Location: Southern Canada
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown
Notes:  Cave explorers reportedly entered a cavern in southern Canada and discovered a perfectly circular polished shaft from which a “humming” sound emerged, when suddenly the group was attacked by “strange looking beings/creatures/humanoids” wielding heat-ray weapons. The only survivor, who was knocked into an alcove, was badly burned, and came to only to find the rest of his party missing. When a nearby village heard the story they dynamited the cave entrance shut.
Source:  SPECIAL REPORT #6, released by THE CRYSTAL BALL Newsletter, Torrance, California; Canadian Caves

Location: Cariboo country of British Columbia Canada
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown
Notes:  “An immense cavern system – containing an underground river with gold in it, strange footprints, white frogs, and rocks like cannonballs – has been discovered in Canada by an amateur explorer. Authorities have closed off the area, located in the Cariboo country of British Columbia, some 300 miles northwest of Vancouver, to protect it from gold prospectors and the curious. “Paul Griffiths, a 21-year-old student at the University of Victoria, B.C., who explores caves as a hobby, first stumbled on the entrance to the cavern in June 1971 while following a dry riverbed in the primitive, largely unexplored, regions. “‘It was absolutely fantastic,’ Griffiths explained to The ENQUIRER at his home in Victoria. “‘There was a shaft going straight down which I later found to be 150 feet deep when I descended it by rope. “‘It was unbelievable, almost indescribable, down there. “‘The river whose dry bed I’d been following had gone underground and, in one area of the cavern, welled up into a vast underground lake with a strange, fountain-like effect in the center.’ “Griffiths and a companion – who joined him – found black sand at the river’s edge and began panning for gold. Within 4 hours they took out a gold nugget and two ounces of flake gold. ‘If gold was what we wanted, we could have taken lots more from the cave,’ Griffiths said. ‘There is plenty there.’  “Following the underground river, they came across huge, unidentifiable footprints. They were over 13 inches long and manlike. They could not have been made by grizzly bears, although there are lots of them in the area, because there were no claw imprints at the ends of the toes. Maybe they were made by Sasquatch’s. The Sasquatch is a large, hairy, man-like creature frequently reported seen in the region: “‘There were also hoards of frogs without color, totally white. They had lived underground so long they had lost their green pigmentation. “‘At the bottom of a ledge we found rocks that were perfectly round, like cannonballs. Cracked in two, they revealed a metallic core surrounded by a shell of what appeared to be rust. “‘One pool of water had steam rising from it. The whole scene was simply amazing, something I’ve never seen before. ‘I named it Grizzly Bear Cave. But I’m not permitted to say where it is. I’ve been told that if I reveal its location, the authorities won’t allow me back in. And I want to see that fantastic place again.’ “Robert Ahrens, Provincial Park Director, told the ENQUIRER: ‘The main attraction of the cave is its vast size and swift underground river. “‘It is in very rough country and its exploration will require experience and a lot of rope climbing. It is dangerous to anyone but experts.'” — DAVID KLEIN 
Source:  pages 16-17 of the February 4th, 1973 issue of the NATIONAL ENQUIRER

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[showmap address=”Cariboo country British Columbia Canada” marker=”1″ map=”HYBRID” zoom=”8″ scroll=”1″ street=”1″ zoomcontrol=”0″ pan=”0″ mapcontrol=”1″ overview=”1″]


Location: Canada
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown
Notes:  Source: