In his article ‘ALIEN INVADERS‘, researcher ‘TAL‘ LeVesque reveals the following information in regards to the ancient “Evadamic-Draconian” conflict which has, for thousands of years, raged upon, within and beyond planet earth: “The ‘DRACONIAN‘ Group is a Confederation. They are Reptilian Humanoids, with sub-groups [The ‘Serpent Race’, from Sirius]…

(Note: Sirius figures prominently in reports of humanoids, and also reports of reptiloid, amphiboid and insectoid activity. In this regard the Sirius system is much like the SOL system itself. Some of these forces apparently collaborate with each other, whereas others are in conflict with the each other. – Branton)

They set up Bases inside Venus, the Earth, etc…

AN ANCIENT CONFLICT — The Indians of the South-West U.S.A., have legends of tall, fair-haired Beings. They also have legends about the ‘Little People‘. Both are said to have ‘Sky Craft‘ or ‘Saucers‘. American Indians speak of Underground Races, Surface Races and people living ‘Above‘, in the Heavens. The Navajo legends state they once lived Underground, together with the Coyotes and the White people, below a mountain near Silverton, Colorado.

NOTE: Mt. Hesperus [meaning ‘VENUS’] is sacred to them. After coming to the surface they went south and settled in the canyons of the Dinetah area, near Navaho Dam, between Aztec and Dulce, New Mexico. Could the ancestors of the Pueblo Indians have been the one’s who originally excavated the lower levels of the Dulce base and the lower tunnels which have apparently existed within the deepest levels of the base for centuries if not millennia? If so, then why did they revert to a low-technology culture once they reached the surface?.

Could it be that the scientific factions of their race either established an interaction with the ‘Greys‘ and/or left the planet altogether, leaving the rest to fend for themselves?

Hopi legends say that their ancestors were driven to the surface by another faction of their own kind who turned to practicing sorcery. Apache legends, according to Robert Morningsky, state that the “Two Hearts” or the “Children of the Lizard” drove the Pueblos to the surface after they had invaded their underground domain.

Could BOTH scenarios be true? In other words, could one scientific faction have remained behind in a collaboration with the reptilians, with another faction leaving the caverns in starships and/or migrating to the surface ‘world‘ and/or elsewhere through these ancient and massive underground systems? – Branton)

  • “They then set up defense sites and expanded south towards Mount Taylor and west into Arizona. Built atop high mesas were fortresses and towers consisting of three or more stories.
  • “The Pajaritan Pueblo Indians have a Legend that they emerged from the INNER EARTH, near the Great Sand Dunes [National Monument] in Colorado. They then traveled down the Rio Grande, setting up Pueblos. The area now known as Los Alamos was considered evil. The home of Underworld ‘Little People‘, from which would come the curse of ‘The Gourd of Death‘! — and so it did [in the form of the nuclear bomb]. ‘The Greys‘ [‘Little People‘] are ‘Deros‘.
  • “According to the New Mexican Folk Myth, Montezuma was born near TAOS and trained by beings who lived in Caverns, inside Pueblo Peak. [NOTE: At near-by Blue Lake, UFOs have been seen entering and exiting the water.]
  • “The Aztec of Mexico, who some think originally came from here, believed that the Sun God needs Blood and sacrificed humans for its’ nourishment. They killed over 20,000 people each year.
  • “Near Taos, in a Cave above the Lucero River, not far from Frijoles Canyon, is where Human sacrifices were made – some say EVEN NOW. (Note: According to one source from Baltimore, MD., one man encountered a reptiloid being while spending the night in a cave with black rock walls near some ‘springs’ north of San Cristobal, not far from Taos, N.M. – Branton)
  • “Members of ‘Secret Society‘ groups, in Taos, have been found beheaded. [Like Arthur Manby, who told about a secret ‘AZTLAND’ Hot Springs, roughly 11 miles northwest of Taos. It is flanked by Petroglyphs on the canyon walls.]
  • “Cultists venerate the Mayan-Aztec Death God, ‘Camazotz‘, who took the form of a WINGED CREATURE who removes the heads of his followers who displeased him. Research indicates the High Priesthood had contact with WINGED-REPTOIDS [who were known to devour humans] and the creatures were seeking various articles of commerce, possibly gold, Psycho-active [hallucinogenic] Plants, etc.
  • “Throughout Puebloland, on pottery, CAVE and Kiva walls will be found decorations representing a Feathered or horned snake [The Plumed Serpent, Quetzalcoatl]…
  • “From the Pecos Pueblo, Montezuma is said to have led his followers south and founded Tenochtitlan [Mexico City].
  • “THE MANIPULATORS OF THE MIND — Alien Civilizations have contacted some of the Earth’s inhabitants and practiced various forms of thought control on those they have contacted. Officer Herb Schirmer, Betty and Barney Hill, and others were given post-hypnotic suggestions to try and make them forget the contacts. Only through the strength of character and hypnotic regression were they able to talk about their experiences.
  • “The ‘Aliens‘ USE us, by reaching into our minds directly… WE SHOULD NOT RESPECT ANY GROUP WHICH USES A METHOD OF INTERFERING WITH OUR BRAINS’ NORMAL ELECTRICAL PATTERNS. They use devices that produce a combination of flashing lights, pulsating sounds, ELF & E.M. Fields.
  • “It is also INSIDIOUS to put ‘implants‘ [Brain Transceivers] into Human Beings. And WORSE, to kill them for their Blood and other nutrient substances [Vital Energy resident within their Vital Fluids].
  • “The ‘Greys‘ [the short, ‘Big Heads’] are mercenaries. They inter-face with humans in ‘Secret Societies‘ and the [fascist] Military/Governmental Complex. An interconnected ‘WEB‘ manipulates the surface Earth cultures… The 7′-8’ tall Reptoid/Drac have been seen giving directions to the ‘Greys‘. The ‘Reptoids‘ get their orders from the Elite WINGED DRACO.
Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 26b - THE DULCE CAVERNS AND PUEBLO MYTHOLOGY

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 26b

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