West Virginia’s Underground

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Location:  Braxton & Webster Counties West Virginia
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown
Notes:  The area bordered by Newville on the west, Helvetia on the east, Cleveland on the north and Hacker Valley on the south [Braxton & Webster counties] contain many subsurface anomalies according to the late husband of British Canadian Joan Howard, an abductee whose husband did survey work in the area.

He told of strange caverns in the area with strange sounds of voices and machinery emerging from within as if beyond the walls, caves containing strange hieroglyphic writings, a pipe that stands out of the ground FAR from any industrial area which ejects a gas flame upwards, a cavern with a deep chasm near which at least one man vanished [from his sleeping bag at night outside the entrance], and one cavernous labyrinth deep within which one man encountered a woman with no hair who spoke to him in an unknown language, yet being unable to understand him she gave up and disappeared into the depths of the labyrinth. 

Location:  Point Pleasant West Virginia
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown
Notes:  7 ft. tall reptilian humanoids with 10 ft.-span wings and glowing red hypnotic eyes were observed by several dozen witnesses near Point Pleasant and surrounding communities in the mid-1960s. One of the most concentrated encounter areas was the so-called TNT area where concrete domes led to several miles of underground tunnels where explosives were stored during WWII. Some young people observed one of the creatures which they chased into one of the “domes” which covered the snow “capped” tunnel entrances, however when they entered the dome the creature had vanished. These creatures were described as being something similar to a cross between a humanoid and a pterodactyl, and have been referred to as the Mothman  Winged Dracos, Winged Serpents, Gargoyles, or Ciakars. John Keel visited the TNT area personally and discovered one large circular area where an almost PHYSICAL atmosphere of terror gripped him and did not leave until he left the “circle“. 
Source:  THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES, by John A. Keel

Related:  Mississippi's Underground

Location:  Greenbrier Resort White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown
Notes:  800 people capacity. They don’t even hide this one, and it’s even a daily tourist “fun joke“. The Underground vault was built to meet the needs of a Congress-in-hiding – in fact, the hotel is a replica of the White House. The underground area has a chamber for the Senate, a chamber for the House and a massive hall for joint sessions. Although the hotel says it gives tours of the 112,000 square area daily, the installation still stands at the ready, its operators still working undercover at the hotel.

The secrecy that has surrounded the site has shielded it both from public scrutiny and official reassessment. From an article by Ted Gup“House Speaker Thomas Foley, one of the very few in Congress who has been briefed on the Greenbrier facility, declined to comment for this article. But former Speaker Thomas P. “Tip” O’Neill says the evacuation plan always seemed “far-fetched” to him. “I never mentioned it to anybody,

O’Neill recalls.

“But every time I went down to the Greenbrier — and I went there half a dozen times — I always used to look at the hill and say, ‘Well, that’s where we’re supposed to live in the event something happens, and that’s where we’re going to do business, maybe under the tennis courts.” 

A large C.O.G. [Continuity Of Government] facility exists beneath the Greenbrier Hotel, containing living quarters to house 800 people, meeting rooms and banks of computers and communications equipment, 250 miles SW of Washington D.C. in the Allegheny mountains. Also a large dormitory, infirmary, shower facilities, television studio, phone booths, dining areas, power plant, etc.
Source:  UFO Magazine, Vol.7, No.6; Richard Sauder

Location:  Sugar Grove West Virginia
Functions: Navy’s Strategic Intelligence Services microwave communications
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown

Location:  Warrenton West Virginia
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown
Notes:  It was the summer of 1992. Richard Sauder (See: http://www.sauderzone.com ), was driving around the town of Warrenton, West Virginia, planning to do a bit of digging.

He’d heard of a rumored underground military base in the area, associated with an unknown federal agency. The “very secretive installation“, Sauder soon discovered, was, in fact, two sites in close proximity.

Related:  Underground Infrastructure: The missing forty trillion dollars

‘No one knows what goes on at Station A,’ Sauder was told. “Unfortunately,” he wrote later, “if the actions of the guard on duty at Station A when I visited are any indication, the army does not want anyone to find out either.

As Sauder attempted to snap a picture of the gate are from his car, a security man bounded toward him, waving his arms and angrily shouting “No!” The response seemed out of proportion to the author’s attempt at photojournalism. “Why Not?” Sauder responded,” I’m on a public right-of-way.”

The guard yelled, “because I said so!” Sauder noticed three other security personnel standing just inside that gate, moving toward the car. “Suddenly feeling very much as if I had abruptly been stripped of citizenship in a democratic republic and had crossed over unaware into some grim netherworld ruled by military decree, I gave up trying to take a picture and drove away.”

Location:  West Virginia
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown

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