#19A — Page 26-29 of the March 1960 issue of SEARCH Magazine, carried the following fascinating story:


By “The, Inca”

(Name withheld for reasons this account makes obvious)

Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil

c/o postal Box 485

“The editors of SEARCH present here a strange manuscript, or rather, a letter, received by us from a man who claims to be a descendant of the Incas. Although he signed his name, he has asked us to withhold it for reasons of safety for himself and his family. We present his information with no comment other than that it is presented as received. Without actually accepting the invitation of the Inca to go to these caverns with him, nothing further can be said, one way or the other.

“…I am descended from the Inca race, which disappeared in a tunnel when the Spaniards invaded their country and continued to live in subterranean cities. The Incas were a race of vegetarians and pacifists, and when the Spaniards came to attack them, they did not fight, but escaped into tunnels and disappeared from the world.

“During all of my life, I have been searching for my lost race and traveled to many countries, as far north as Mexico, also in Venezuela, Chile, Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay and all parts of Brazil, investigating tunnels to find an entrance to the subterranean world. But I could not find anything, and lost (through swindlers claiming to bring me to Atlanteans under the earth) and spent 1,800,000 cruzeiros, equivalent to $36,000.

“After my money was gone I worked as a mechanic and saved money, and with it, I continued my investigations. After searching all the 21 states of Brazil and living a year in Matto Grosso among the savages, I finally found what I sought.

“One day I went to a river to drink water. On the other side was a high mountain. I heard a powerful voice coming from the top of the mountain, yelling many times. I thought it was a person lost in the forest and asking for help. I swam the river to the other side and walked through the forest for an hour and then climbed for two and a half hours. When I reached the top I found a hole in the ground. It was very deep, as I found by dropping a stone down.

“I then gathered vines from trees, tied them together, fastened a stone at the end and dropped it down until (it hit) bottom. I pulled it up and it measured 100 meters or 330 feet.

“Then I returned to Joinville and told Dr. Raymond Bernard about this, who gave me money to buy a rope. I returned to the mountain and by means of the rope, I descended. When I came to the bottom I entered a tunnel, which I traversed for a distance of 2000 meters. I then saw with my flashlight a door of stone. While I was watching the door, it suddenly opened and I saw a very tall man with a metallic uniform, who spoke with a powerful voice and said that this was the first time that anyone ever had the courage to enter this tunnel.

“I first was frightened at the powerful voice of the man and wanted to run, but he called me and told me not to be afraid as he was a very peaceful person who never did harm to any living being. So I asked him who he was to live in this cavern. He said: “I am an Atlantean-Inca, the guardian of this door.

“He asked me what I was looking for. I told him I was looking for my race because I too am an Inca. He seemed to be very pleased to hear this. I told him I would like to visit his city, and that I had an American friend and a wife who would like to go there too, with my children.

Related:  Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the Americas #35

“He told me to bring photographs of my wife, children, and American friend, and if they were found acceptable, he would give permission for them to enter.

“I then returned to Dr. Bernard, who gave me his own photo, and I brought all the photos, including those of my wife and children, back to the Atlantean.     

“On this second visit to the Atlantean, he delivered a lecture on radioactivity and its danger. He said that radioactive dust in the air is now causing surface dwellers to age very rapidly because it accumulates in the pores of the skin and stops skin respiration. He said the pores of the skin have a constants alternate contraction and expansion and serve to take in air and expel foreign matter.

(Note: There are those who believe that not only radioactive dust, but also solar ‘radiation’, causes surface dwellers to age faster, which is why the subterranean’s who are not exposed to such radiations — and also the antediluvian’s who lived at a time when the earth was surrounded by a Venus-like canopy of water vapor which blocked out most of the harmful solar radiations –– had life-spans of several hundred years.  However, as a result of man’s rebellion against his Creator, and their unbalancing of the natural order, this vaporous ‘canopy’ condensed and ‘fell’ to earth as the deluge. – Branton)

“In an atmosphere of radioactive dust & metals, these substances clog up the pores and interfere with their vital functions of respiration and excretion. This causes disease and early death.

“The Atlantean called me to come near a transparent screen to make an exchange of blood, to make sure I will preserve the secret of the whereabouts of this tunnel so that I do not reveal it to an unworthy person. When I was near the curved plastic screen, another curved plastic screen suddenly appeared from each side of the door and encompassed me, so that I found myself inside the two curved plastic screens.

“Then it seemed that all air was pumped out, leaving a vacuum in the space where I was BETWEEN the plastic screens. Then other air entered, which seemed lighter and purer, which made me feel more healthful and stronger. Then the inside plastic door opened, and he put inside a man-sized capsule of this transparent substance which he held by handles on both sides of it and told me to go inside the open door. After I was inside, the door automatically closed.

“Now the second plastic door opened and the Atlantean took hold of the handles on each side of the capsule and carried me to the other side of the inside plastic screen whose doors automatically opened and shut.

