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Adams, Frank D.
– Writings concerning his scientific experiments which may prove that giant cavities exist in granite at depths of more than 11 miles, conclusions supported by Louis V. King, a mathematician who calculated that, at normal temperature, a cavity could exist at depths between 17.2 and 20.9 miles.  The author’s findings are also supported by the newly-discovered 16 Rouse Belts, which give planes of fracture completely penetrating the globe. (Also see: Stewart, C. Nelson – SUBTERRANEAN RACES)

 Adams, W.R.A.
Alexander, Hartley B.
— LATIN AMERICAN MYTHOLOGY., pp.28-29: A tradition learned by Fray Ramon Pane from the Taino Indians of Haiti (Hispaniola) that their ancestors emerged from two caverns called “Cacibajagua” and “Amaiaura,” in a certain mountain of Hispaniola.
— NORTH AMERICAN MYTHOLOGY., p. 61: Cherokee Indians’ belief in a subterranean world much like our own, with mountains, rivers, trees, and people, and how – with the guidance of one of the underground people who still remain below – it is possible to enter their underground world.
Allen, George W.
– ENIGMA FANTASTIQUE., 1966, Health Research: Giant beings are seen in caverns below Malta during a guided tour.
Allsopp, Fred W.
– FOLKLORE OF ROMANTIC ARKANSAS., pp. 156-158: The legend of a certain cave in Arkansas, in which a remnant of the human race took refuge during an ancient ice age, eventually emerging from the interior of the mountain after a long space of time.
Amery, Colin
– NEW ATLANTIS: THE SECRET OF THE SPHINX., Regency Press, London & NY., 1976.  Chapter: A SUBTERRANEAN ATLANTIS, pp. 89-110.
Ananikian, Mardiros H. & Alice Werner
– ARMENIAN AND AFRICAN MYTHOLOGY., Vol. 7, pp. 34,  147, 184-185, 359: Native American beliefs in ancestral origins from ancient subterranean lands, and the locations of many traditional entrances into the cavern worlds.
– Article in the NEW ATLANTEAN JOURNAL., Dec. 1977 & Winter 1979: Ancient records or libraries which remain hidden in undiscovered areas beneath the surface of our planet.
Andrews, Richard R.
– THE TRUTH BEHIND THE LEGEND OF MOUNT SHASTA., Carlton Press, NY., 1976., Limited edition: Legends and strange phenomena surrounding one of California’s most mysterious mountains.
Anderson, Tim
– THE HOLLOW EARTH: DOORWAY TO ANOTHER WORLD.  Article in BEYOND REALITY magazine., No. 44, July-Aug.1980, illus.: Ferdinand Ossendowski findings concerning the legends and stories of the subterranean world of ‘Agharti‘, during his travels in China, Mongolia, etc. (Also see: Ossendowski, Ferdinand.  BEASTS, MAN AND GODS)
Angebert, Jean-Michael.
– THE OCCULT AND THE THIRD REICH., McMillan, NY., 1974., pp. 93-98:  A legend of Hyperborean descendants living in a subterranean world beneath the Himalayas; T. Lobsang Rampa’s journey into caverns beneath Tibet; and Ferdinand Ossendowski description of the subterranean world of Agharti.  pp. 269-270: Unknown subterranean regions beneath the Great Pyramid of Gizeh in Egypt.
Anjard, Dr. Ron.
– Article in PURSUIT magazine, Summer 1978: More than 30 vast tunnel complexes, or ancient abandoned underground cities, discovered near Derinkuyu, Turkey – one of which in ancient times contained as many as 10,000 inhabitants.  Also buried cities in France and 44 underground cities in North America (six on the West Coast) which the writer had learned from ‘anonymous‘ American Indian sources.
– Non-canonical books of the ‘Bible‘, or books not included in the current text of the Bible because they were considered scripture mixed with ‘tradition‘, and not ‘pure scripture‘.
— II Esdras 13:40-48: Describes the one-and-one-half year journey made by the Ten “Lost” Tribes (or 9 ½ tribes, excluding the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and half the tribe of Levi which compose the known ‘Jewish’ race in Israel today) of Israel, to a hidden land in the far north where “never men dwelt” called “Arsareth” – from whence they will return in the last days according to prophecy.
— II Maccabees, 2:17: Refers to the present location of the Ark of the Covenant, in the INTERIOR of Mt. Sinai, “where Moses climbed up and saw the heritage of God.  And when Jeremy came thither, he found a hollow cave, wherein he laid the tabernacle, and the altar of incense, and so stopped the door.  And some of those that followed him came to mark the way, but they could not find it.  Which when Jeremy (Jeremiah) perceived, he blamed them, saying, ‘As for that place, it shall be unknown until the time that God gather(s) his people again together, and receive them unto mercy.'”
Archer, Ray.
— THE MYSTERIOUS ROMAN MINE.  In SHAVERTRON, Fall 1981, No. 9:  Strange occurrences and noises like those of a subterranean train, within an ancient Roman mine in the Forest of Dean area of Gloucestershire, western England.
— PROJECTIONS FROM THE CAVERNS?  Article in SHAVERTRON, No. 13: Unusual tunnel related occurrences in England. ( Also see: http://www.shavertron.com )
– Article in the “Editor’s Table” section of THE IMPROVEMENT ERA (LDS church magazine), Jan. 1924, pp. 256-260: Suggests that the Lost Tribes of Israel are hidden near the North Pole. (Also quotes from an article in POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, Dec. 1923)
Argo, Madeline
– MY TRIP TO THE LOST TEN TRIBES INSIDE THE EARTH., n.p., n.d., Circa 1967: Traces the Lost Tribes of Israel from the time of their disappearance to the present.
Armitage, Angus
– EDMUND HALLEY., Nelson Publishers, pp. 72-74: Refers to Edmund Halley (the discoverer of Halley’s comet) and his theory of a hollow earth, illuminated by “peculiar luminaries” and inhabited interior concentric spheres. (Also see: Halley, Edmund)
Arnold, L.W.
– THE HISTORY AND ORIGIN OF ALL THINGS., B.F. Carpenter, Roselle, NJ, 1893., Section II, Chapters 12-15, pp. 85-94: References to the Earth’s hollow interior and formation.
Austin, Leonard.
   — THIS IS THE DEVIL’S WORLD CONTROLLED BY LUCIFER DOWN IN THE CAVERNS., Los Angeles (Austin was the “Iowa Strong Man,” now deceased).
Related:  A Guide to the Inner Earth: S

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