It is turning around. I get on the sidewalk and then 30 feet onto campus ground. For some reason, I feel safe and I stop running in order to “blend in“. There are many people around walking to class. I look back at the car, it looks like it’s going to jump the curb. It does and

All the students scatter like ants seeking cover. I’m left standing there by my self. A girl, who I had never met before, when all the others ran away, for some reason she ran to me.

She grabs my arm and without saying a word tells me that she is not afraid. That instant seemed to last forever.

I hear the driver gun it. As the rear wheels now jump the curb. With my right hand, I grab her left hand as I scream RUN! I turn and run for the nearest building. My right arm lags way behind me after two or three steps as her left arm is stretched as far forward as it can go. She is not fast enough. We are not going to make it. With my right hand, I let go, I point to the right and yell “RUN.” Out of my right eye after one or two steps, I don’t see her.

I slow down and turn to look back. She has stopped running. She turned and is facing the oncoming car placing herself right between me and the car’s path believing they will stop or turn to avoid her. She is about 5 yards behind me, I am at the base of the steps of the building. All I hear is the engine as the driver floors it.

She has no chance, I have no chance of saving her. This all happens in a split second. I turn back toward the building and leap up the stairs. The car is right behind me. I jump from the stair to the railing to side of the building, scurry up as I hear the crash below. Somehow I’m on the roof. I take a quick look around and there is nothing but pipes coming up out of the tar and a single door. I run for the door and when I get there it is locked. I hear someone calling my name, I go back and look over the edge. There are two cars below me, the Lincoln is crashed into the building, the maroon car that I hid behind for a split second is undamaged behind it.

Related:  Project Superman 7c

The man with the white hair is standing there looking up at me. He starts talking, he is stalling, he says “Andy, that was very impressive, very impressive indeed. Do you have any idea what you just did.” He backs down the stairs and gets a running start… The building is a perfect square. The first floor all the way around is glass. From there up is all marble. On the corners are big square pillars. Which stick out 90 degrees from the side of the building forming a perfect right angle. I had jumped from the stair railing to the side of the pillar to the side of the building back to the side of the pillar all the way up to the top (left, right, left, right all the way).

Grabbed the railing and leaped over. He tries to get to me the same way I came up the side of the building, comes close but slides back down the side again. I’m looking right into his eyes as he slides back down. He is yelling at me “I’m very impressed Andy, you have extraordinary abilities”. I yell back “F*CK YOU”.

He continues, “You just did what we call a five-step 90-degree vertical climb, how do you explain that!” I yell back “I’M WEARING MY NIKE’S.” The instant I said that I hear a chuckle behind me, I spin around. There are four guys on the roof sneaking up behind me. The man on the ground keeps yelling for me to come back to the edge, I ignore him.

The four men now have spread out. They are moving very slowly towards me. They say they are my ‘friends‘. I say “if you are my friends stop and don’t come any closer.” They keep moving closer. Two of them reach in their jackets and pull out pistols. At that point, I say “F*ck this” and lunge at the guy on far right (he was the smallest). I get by him and run for the now open roof access door. The men with the pistols shoot at me. They couldn’t have missed because it was a range of only 6 or 7 feet.

Related:  Project Superman 7a

There was no sound, and the guns looked a little “funny“. They weren’t shooting bullets, it was some sort of dart gun or pellet gun. I don’t know what it was, all I know is it wasn’t bullets because they shot me and I just kept running. There are two more guys right inside the door. They have the same guns. I blow by them and they shoot me too.

I make my way down to the first floor. The wrecked car is to my left wrapped around the pillar. I see a bloody hand under the car and blood is seeping out from under the car everywhere. I run out the door to my right, down the stairs, and out onto the quad. I’m running as fast as I can. I look back and they ARE chasing me this time. I run into Wilson commons (a huge open multilevel glass building which is the student center). I STOP running and casually begin walking among the crowd. I feel safe with people around me.

I’m inside the building. Two men in suits run in behind me, I start running again. Willison commons is basically a six-story glass box.

Project Superman 7c

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