Fire Storm

The genetics base (underground) co-run by the US government and the Greys is near Dulce, New Mexico, just below the NM-CO border. It is VERY dangerous to go exploring there, cause if you’re caught, you’ll likely get a 1 way ticket to the base. One level is called Nightmare Hall where the Greys are doing hideous experiments. You should read Matrix II by Valdamar Valarian if you really want to be shocked. As the governments are working with the […] Read More

Dulce: The Covert Take Over of Planet Earth

Compiled by “TEC”, “TAL” and “Ann West” Over 10 years ago, I (“TAL”) was passed information from a former Dulce, Underground Base, Security Officer. He was hiding from his Supervisors whom were out to have him killed, for going AWOL and taking various weapons, documents, a video tape and photographs. I was shown some of this material. I called him “TEC”….his name was Thomas E. Castello Based on his information I wrote an article on the Dulce Base, about […] Read More

1998: Brad Smith on Paul Bennewitz and Dulce

Brad Smith on Paul Bennewitz and Dulce   From: Brad Smith   Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 19:47:51 -0800   I spoke to Paul twice in extended conversations in 1988-89. I called Thunder Scientific. He was spacey but understandable. He was a pilot. His business took him from Albuquerque to Denver frequently. He told me he had taken some photos out of the plane on several different trips on his way over the Archuleta Mesa. These pictures showed saucer […] Read More

Known Caves Directory

Known Caves Directory            Alabama | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Florida | Hawaii | Idaho | Indiana | Iowa | Kentucky | Minnesota | Missouri | New Hampshire | New Mexico | New York | Ohio | Oregon | Pennsylvania | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Virginia | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Bermuda |  Alabama     Cathedral Caverns State Park637 Cave Road Woodville, AL 35776 (256) 728-8193 […] Read More

Chambers of the Deep

by J.J. HurtakSince the declassification of the new ground-penetrating radar 2 years ago, the most staggering data has emerged of complex and labyrinthine underground systems in various parts of the world. At places like Guatemala in the South Americas, tunnels have been mapped under the Mayan pyramid complex at Tikal, which extend a full 800 kilometres to the opposite side of the country. Investigators remarked, it was possible to understand how half a million Mayan Indians escaped the decimation […] Read More

Bureau of Reclamation: Tunnels

Bureau of Reclamation Tunnels Alaska Arizona California Colorado Colorado & New Mexico Idaho Montana Nebraska Nevada New Mexico North Dakota Oregon Utah Washington Wyoming Alaska Eklutna Project: Eklutna 8/31/51 27 miles NE of Anchorage , Alaska 9.00 feet in diameter and 22,772 feet long Circular shape with feet of cover Arizona AGUA FRIA Project: Central Arizona 12 miles N of Sun City , Arizona 19.50 feet in diameter and 3,686 feet long Horseshoe shape with 450 feet of cover […] Read More

Truth Seekers Review

SECRECY SHAKEDOWN by Matthew Williams The use of underground tunnels in the UK and USA is widespread. In the United States there are more people who are aware of their existence than in the UK. The reasons for this are slackened security and trust in the staff who worked in these tunnels. In the United Kingdom however the location and extent of these tunnels are still a very highly classified national secret. When the United Kingdom tunnels were created […] Read More

The Ellenville Tunnels and Pine Bush Pits

SYNOPSIS: Through research, I have located underground tunnels in the TLP hotspot region. In Dr. Ellen Crystall’s book, she mentions underground tunnels and caves in the area which could be related to the ET activity there. These tunnels located outside of the town of Ellenville,NY are unusual because there is no natural or cultural explanation as of yet for them. BACKGROUND: These tunnels are a major mystery, local historians have no records of their existence and they have not […] Read More

2000: Aliens Under The Sea

Source: Daily Mail newspaper (UK) Publication Date: November 11, 2000 Extracted from UNEARTHLY DISCLOSURE by Timothy Good, published by Century at 16.99. Timothy Good 2000   Forget UFOs, something fishy is going on in the Caribbean. Are Unidentified Submersible Objects the latest space menace? Judge the facts for yourself. by Timothy Good   IT’S THE most outlandish alien theory yet. Beings from outer space establishing secret bases on Earth, and travelling in ships that are just as much at […] Read More

Nuclear Subterrenes

The nuclear subterrene (rhymes with submarine) was designed at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, in New Mexico. A number of patents were filed by scientists at Los Alamos, a few federal technical documents were written — and then the whole thing just sort of faded away.Or did it?Nuclear subterrenes work by melting their way through the rock and soil, actually vitrifying it as they go, and leaving a neat, solidly glass-lined tunnel behind them. The heat is supplied by […] Read More