1992: Battle of Harvest Moon

THE COSMIC GRAND DECEPTION In mid-May, 1992, tens of millions of people all over the country viewed the CBS presentation of “INTRUDERS”, which alleged to be the true dramatization of documented alien interaction with the human race. An interaction which involved various “experiments” which were being conducted by this alien race upon the people of America and, in fact, the world. What is happening to thousands of people, some of whom were depicted in the CBS presentation, that would […] Read More

Searching for the Truth: Underground Bases

by: Dennis G. Balthaser When discussing the UFO phenomena, one has to be careful what he chooses to talk about for several reasons. There is currently no physical evidence from a UFO available, to the public, to prove UFOs are real, however those of us investigating this subject do believe physical evidence does exist. Skeptics and non-believers still need that physical proof to believe that UFOs are real (seeing is believing). Perhaps the scientific community will someday have that […] Read More


Volume 1, Issue 2 October 1989 “THE PEGASUS” is published bi-monthly by the UFINET NEWS AND INFORMATION SERVICE.   The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of UFINET, but of the contributing authors.   For subscription information send a stamped self addressed envelope to UFINET, P.O. Box 0123, Alamogordo, New Mexico, 88311-0123.   ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!! by William S. English   In light of the many facts that have or have not come to light during […] Read More

2008: How US Military Monitors Underground Bases Around the World

New (2008) seal of the United States . This new version is the same as the previous version except it has a different inscription. For more information, see here. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) According to fascinating documents uncovered by the National Security Archive of George Washington University, the U.S. Intelligence effort to monitor and “uncover” hidden military assets of “Rogue Nations” stretched all the way back to early Cold War years, and continues today. The documents reveal that since World […] Read More

UFOs and DUMBs – Video

Bill Hamilton talks in this rare interview we dug up about Deep underground Military Bases. Related articles Welcome to Think AboutIt! The Germans grasping at the Antarctic 2015: March Sightings Former Presidents Warn About the “Invisible Government” Running the United States Tech Giants Poised To Bathe Earth In Microwave Radiation An Island of the Dead(ish) Federal Judge Considers Declaring Marijuana ‘Schedule I’ Status Unconstitutional

German Underground

The Germans honey combed places for defense and other things. I am sure many are still in existance- This is just one example- a tour through a Military Museum that few people know exists, because it is located in a tiny hamlet on the French border. A good thing to know if you need to get underground fast, but bring your own food. Related articles The Germans grasping at the Antarctic Welcome to Think AboutIt! The ‘Mona Lisa’ Just […] Read More

ET Base On Earth Sanctioned By Officials Since 1954 Confirmed

By Richard Boylan, Ph.D. In July of 1952 the world was electrified by large newspaper headlines and photos of squadrons of UFOs flying repeatedly over the nation’s Capital in Washington, DC. Four months later WW II General Dwight Eisenhower was elected President. The same month President Eisenhower took office (January, 1953), the CIA’s Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI) was ordered to determine if UFOs were interstellar vehicles. OSI convened the Robertson Panel of scientists, which recommended that the Air […] Read More

2010: Close Encounters at PARI: UFOs and Subterranean Secrets

Bold Life Magazine – December 2010 By Jonathan Rich Underground at PARI Photo by Matt Rose While PARI (Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute) and its Star Parties promote the educational aspects of astronomy, some people believe there is something more ominous going on below the surface.Mary Joyce lives in the Sylva area and is the editor of www.skyshipsovercashiers.com, an online resource for local UFO sightings and unexplained phenomenon in Western North Carolina. Joyce claims she has reliable information about an […] Read More

2011: Disclosure Imminent? Two Underground NWO Bases Destroyed

Wednesday, September 21, 2011 3:08 Written by David Wilcock 80 different countries have now formed an alliance against the Old World Order / Nazi-esque cabal. Two huge underground cities were destroyed on August 23rd — which may be seen by historians as the critical moment in which the war was won. [UPDATED next morning 9:32 am. Credible insider source confirms these accounts and adds new information! Please link to this article but do not re-post it, as it is […] Read More