The following news article appeared in the March 25, 1979 issue of the Toronto SUNDAY SUN. The story, titled TUNNEL MONSTER OF CABBAGETOWN? – was reported by staff writer Lorrie Goldstein:    “There’s an eerie city lying beneath the streets of Metro, a city none of us knows much about. “Ernest has been a visitor to that silent world of sewers, drainage pipes and the ruins under old houses, and the memory of what he saw there will haunt him […] Read More

1952: Strange Desert Ice Cave

FATE magazine, in its June, 1952 issue, carried the following story by Lester F. Nieman on pages 84-85 titled “Strange Desert Ice Cave”:    “The state of Oregon is noted for its scenic beauty. The well-stocked lakes and beautiful parks make it a vacationers’ paradise. One of the strangest spots in the state is the Arnold Ice Cave.    “This natural oddity, only 27 miles southeast of the thriving city of Bend, receives little publicity and many long-time residents […] Read More


Pages 78-80 of Tim Beckley’s book, “THE SHAVER MYSTERY AND THE INNER EARTH”, also contains the following unusual story of an underground land beneath Oklahoma: “One of these ‘hills’ or ‘mounds’ have – according to yellowed newspaper clippings – been located near Binger, Oklahoma, by a newspaper reporter whose story was recently uncovered by Mrs. Cosette Willoughby of San Jose, California. She has spent a great deal of time investigating odd phenomena dealing with the Shaver Mystery. Unfortunately she […] Read More


Pages 61-62 of Timothy Green Beckley’s book, “THE SHAVER MYSTERY AND THE INNER EARTH”, carry the following interesting account: “Near McAlester, Oklahoma, is a cave that is reported to have large steps going down to an unknown  depth. The steps, from all information, are 18 inches high, 10 feet from side to side, and about a Yard broad. From what has been reported, the cave has been penetrated for about a mile without finding an end to the steps. […] Read More

1946: AMAZING STORIES: MIB’s between Hopland and Lakeport, California

The following is parts of an extensive letter sent to AMAZING STORIES magazine, and published in their May, 1946 issue, on pages 171-173; describing strange UFO – and “Men In Black” – type anomalies with an apparent subterranean connection, in a remote area between Hopland and Lakeport, California:    “Sirs… The thing that I am trying to say is that I think I can show you an entrance to this subterranean city that he has written about several issues back. […] Read More

1963: PRYING INTO THE UNKNOWN: Bishop, California

An article titled “PRYING INTO THE UNKNOWN”, which appeared in the April, 1963 issue of SEARCH magazine, contains an interesting account of a couple from California. The article was a monthly one written by Will Carson and Jeannie Joy. The following appears on page 22 of that issue:    “It has always been a mystery to us in the first place how Mr. and Mrs. P.E. can find and afford the time to do the sort of things most […] Read More

1947: UNDERGROUND EMPIRE: The East Caves of Syracuse

Clay Perry, in his book “UNDERGROUND EMPIRE” (pages 199-201), relates the following:    “…Out of the clear sky of Utah, in June 1947 came a strange inquiry about reputed caverns near Syracuse, N.Y …  Miss Opal Kemp of 220 Canyon Road, Salt Lake City, made the inquiry, first to the Syracuse Chamber of Commerce, then to the Secretary of state at Albany, and finally to me, through the circulation of one of her letters to officials of the State Museum […] Read More

1944: Underground Creatures eat 15 Humans Alive!

By Stoney Brakefield “Humanoid subterranean creatures ate 15 miners alive and almost killed two rescuers, claims a mining inspector’s report SUPPRESSED for more than 3O years. “Inspector Glenn E. Barger filed his startling find with superiors in 1944, but details haven’t been released until now. “Immediately after returning from the disaster near Dixonville, Pa., (50 miles northeast of Pittsburgh) Barger announced his retirement, refusing to set foot again underground, fearing he would face the mysterious creature again.  “He died […] Read More

1946: AMAZING STORIES: Pennsylvania Cave

The next letter appeared in the December, 1946 issue of AMAZING STORIES magazine, on page 162:    “Sirs: I have been a reader of AMAZING STORIES for a very long time, and have been even more interested in your Magazine since Mr. Shaver has begun his contributions on caves. At present I am a patient (surgical) in Augustana Hospital, but will be discharged in a few days, so any communication will reach me at my home address. I too, […] Read More

Buck Hill Caverns, Virginia

Warren‘ Smith’s book “INTO THE STRANGE”, pages 70-71, carries the following unusual story. The cavern in question WAS commercialized in 1978 and is located not far from Lexington, Virginia:  A few miles from the tiny town of Bell’s Cove, deep in the rugged mountains of Virginia, is an unexplored underground wonderland in the little-known Buck Hill caverns. While the nearby Natural Bridge is visited each year by several hundred thousand vacationers, the cave has not been opened as a […] Read More