Project Superman 5d

Sept 1988-May 1989  Camp is over, and classes begin. I get an “odd” message stating that the dean of the Psychology department wants to see me???? So I go in to see him. I sit in a high back green leather chair and I am facing him as he is sitting behind his big desk. He asks me if I would like to participate in some kind of special “study” the University is conducting. I tell him “Have you […] Read More

Project Superman 5c

Dr. Purrizzo comes to my house, rings the bell and tells me he wants to speak with me out on the street. He proceeds to tell me that he has “made a great mistake“. After rechecking my DNA pattern against the correct hereditary background it turns out that I am the one with the superior DNA code. In fact, he says we used your code to determine the dominance of some unknown markers. He knows of my situation with […] Read More

Project Superman 5b

They left in such a hurry they didn’t close the door. I wasn’t running toward them, just walking very fast, when they left I didn’t go after them I just wanted them out of “my lair“. I slam the door closed, lock and chain it, toss my club aside and grab Mrs. Purrizzo and toss her onto the bed. I remember feeling anger as she was “disobedient” and I nailed her as hard as I could until she had […] Read More

Project Superman 5a

He has this little gauge and when I squeeze the handgrip I break it. After he ran all of his tests, then it was Dr. Purrizzoís turn. He makes me act like a monkey and try and lick myself. I remember jumping around the room stretching like a monkey and feeling very stupid as they laughed at me. Then he makes me act like a chicken and does many other things to humiliate me. This goes on for hours. […] Read More