The letter we quote here appeared in the Winter, 1962 issue of THE HIDDEN WORLD, one of several publications which grew out of the “Shaver Mystery” controversy of the late 1940s: “Mr. Richard Shaver: Hoping this letter finds you in the best of health. My name is Frank J. Mezta. I live in the County of Imperial Valley, City of Calexico, California. “Through an accident, I happened to stumble into your book HIDDEN WORLD issue No. A-1 and just […] Read More

1947: AMAZING STORIES: I have been in the Caves

I HAVE BEEN IN THE CAVES by Margaret RogersFrom AMAZING STORIES Magazine, January 1947 issue  [[[NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR — Being devoid, I believe, of literary talent, I shall only endeavor to set down the facts just as they occurred. THEY have given me permission to tell my story to the world. It can harm no one, quite the contrary, it may help those who believe in good and not wholly in evil. There are many who will recognize […] Read More

2009: Caves of mystery at Huashan

Shanghai Star. 2003-01-09 IS it simply a coincidence or do certain laws of nature lie behind the phenomenon? A new mystery has recently been uncovered on the 30 degrees Northern Latitude, following upon other great mysteries such as the pyramids, Noah’s ark and the Bermuda Triangle. The new finding on this mysterious latitude is to do with the ancient Mystical Caves at Huashan, near the famous Huangshan Mountain in China’s Anhui Province. Although tests on chiselled stones showed that […] Read More

Bury me at Blowing Cave

A Partial Reprint of a FATE magazine article by Richard Toronto © 2000 Richard Toronto Searching for the Underworld After Ziff-Davis gave the heave-ho to the Shaver Mystery, interest in subworld exploration cooled; but not for all. A group of Michigan UFO buffs published a newsletter during the mid — 1950s with a heavy subworld/UFO bent. They were also cave explorers. This blend of inner and outer space was not uncommon at the time, but is much less prevalent […] Read More


The following account appeared on page 52 of the Nov. 1954 issue of FATE magazine. “In March, 1954, a French Jesuit priest in Sorata, Bolivia, told a strange story of an exploring trip he had made in the cavern of San Pedro on 20,000 foot Mount Illampu of the Andes chain. “The cavern must be entered on all fours through a narrow passage which widens after a few yards and leads into an immense cavern filled with stalagmites and stalactites. At one end of the cavern […] Read More

Strange Cave at the Table Mountains

In his book THE MAJIC PRESENCE, G.W. Ballard describes a strange experience which occurred to him and some companions while exploring a cave in Wyoming. While visiting Colorado he met a Mr. Daniel Rayborn. From there they traveled to the ‘Diamond K Ranch’ in Wyoming, one of the Rayborn mining properties, where the experiences described in the book began. There, he met Rayborn’s son Rex, an his daughter Nada. Some days later, they planned to spend the day exploring […] Read More

1882: Except from Black Range Tales

The following is a story which appeared on pages 222-242 of “BLACK RANGE TALES”, by James A. McKenna. Due to its length I will quote only those parts of the story relevant to the subject-matter of this manuscript… “…In the forepart of the year of 1882, I left Lake Valley where I had been prospecting, and headed for Eureka, a recent discovery in the Hachita Mountains, which lies in the southwestern part of Grand County in the border country of New […] Read More

1946: AMAZING STORIES: Legend of Quinmas Valley

The December, 1946 issue of AMAZING STORIES magazine, on pages 24-25, carries the following story, titled ‘LEGEND OF QUINMAS VALLEY’.  The story was told by a man – an explorer – by the name of Rex Du Howard:      “…The storm had become quite bad, and Chatham Sound was no place for small craft such as ours, so we  put about and into a nearby harbor. Farther cruising into Alaska waters would be held up till the storm abated. […] Read More


The following news article appeared in the March 25, 1979 issue of the Toronto SUNDAY SUN. The story, titled TUNNEL MONSTER OF CABBAGETOWN? – was reported by staff writer Lorrie Goldstein:    “There’s an eerie city lying beneath the streets of Metro, a city none of us knows much about. “Ernest has been a visitor to that silent world of sewers, drainage pipes and the ruins under old houses, and the memory of what he saw there will haunt him […] Read More

1952: Strange Desert Ice Cave

FATE magazine, in its June, 1952 issue, carried the following story by Lester F. Nieman on pages 84-85 titled “Strange Desert Ice Cave”:    “The state of Oregon is noted for its scenic beauty. The well-stocked lakes and beautiful parks make it a vacationers’ paradise. One of the strangest spots in the state is the Arnold Ice Cave.    “This natural oddity, only 27 miles southeast of the thriving city of Bend, receives little publicity and many long-time residents […] Read More