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Bailey, Alice
– A TREATISE ON COSMIC FIRE., Lucis Pub. Co., NY., 1925., p. 91:  One chapter refers to human-like entities that exist in “the central caves several miles below the crust of the earth“.
Baker, Bill
– THE MYSTERIOUS ‘SPACE SPHERE’., Article in UFO REPORT, Spring 1974., p. 28:  Describes a mysterious sphere allegedly left by flying saucer entities and now in the possession of the Antoine Betz family of Jacksonville, FL.  Some belief it to be a model representing the earth and its hollow interior.
Baker, Dr. Douglas
– PRACTICAL TECHNIQUES OF ASTRAL PROJECTION., The Aquarian Press, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, England.  1977., p. 52:  The author makes an astral journey to the Inner Earth, where he observes a subterranean civilization that survived from the sunken continent of Atlantis.
Ballard, Guy. (or Godfre Ray King – pseud.)
   — UNVEILED MYSTERIES., St. Germain Press, Chicago, 1934:  The author’s journeys through great caverns, tunnels and ancient mines filled with strange treasures and ancient ‘Atlantean‘ machines.
   — THE MAGIC PRESENCE., St. Germain Press, Chicago, 1935:  The continuing story of the author’s adventures with ‘ascended masters‘ in the caverns, including his visits to an ancient city within the heart of the Teton Mountains, and to a subterranean city beneath “Table Mountain” in Wyoming, during which he/they were able to speak through an ‘Atlantean radio‘ with a being called ‘Pelleur‘ from the inner surface of the geo-concavitic (hollow) sphere of the earth, or the “land of the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure” at the ‘center‘ of the hollow sphere of the Earth. (Also see: Stark, Martha G.)
Benner, Box.  
— CRITIQUE: A news-magazine that occasionally includes Inner Earth material.
Baran, Michael.
   — ATLANTIS RECONSIDERED (A NEW LOOK AT THE ANCIENT DELUGE LEGENDS AND AN ANALYSIS OF MYSTERIOUS MODERN PHENOMENA)., Exposition Press: Ancient Atlantean’s reside in the interior of the Earth and are responsible for some of the UFO phenomena.
   — INSIGHT INTO PREHISTORY., Exposition Press: Atlantean survivors living deep underground and keeping watch over mankind on the surface.
Barbarossa, Frederick
– Writings of his, concerning his visit to the interior of the Earth, and his explanations of what the ‘Hollow Earth‘ is all about.
Barbeau, C.M.
– HURON AND WYANDOT MYTHOLOGY., pp. 310-311.  The story of the underground city of Yooh-wah-tahyoe, built in ancient times by to (so-called) ‘god‘ Tseh-stah, beneath the surface of Canada.
Baring-Gould, Rev. Sabine.
   — CLIFF CASTLES AND CAVE DWELLERS IN EUROPE., Seeley & Co., London, 1911; Reprint 1968 by Singing Tree Press, Detroit, MI:  Accounts of extensive cave and tunnel structures beneath France and other countries.
   — CURIOUS MYTHS OF THE MIDDLE AGES., Oxford Univ. Press, NY., 1978:  The belief by some that the mountain of Venus, in the Hurselbert Mountains between Eisenach and Gotha in SW East Germany, holds a portal to the Inner Earth.
Barton, Michael X (or, Michael X – pseud.)
– RAINBOW CITY AND THE INNER EARTH PEOPLE., Futura Press, 1935.  Reprint, Gray Barker Books, 1969.  Revelations on the nature of the Inner Earth and Rainbow City, hidden in the ice and snow of Antarctica. (Also see: Hefferlin, W.C. & Gladys)
Bascom, Willard
– A HOLE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA: THE STORY OF THE MOHOLE PROJECT., Doubleday, NY., 1961:  Plans of American scientists to drill a shaft through the bottom of the ocean where the crust is thinnest, in an attempt to penetrate the ‘Mohorovicic Discontinuity‘ or ‘Mho‘; Chapter 3:  SCIENCE FICTION AND PSEUDO SCIENCE INSIDE THE EARTH:  Science fictions’s depiction of the earth’s interior, and early promoters of Hollow Earth theories, such as sir Edmund Halley., Capt. John Clevises Sambas., and Karl Newport. (Also see: Malakov, A., THE NEW YORK TIME., McWhirter, Norris)
Bayley, Harold
– ARCHAIC ENGLAND., London, 1919:  References to tunnels in County Down, southeastern section of northern Ireland, presumed by some to lead to the habitation of the subterranean ‘Tuatha de Danaan‘ (Children of Donn) who are believed to have introduced Druidism into Ireland, then transformed into subterranean dwelling ‘fairies‘ who now dwell in ‘palaces underground‘.  Also reports from early travelers of great tunnels stretching under Africa, including one beneath a river called Kaoma, Tanganyika, Zambia, “so long that it took the caravan from sunrise to noon to pass through…”
Bayworth, Pipa
– UNDERGROUND MAN., Chapter in ‘THE SUBTERRANEAN WORLD’ (Beckley, Timothy Green., Ed. by)., Gray Barker Books., 1971:  Referring to legends and stories supporting a Hollow Earth and a Subterranean World & subterranean cities, etc.
