears open in these concerns, and have interfered. Are you concealing something from me? And this not only now. For some time I have noticed your having a secret ahead of me, where it always seemed like you were waiting for my question.

Semjase – can’t you imagine what it is?

Meier – I’m having me assumptions here.

Semjase – Then tell it.

Meier – I’m not stupid, as later it will sound from the other side like I had made a fool of myself.

Semjase – Your sudden fear is unknown for you. It does not fit.

Meier – All right, you got me. You know very well fear is no stranger to me, and that you are taking unfair advantage.

Semjase – surely…… but I had to be unfair.

Meier – well, it deals with the following: Already for some time I have assumed that besides yourselves are still other extraterrestrials hunting along in our world, but having different wishes and hopes, each according to his own. These creatures could be strange to your race, at least some of them while others might rise from your race itself.

Semjase -Yes, surely, but speak on…

Meier – I can imagine that not all of the extraterrestrials, who interfere in concerns here on Earth, have the best of intentions for us, but where it is not evident to is why you allow them to continue…..

Semjase – Because each form of life is justified in its own existence and thinks and acts according to its own character and form….. we are not allowed to interfere if not necessary for survival, thus we are only allowed to be active in the way of teaching. But go on speaking.

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 4h

Meier – that explains your behavior, and I see it as logical…- so I start from the assumption that certain strange to you forms of life from the widths of the Universe are hunting along on our Earth and in the cosmic space, and possibly trying to influence other forms of life in different ways. On the other hand, I also assume, that there are one or several groups of descendants of your ancient race who have not yet returned to you, and in consequence still live according to the ancient forms and still influence many forms of life, as well as the Earth humans according to that factum, and appear as messengers of a me. It is evident to me that concerning this you have not told me the whole truth, as we have talked about these things several times before this.

Semjase – I have never told you anything but the truth.

Meier – Then let me explain it another way. About this whole matter you have told me only half the truth, and only half explained that.

Semjase – Your explanation is true.

Meier – Very kind of you. But why haven’t you told me all?

Semjase – The time has not been mature for that. In your assumption you are right, because there are other creatures in Earth space, than ours alone. There are as well some splinter groups of our own ancient race who came here as well as visiting other worlds, and they still live according to older ways. They try to influence life forms, especially Earth humans, according to their manner. As their ancestors appeared like Gods, so also do some of these…

Chapter 4n

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