Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the Americas #36

Page 159 of Andrew Tomas’s book, “ON THE SHORES OF ENDLESS WORLDS”, records the following account, which is perhaps a reference to the sub-city of XUBLAAN mentioned earlier: “…The Jesuit Agnelio Oliva (1572-1642) recorded the words of an old Inca quipu reader to the effect that the real Tiahuanaco was a subterranean city exceeding the one above ground in the vastness. It was believed that the entrance to the underground apartments could be gained through four tunnels. Last century one […] Read More

Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the Americas #35

Page 313 of the book, “BEASTS, MEN, AND GODS”, by Ferdinand Ossendowski, records the following prophecies, made in 1890 by the (so-called) ‘King of the World’, who is/was said to reside in the subterranean kingdom of ‘Agharta’ or ‘Agharti’. Quoting from the volume: “…The Hutuktu of Narabanchi related the following to me when I visited him in his monastery at the beginning of 1921: “When the King of the World appeared before the Lamas, favored of God, in this […] Read More

Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the Americas #34

Pages 30-31 of the book, “RAINBOW CITY AND THE INNER EARTH PEOPLE”, by ‘Michael X’, contains the following interesting information concerning Marshal B. Gardner (now deceased) who was the author of the volume, “A Journey To The Earth’s Interior”, one of the earlier books to put forward the idea of a geo-concavetic or ‘hollow’ sphere: “By means of (electromagnetically assisted ‘thought transference’) I received the following message: “…There are entrances leading into the interior of the earth. One located […] Read More

Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the Americas #33

The following comes from Robert Charroux’s book, “THE GODS UNKNOWN”, page 206: “…Think of the pointer of a compass: it shows where the greatest magnetic forces of the earth are concentrated, and yet, geographically, there are places where apparently nothing at all happens. “It might be, therefore, that Agartha (i.e. ‘Agharta’ – Branton) is either at the North Pole or under the Himalayas. In any event, one tends to imagine initiatory centers to exist below the surface and always […] Read More

Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the Americas #32

The following letter appeared in the November, 1947 issue of AMAZING STORIES magazine, on page 174: “Sirs:  Here is some information you may have; if not, this can be added to the Shaver Mystery. “I will reveal no names or how I came across this as it might involve the Ordinance officer who told it to some friends of mine. “Recently in Mexico in some caverns the U.S. Army found six spaceships. They know not who they belong to, […] Read More

Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the America’s #31

Page 10 of the book, ‘ESCAPE TO INNER EARTH’, by Dr. Raymond Bernard (author of ‘The Hollow Earth’) carried the following paragraph: “…We will have to find refuge under the earth from the radioactive contamination of its atmosphere and surface. In fact, after we have found such refuge from the destructive effects of atomic bombs and fallout, we will have to become permanent subterranean dwellers. That such an idea is not as far-fetched as it may seem to be […] Read More

Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the America’s #30

The following letter was sent to TAL LeVesque from Tawani W. Shoush (at the time living at RR #1, Box 63, Houston, Missouri  65483  USA). ‘TAL’ was kind enough to forward this letter to me, which I record here in full:           “Greetings: “We have received your letter of 21 January. We thank you for your courtesy and the enclosed items of interest… “First, we have no information to exchange. I shall try to be as brief as possible and […] Read More

Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the America’s #29

The following are passages from various sources that give information on Inner-Earth related mysteries. They may specify the general, although not the exact, locations of the entrances to the caverns: In July of 1980, I received a letter from a friend of mine, Ed Berg, of Liberty, KY., who claims to be in contact with a race of ‘extraterrestrials’ who gave him the information which I quote from his letter below: “…According to my friends in space, some bases have […] Read More

Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the America’s #28

#28 — The following story was reported by John J. Robinson, a popular investigator of UFOs and other phenomena. It appeared on pages 6-8 of Tim Beckley’s book, “THE SUBTERRANEAN WORLD”: “After the conquest of South America by the Spanish Conquistadores, the Catholic priests who were attempting to convert the heathen Indians (to Romanism) discovered a cave entrance to what they called ‘Hell’. This entrance has since been sealed off with tons of rubble, dirt and huge stones and […] Read More

Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the America’s #26 & 27

#26 — Thy following information can be found on page 123 of Ellen Russell Emerson’s book. “INDIAN MYTHS”: “…It is to the Cubans we are indebted for the following version of man’s origin: “It was from the depths of a deep cavern in the earth that mankind issued. There were two apertures to this cavern, one large and the other small: out of the large aperture passed the men who are of tall, majestic proportions; and from the small […] Read More