Beaver, Harold.
Beauchamp, William M.,
– IROQUOIS FOLKLORE., pp. 152-153:  The belief held by the five IROQUOIS Amerindian Nations that their ancient ancestors emerged from a subterranean world.
Beckley, Timothy Green.
   — SHAVER MYSTERY AND THE INNER EARTH, THE., ed by., Gray Barker Books., 1967:  Several reports about encounters with the strange physical inhabitants of the interior of the earth.
   — STRANGE ENCOUNTERS., Global Communications., 1980.  Chapter 10: “Mt. Shasta – Space Base“:  Describes a race of “little people” who live in caverns beneath the Mt. Shasta area, and a cave in northern California which leads to a race of technically advanced humans, descended from an ancient Lemurian/Naga-Mayan race which abandoned the surface of the planet long ago.
   — SUBTERRANEAN WORLD, THE., Gray Barker Books., 1971:  Several essays on the Shaver Mystery, and the earth’s interior inhabitants, both benevolent and malevolent., from some of the top researchers in the field.
   — UFO REVIEW NEWSPAPER., ed by., Global Communications:  Occasionally includes articles on the ‘Inner Earth‘ mystery.
Beekwith, Martha
– HAWAIIAN MYTHOLOGY., p. 224:  The belief by natives on the island of Mangai that their ancestors emerged from the darkness of an underworld.
Behren, H., M.D.
– THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE HARZ FOREST., 1730:  References to a race of friendly dwarfs who live in subterranean caverns beneath the Walkenried, in the Harz region of Germany, and who to this day are said to secretly engage in trade with some of the local villagers.
– Interviews with survivors of a mine explosion on Dec. 26 1945., which appeared in Dec. 1981 – Jan. 1982 issues of the Pineville, KY, and other local newspapers, telling how the trapped men saw a “door” in the wall of the mine open, and a man dressed like a “lumberjack” who emerged from a well-lighted room.  After assuring the men that they would be rescued, the strange visitor returned to the ‘room‘ and closed the door.
Bender, Albert K.
– FLYING SAUCERS AND THE THREE MEN., Gray Barker Books., 1962., pp. 106-107 & 152-158:  The author reports how he was ‘teleported’ to an enormous cavern beneath the ice of the South Pole, which is the base for a race of ‘extra-terrestrial‘ beings from the planet “Kazik‘, and who once lived on planet earth in ancient times.
Bender, Peter
– Writings on the Hollow Earth during the 1930s:  The author, a German aviator, synthesized the theories of Cyrus R. Teed and Marshal B. Gardner, and founded the movement, “Hohl Welt Lehre,” which had among its membership several ranking Nazi leaders. (Also see: Derry, Francois)
Bennett, Robert A.
– THYRA: A ROMANCE OF THE POLAR PIT., 1901., 258 pp., Reprinted by ‘Health Research‘.
Benton, Floria (pseud.)
   — HOLLOW EARTH MYSTERIES AND THE POLAR SHIFT., illus., Future Press, 1981
   — SERPENTS OF FIRE: THE HITLER – HOLLOW EARTH CONNECTION., Gray Barker Books, 1983:  How Adolph Hitler’s beliefs that a race of powerful occult-technologists would one day emerge from the inner earth (based on E. Bulwer Lytton’s book ‘THE COMING RACE’) influenced his desire to create a ‘Master Race‘ of blond Nordic/Aryan peoples. Hitler also created the VRIL SOCIETY within his Nazi ranks, based on Lytton’s description of the underground race, the “Vril-ya“.  Also, Hitler’s alleged escape from Berlin to a secret German colony in South America – and then to the underground “New Berlin” base in Neu Schwabenland, Antarctica. (Also see: Leedy, Ruth)
Bergenson, Benjamin E.
