Cave and Tunnel Entrances ofthe America’s #14

“I have discovered many subterranean cities and have spotted the location of about fifty in this part of Brazil. My mission is to save a remnant of the human race from the coming nuclear holocaust predicted to occur when the Chinese Dragon starts to spit forth atomic fire. I am attempting to do what Noah did before the outbreak of the nuclear war that destroyed Atlantis and brought on the flood (interesting, though a probably unsubstantiated, theory – Branton), […] Read More

Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the America’s #13

Pages 26-30 of Timothy Green Beckley’s book, “THE SUBTERRANEAN WORLD” — which he had written a few years after “The Shaver Mystery and the Inner Earth” — contains some additional information about Dr. Raymond Bernard: “…One of the most controversial figures in the UFO and occult fields is Dr. Raymond Bernard. He is controversial not only for his research on the inner earth but for his mysterious disappearance as well. “Since most of the readers of this work will […] Read More

Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the America’s #12

The following story appeared on pages 54-55 of the same book: “…Apparently such tunnels into the subsurface exist elsewhere in the world besides Brazil. In fact, one letter on file with us comes from Prof. W. Wiers of Mexico, who tells us that he knew Prof. Schwartz who had made a long study of cave problems, starting when he was 15 years old in Germany. “According to Prof. Wiers, just before the beginning of the second world war, both […] Read More

Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the America’s #11

#11 — The following story appeared on page 50 of Timothy Green Beckley’s book, “THE SHAVER MYSTERY AND THE INNER EARTH”.  “…I arrived in Brazil in 1956 and have been carrying on my research since I met a Theosophical leader who told me about the subterranean cities, inhabited by a super race of Atlantean origin, that existed in Brazil. He referred me to Professor Henrique Jose de Souza, president of the Brazilian Theosophical Society, at Sao Lourenco in the state […] Read More

Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the America’s #10

#10 — Page 4 of the 1980 issue of the ‘UFO ANNUAL’ magazine carried the following strange report under the heading, “CAVE MARTIANS“:     “…The residents of the town of Xucurus, some 90 miles from Buenos Aires, Argentina, claim that men nine feet tall, green, with antennas on their head, and square legs, are seen daily leaving a cave.  The cave was found last February when agriculturalist Gerardo Cordeiro dreamed he would find a treasure if he went to […] Read More

Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the America’s #9

#9 — Pages 35-39 of Eric Norman’s book, “The Under-People”, contains the following interesting statements: “…There are many equally fascinating, and unsubstantiated, stories of subsurface tunnels in South America. Brazil has long been a hot point of inner earth belief, and several organizations devoted to its perpetuation maintain active chapters in the country’s major cities. The discovery of a new hole in the ground, a strange cave, or an ancient temple will send a frantic horde of hollow earth […] Read More

Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the America’s #8

#8 — Pages 163-164 of “Mysteries of Ancient South America”, by Harold T. Wilkins, also carries the following story of an Incan treasure hoard below Cuzco: “…In the archives at Cuzco, I have seen an old, yellowed parchment, insect-bitten, as is the way in these countries, written by one Felipe de Pomares. He tells a romantic story about an Inca hoard of Arabian Nights’ splendor and variety, sealed up somewhere in or under the ancient fortress of Cuzco, on […] Read More

Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the America’s #7

#7 — Pages 169-179 of Harold T. Wilkins’ book, “MYSTERIES OF ANCIENT SOUTH AMERICA“, contain the following interesting statements “…It was only, says Madame Blavatsky, by interpreting the mystic signs – invisible except when the sun’s rays struck them at a certain angle, at a certain hour of the day, in the old Sun Temple of Cuzco – that one might learn the secret of the tunnels and how and where they might be entered. “One of the approaches […] Read More

Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the America’s #6

#6 — One interesting legend which ‘may’ give a clue as to how the Inca race ‘originated’ into Peru, is recorded on page 42 of Harold Osborne’s book “SOUTH AMERICAN MYTHOLOGY“.  The legend/tradition is as follows:  “…The first version tells of a cliff with three small cave mouths, or a building with three exits, about twenty miles from the present city of Cuzco (Peru). It was called Paccari-tambo (Inn of origin) or Tambotocco (place of the hole). In prehistoric […] Read More

Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the America’s #5

#5 — “Sirs:  I have read EVERY issue of AMAZING STORIES, since the middle of 1945. I have enjoyed the magazine very much, however, I think you publish too much bunk which you try to pass off as absolute truth. “In your December 1947, issue you had a letter from a Mr. Marcial P. Star, of Lima, Peru. It seems that Senor Star is calling several of your authors ‘liars.’ I thought I might be able to shed some […] Read More