Project Superman 18e

July 1993 – In my apartment complex, this guy unusually comes up to me and introduces himself to the apartment complex pool. The guy’s name is Aaron and he is down South to get his master’s degree in PSYCHOLOGY. Coincidentally he is also from Rochester NY. And went to the University of Rochester for 1 semester and supposedly knows some of my friends as he is a “local” Rochester boy. He becomes my best friend after a while and […] Read More

Project Superman 18d

As I pull my self out of the earth the look of fear on their faces was evident. I could smell the fear in the air and they knew they had done something terrible and now were caught. Within moments I had broken both of their necks and again sat right beside the bodies and began to cry. This time when the phone rang I answered it. “Hello?”, I said. The voice art the other end said: “Who’s this?” […] Read More

Project Superman 18c

By the look on his face, I could tell that this was news to him. He makes me leave and go into the hall. I can hear intense arguing now going on inside. “WHAT THE F*CK DO YOU MEAN HE NEVER SIGNED THE PAPERWORK! You’re TELLING ME THAT THIS KID HAS BEEN AN INVOLUNTARY SUBJECT ALL ALONG!. YOU F*CKING IDIOTS IF THIS EVER GETS OUT” and he goes on and on. I actually thought I had a chance now. […] Read More

Project Superman 18b

All I said was speak to my lawyer. Which pissed him off even more. They tried every means of persuasion to get me to go another 15 missions. Everything from a gun to my head to beatings, to threatening to kill my family. But I would not budge. Next came the character test. They had been watching me every day of my life from almost the day that I had arrived at the University of Rochester (actually it was […] Read More

Project Superman 18a

I fax over my resume and a cover letter to Dr. Purrizzo. And about a day later he calls me. I ask him about the job and in the sweetest voice he says to me “Sure the job is still open Andy, come on in for an interview, how about tomorrow about 1:00. Do you know where my office NOW is?” I said that I did not, so he gave me directions. The next day at 1:00 I am […] Read More