– THE EARTH IS A BUBBLE., St. Clair Press, Chicago, IL.  1922.  12 pp.
Bergier, Jacques & the editors of INFO
– EXTRATERRESTRIAL INTERVENTION: THE EVIDENCE., Henry Regency Co., Chicago, IL., 1974., Chapter 4: The mysterious ancient, man-made “Moonshaft” discovered is a cave in Czechoslovakia in 1944. (originally appeared in the N.S.S. News of the National Speleological Society… Also see Horak, Antonin T.)
Bergier, Jacques & Louis Pauwells.
   — MORNING OF THE MAGICIANS, THE., Stein & Day, New York, NY., 1964., first published in France as “LE MATIN DES MAGICIANS“, by Editions Gallimard., 1960; Published in England as “THE DAWN OF MAGIC“., Antony Gibbs & Phillips Ltd., London  1963; Part VII, pp. 185-190: Hitler’s and the ‘Thule Society’s‘ interest in the Hollow Earth, and plans for a scientific expedition to investigate its reality.
   — SECRET DOORS OF THE EARTH., Henry Regenery Co., Chicago, IL., 1975: Unknown worlds within the earth, the home of great beings who possess extraordinary knowledge.
Bernard, Dr. Raymond W. (pseudonym for Dr. Walter Seigmeister).
   — AGHARTA, THE SUBTERRANEAN WORLD., Health Research: Evidence supporting the Hollow Earth theory and the existence of subterranean human life.
   — ESCAPE FROM DESTRUCTION., Health Research.
   — ESCAPE TO THE INNER EARTH., Gray Barker Books., 1974., 35 pp.: Mankind must seek refuge within the interior of the Earth in order to survive an imminent nuclear holocaust, according to the author.
   — FLYING SAUCER’S FROM THE EARTH’S INTERIOR., Fieldcrest Publishers, New York, NY., n.d.; Reprinted by Health Research,98 pp.: Several reports on discoveries of entrances to subterranean cities in the southern Brazilian states of Matto Grosso, Parana, and Santa Catarina, especially near the Joinville area. Further discussions and theories on the Hollow Earth mystery.  Also the underground mysteries of Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa.
   — THE HOLLOW EARTH., 1968., Various editions, including Lyle Stuart, Secaucus, N.J.; Bell Publishing Co.; Gray Barker Books; Health Research; 191 pp. Much evidence supporting the possibility of a Hollow sphere put forth by early theorists such as Gardner, Reed, and other pioneers in the Hollow Earth field; legends from around the world that support the belief in a subterranean world.
   — Letter in SEARCH magazine, October 1959, p. 48: Three tunnels discovered by Brazilian explorers, who followed one of the tunnels downward for three days, eventually emerging into an underground city inhabited by a race of dwarfs, or “Niebelungs”.
   — A TRIP BY SAUCER TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH., Chapter in THE SUBTERRANEAN WORLD (Ed. by Timothy Green Beckley., Gray Barker Books)., Reporting on a Brazilian man’s journey to the Earth’s hollow interior via subterranean craft, where he observed a fantastic underworld city and the “Central Sun“.
Bernbaum, Edwin
– THE WAY TO SHAMBHALLA., Weisers, 1980.
Bishop, Jason (aka ‘TAL’ LeVesque)
   — AN ABANDONED UNDERGROUND CITY FOR 60,000 PEOPLE DISCOVERED! Article in THE HOLLOW HASSLE newsletter, Feb. 1983: Discoveries of ancient subterranean cities beneath Turkey, including those beneath Kaymakli, Oskonak, and the Cappadocian Plateau.
   — MYSTERIOUS PYRAMIDS., Article in THE HOLLOW HASSLE newsletter., May 1982: Subterranean passages and caverns beneath the pyramids of the earth.
Blain-Sanders, R.L.
– TUNNELS AND CAVERNS UNDER NEW YORK CITY. Article in SHAVERTRON magazine ( Also see: http://www.shavertron.com ), Fall 1981: Strange ‘Masonic‘ tunnels beneath New York City.
Blaan, Tommy R.
– HOLLOW THEORY. Article in THE HEFLEY REPORT (date uncertain): Discussions on the Hollow Earth theory as set forward by Dr. Raymond Bernard and others.
Blavatsky, Helena P.
– THE SECRET DOCTRINE. Various editions, including the ‘Theosophical Society of America’, Wheaton, IL: Madame Blavatsky allegedly meets ‘Brahma,’ the so-called ‘King of the World‘, who resides in the subterranean world of Agharta; underground cities and tunnels in India and central Asia. Vol. 2 discusses ‘Vara‘, the Persian story of an underground fortress said to have been made of clay and to have served as their ‘ark‘ of survival during an ancient cataclysm. Constructed by ‘Yima,’ it was three stories deep with wide avenues. Its lord and ruler was ‘Zarathustra.’
Blessing, William L.
   — OUTER SPACE PEOPLE AND INNER EARTH PEOPLE., House of Prayer for all People., Denver, CO  1965: Evidence from the Bible supporting the theory that benevolent subterranean beings exist within a ‘paradise‘ beneath the surface of the earth.
   — SHOWERS OF BLESSING., House of Prayer for all People… Issues, Oct. 1957; Sept. 1970; …and other issues give references to the Hollow Earth.
   — SURVIVAL., House of Prayer for all People., circa 1953: some inner earth material.
   — THE SUPREME ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE., Chapter 8 – “The Garden of Eden and the Earth’s Interior’., House of Prayer for all People. 1956.
Blomquist, Hakan
– THE INNER EARTH THEORY: A SOURCE STUDY., Article in AFU newsletter., Aug.-Dec., 1981 (No. 22), pp. 2-3.
Bolton, H.C.
– ARAB LEGENDS OF A BURIED MONASTERY., “Journal of American Folklore”, Vol. 2: The  story of a man who was conducted into the bowels of the mountain “Febel Nagous” (Mountain of the Bell) in the desert near Mt. Sinai, where he sees an underground city or “monastery“, and: “subterranean gardens, date palms [trees] bearing fruit, and good water…”
Bond, Raymond
– SUBTERRANEAN SAUCERS: GLOBAL NETWORK OF UFO BASES., Article in SAGA’S UFO ANNUAL., Brooklyn, NY., 1980: Caves within Mt. Sombrero in the Tampico region of Mexico, from which sounds resembling those made by “hydroelectric generating equipment” can be heard.  Also tunnels beneath Turkey, and the “inhabitants” if the interior of Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa.
Bordsen, John P.
– THE SKY’S NOT THE LIMIT IN K.C.: KANSAS CITY OFFERS ACTION UNDERGROUND., Article in THE MILWAUKEE JOURNAL., Oct. 27, 1982: Reports on the extensive subtropolis beneath the Kansas City, including a large underground complex of tunnels and ‘underground buildings’ approximately the size of West Milwaukee.
Borino, Bob
   — UFO BASE FOUND UNDER ANTARCTICA., Article in THE GLOBE., Jam. 18 1983: The belief by some scientists of a subterranean UFO base beneath the strange “Polynye Sea” in Antarctica’s Weddell Sea region.
   — UFONAUTS’ BURIAL SITES FOUND. – Article in THE GLOBE, May 15 1982., p. 3: ‘Ancients Astronauts‘ expert Eric Van Daniken’s investigations of reports of underground cities beneath the Andes mountains, the entrances to which are guarded by the Mongulalas, an ‘Indian‘ or native tribe in southwest Brazil.  Ancient ‘gods‘ which lie in a state of suspended animation beneath a subterranean temple near their lost city, Akakor, described. Tunnels stretching beneath Ecuador and Peru are also mentioned. (Also see: Brugger, Karl., &  Van Buren, Elizabeth)
   — YES, THE EARTH’S REALLY HOLLOW., Article in the GLOBE., April 20, 1982: The findings of ‘Hollow Earth‘ researchers’ Michaels & Prof. William Jameson., author of the book ‘HOLLOW WORLDS‘.
Boschke, F.L.
– THE UNEXPLAINED., pp. 103-105: The exploration of giant ‘ice caverns‘ and tunnels within Mt. Ranier in Washington state.
Boyes, Ivan
   — (Ed. by) – NEW WORLDS (formerly: NEW WORLDS AZAG AUSRALIM)., International Search, Inner Earth – Psionics Organization: Information of extraterrestrial and subterranean life.
   — THE HOLLOW EARTH., Article in NEW WORLDS, Vol. 1, No. 4: Concerning interesting facts and theories on the Hollow Earth and its’ inhabitants.
   — ATLANTIS REAWAKENED., Article in THE HOLLOW HASSLE newsletter, Feb. 1981 (Reprinted in NEW WORLDS, Vol. 1, No. 2): Remarkable discovery in caverns beneath a mountain in the Amazon basin of Brazil of several ‘Atlantean‘ beings who were awakened by the explorers from a state of suspended animation.
   — NEW WORLDS, Vol. 1, No. 2, p. 18: Maps of major tunnel systems and UFO bases beneath North America.
   — THE HOLLOW EARTH REVEALED., an article in NEW WORLDS, special 60-page report (photocopy – unpublished).
   — THE HOLLOW EARTH., an article in NEW WORLDS, Vol. 1, No. 4: Alleged maps of the polar regions and the Hollow Earth continents.
   — BEING A HOLLOW-EARTHIST., an article in NEW WORLDS, Vol. 1, No. 4: What being a ‘Hollow Earthist‘ is all about.
Bradshaw, William A.
– THE GODDESS OF ATVATABAR., J.F. Douthitt Co., NY., 1851., illus., 318 pp: An occult novel relating the history of the discovery of the ‘interior world’, along with some new and interesting theories concerning the Hollow Earth.
Brakefield, Stoney
– UNDERGROUND MONSTERS ATE 15 MINERS ALIVE! Article in NEWS EXTRA, a Pennsylvania newspaper, July 14 1974. Reprinted in THE HOLLOW HASSLE newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 1: The disappearance of several coal miners in a mine near Dixonville, PA, in 1944, and the sighting of a frightening of an unearthly being by the rescue party in a previously unknown side tunnel shortly after the disappearance.
Brandon, Jim
– WEIRD AMERICA., E.P. Dutton, NY., 1978.  p. 58: Tunnels discovered by Dr. John Thornton under Washington D.C. which some believe to have been built by the Ancient Atlantean’s of the Atlantic ocean which Washington lies adjacent to; pp. 54-55: A strange tunnel discovered in Devon, CT; Con-Edison’s discovery of an enormous cavern deep beneath Manhattan’s East River Park while drilling to a depth of over 200 ft. (Also see: Hudson, L. Frank; & Bukatman, Scott)
Braun, Kurt
– UNDERGROUND CIVILIZATION ATTACKS GERMAN ARCHEOLOGIST., Article in BEYOND REALITY magazine, Dec. 1958, 6 p.: Other issues of this magazine also refer to the Inner Earth hypothesis.
Brinton, Daniel G.
   — AMERICAN HERO MYTHS., pp. 91-93: An Aztec tradition that their ancient ancestors once lived in a “White and Bright Land” called “Aztlan” – and that they emerged from this land from seven caverns known as “Chicomoztoc” from a small mountain or large hill located at some indefinite distance to the north or northwest of their habitat, called “Colhuacan” (Bent or Curved Hill); pp. 134-135: Describes a cavern south of Chapultepec, known as “Cincalo” (To the Abode of Abundance), which is said to lead to the subterranean land of “Tlillapa” or “Mictlan” – a “happy and” governed by Quetzalcoatl and his lieutenant Totec, the same land from which he and the Toltecs had emerged in ancient times. (Also see: Folsom, F., & Marcoux, C.)
   — MYTHS OF THE NEW WORLD., pp. 265-266: The belief of the Caribs, Arawaks, Warraus, Carayas and other South American native tribes that long ago man lived within the Earth “…in a joyous realm, where death and disease were unknown, and even the trees never rotted but lived on forever”.
Britten, Emma H.
– GHOSTLAND: OR RESEARCHES INTO THE MYSTERIES OF OCCULTISM., Progressive Thinking Publishing House, 1897; Chapter, “SUBTERRANEAN MARVELS”: A huge subterranean cavern-temple and tunnels deep beneath the surface of India, near the ancient city of Ellore.
Brotherhood of Faithists (Canada)
Brough, R. Clayton
– THE LOST  TRIBES., Horizon Publishers & Distributors., Bountiful, UT. 1979: Several theories explaining the present whereabouts of the Lost Ten Tribes (or actually 9 ½ tribes – excluding the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and half the tribe of Levi) of Israel, including the theory that they now exist in a warm, hidden polar country, or beyond the rim of the alleged hidden Arctic polar “opening” – within the Geo-concavitic or “Hollow” Earth itself.
Brown, Dr. (?)
– ACCOUNT OF MUNNIPORE., 1968., p. 113: An Angamis legend that their ancestors emerged in ancient times from a subterranean land.
Brown, E. Stanton
– Letter in AMAZING STORIES magazine., Oct. 1847., pp. 171-172: The discovery of an ancient smooth man-made “bottomless shaft” in the Big Bend region of Texas, about 90 miles SW of Marathon.
Brown, F.
– SPACE AND THE UNIVERSE., Geocosmic Research Division: Material relating to the ‘Hollow‘ Earth.
Brown, Malcolm W.
– UNDERGROUND TUNNELS THREATEN TOWN IN HUNGARY’S WINE COUNTRY., New York Times, Nov. 8 1976, p. 2: More than 60 miles of ancient tunnel systems beneath the town of Eger, Hungary, the origin and purpose of which remain a mystery.
Brugger, Karl
– THE CHRONICLES OF AKAKOR., Boohi Tree Books, Delacorte Press, NY., 1977, 230 pp: The history of the  Ugha Mongulala Indian nation from ancient times to the present.  A race of ‘white Indians‘ who claim to be descended from ancient ‘space gods‘, and who once ruled over a vast empire which covered South America in pre-Incan times. In the year 1971, due to the constant encroachment of the white settlers and the ‘invasion‘ of their territory, 30,000 survivors of the Ugha Mongulala escaped into 13 ancient subterranean cities in the Andes mountains, built long ago by and ancient ones, to await there the promised return of their forefathers from the stars – a race of extraterrestrial beings with ancient ties to earth, from a planet called “Schwerta“. (Also see: Van Buren, Elizabeth; & Borino, Bob)
Buckland, Dr.
– RELIQUIAE DILUVIANAE: Describes the author’s explorations of Kirkdale Cave in England, where he found remains “pertaining to men who were swept away by Noah’s Flood”.
Bugliosi, Vincent.
– HELTER SKELTER., W.W. Norton & Co., NY., pp. 232-233 & 246: Charles Manson’s belief in the existence of a subterranean paradise entered through a cave in Death Valley, which he called the “bottomless pit“.  He claimed that he and his “family” would take refuge there during a great Negro uprising (which he called “Helter Skelter”) in America, which he believed would be triggered by himself through the “Manson Murders“.
Bukatman, Scott & Michael Moore.
– SUBTERRANEAN ALIENS – MINERAL WATERS OF THE DAMNED? Article in OFFICIAL UFO., Oct. 1979: The authors claim to have been taken into inhabited caverns after investigating seismic interruptions at a cavern beneath Manhattan’s East River Park while drilling to a depth of 200 ft. (Also see: Hudson, L. Frank)
Burke, Michael.
– ‘GREEN THING’ SPARKS RUMORS. Article in THE VALLEY NEWS DISPATCH., New Kensington, Tarentum & Vandergrift, PA. March 5, 1981: Reports of a creature describes as half man – half dinosaur, seen emerging from a sewer drain tunnel in New Kensington, PA (Also reported in UFO NEWS SERVICE., April 1981., No. 141., and THE NEW ATLANTEAN JOURNAL., Summer 1981., p. 7).
Burton, Eve
– A NATURAL BRIDGE TO CROSS., G.P. Putnam’s Sons, NY., 1935., pp. 269-270: Two types of subterranean dwellers – a degenerate race and an advanced race or peaceful, intelligent beings “who are trustworthy and lead very clean lives“.
Butler, George
– THE WOMAN WHO “SEES” TOMORROW., Chapter in BEYOND THE STRANGE., by the Editors of FATE magazine., Paperback Library, NY., 1966. p. 47: Mrs. Jane Savage of Lakeland FL., who claims to have taken notes on seven ‘astral’ excursions to underground cities one-and-one-half miles beneath the surfaces of Arizona and New Mexico (from where the Navaho, Hopi, and other native American tribes claim to have ’emerged’ in the distant past), where the remains of the greatest as well as the oldest civilization is known to man could be found. A similar account appeared in THE HOLLOW HASSLE Newsletter., Vol. 1, No. 12.
Byrd, Admiral Richard E.
– A FLIGHT TO THE LAND BEYOND THE NORTH POLE, OR IS THIS THE MISSING DIARY OF ADMIRAL RICHARD EVELYN BYRD. Forward by William Bernard (aka Capt. Tawani ‘W.B.’ Shoush)., International Society for a Complete Earth (Hollow Earth Society), Houston, MO; Also: International Search – Inner Earth – Psionics Organization: Describes Admiral Byrd’s ALLEGED encounter with the so-called ‘Arianni‘ (Shoush is of German or ‘Aryan’ descent), a ‘Hollow Earth‘  civilization with whom Byrd supposedly came in contact with during his Arctic flight.
Related:  A Guide to the Inner Earth: List of Sources and Publishers

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