“Then he inserted his hands into two soft pockets in the capsule, made of the same material, and took hold of a metal device which he lowered on the chain and wire with which it was suspended from the curved top of the capsule (the base was flat for me to stand on) and put it on my head.  Then he went over to an electrical apparatus, from which a recording tape emerged and I heard a ticking sound, much like a telegraphic ticker. Then he read the tape, put it in a box and spoke in a funnel-shaped speaker in a strange language. It seemed to be a radiotelephone.

“Then he asked me for the photos. He told me to put my hand by one part of the capsule with a very delicate wall. He told me to push my hand through, which I did and the material adhered to my hand like an elastic, so as not to permit any air from inside the capsule to leave, since he was afraid of my having contaminated the air inside the capsule by what I exhaled. Then he sprayed my hand with the purpose of radioactive decontamination. He took the photos from my hand and slid them into an opening in the same electrical apparatus.

Related:  Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the America's #10

Then more tape emerged, which he read and then spoke by radiotelephone to headquarters below. He then looked at a sort of small television apparatus with a horizontal screen, apparently to see the persons he was speaking to.

“He told me not to bring here any unworthy person, because he would know it in advance. I asked how. He said that with this apparatus, which he called an “electro-visor” he could behold whatever was occurring in any part of the world. If any unworthy person comes near the mountain and tries to get to the tunnel opening, certain rays confuse the person’s mind, so that he is unable to continue the trip and will go off in the wrong direction.

“I had some bread in a pocket. He told me not to eat the bread. He put a white pill in my hand (which was projected outside the capsule all the time), and told me this pill had the taste of many fruits and that his people live entirely on it. I believe it is a concentrate of the vitamins of fruits. Then I withdrew my hand and the elastic material through which it projected closed.

“After he gave me the pill he carried the capsule with me inside to the space between the two plastic screens, as the door of the inside screen opened to admit the capsule and then automatically shut.  Then the door of the capsule opened. I left the capsule, and then the door of the outside plastic screen opened and I left.

“When newcomers enter, they first enter the capsule, and the Atlantean carries them to a Decontamination Chamber (the Atlantean told me). The door of the capsule opens, the person leaves the capsule, takes off his clothing, then the chamber becomes filled with vapor which draws forth radioactive poisons from his body.

The person dresses in other clothing there ready for him, then enters an “electronic apparatus“, which carries him to the center of the earth (i.e. into the ‘geo-concavitic’ portion of the earth’s ‘coconut-like’ shell, some 800 miles below.  In fact, some believe that the Creator in His infinite wisdom created all or most planets ‘hollow’, in keeping with some sort of cosmic law of ‘conservationism’ – Branton). 

“I should mention that during my visits, before the door opened I heard a peculiar humming sound, which was of the apparatus with which the Atlantean came up from below, which became louder and louder as the apparatus came near, and when it came to a stop the noise stopped and the doors automatically opened.

“I should also mention that when a flying saucer came near my house on Saturday, June 13, 1959, in the afternoon and night, it gave off an identical hum as this subterranean apparatus, which makes me think they are both operated by the same mechanism and that the flying saucer was an apparatus of these same subterranean Atlanteans and did not come from another planet.

“The flying saucer came describing (performing) a spiral which descended on top of a hill about 2000 meters from my house, and then rose in a spiral manner, with a trail of light behind it. It came in the night, had a round shape and a silver color. I believe it was sent by subterranean Atlanteans, who knew where I lived and came especially near my house.

Related:  Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the America's #26 & 27

“We are now twenty-on We are now twenty-one vegetarians. This is necessary for those who wish to enter the subterranean world. And if any of you wish to enter, you may send me your photos for Presentation to the Atlantean, to secure permission for you to enter.

“I am sending you this as an invitation to come here and I will guarantee to bring you to the Atlantean and to the subterranean world. I wish you to reply and tell me whether you care to come or not. We will then tell you when to come and meet us. We await our reply, as we are now building a boat and an elevator, and when these are ready we will advise you to come and meet us in Joinville.

“This may seem like a lie or a story, and many people will not believe that a subterranean world, which is a Utopia, exists, but IT EXISTS!  I know it exists because I made this discovery and saw it with my own eyes. The door I came to leads to a tunnel through which the Atlantean came up from the subterranean world in the center of the earth on an “electrical apparatus” and there exists the cities of this interior world called Agharta. 

“When the boat (to cross the river) and the elevator (to descend into the tunnel) are ready, I will enter with my family and bring them to the subterranean world, then I will return to wait for your coming and will bring you there. In that world, there is no radioactivity to poison the air and foods, as here. 

“That world has no bad people, nor swindlers, no crooks. All the people there are good, pure and vegetarians. They do not eat bulky vegetables as we do here. There they live entirely on fruit concentrates prepared as pills, which dissolves in your mouth and eat nothing else. I say this because the Atlantean delivered a talk to me and told me all that I say and gave me a pill, which I ate. It made me feel as strong as a bull and very warm, and it seemed as if I overate (I ate it on my way back), and could not walk, so I lay down and went to sleep for several hours until I got over the feeling of overeating.

“On that pill, I returned to Joinville full of energy, and for the following three days I could not eat a thing, as I had no appetite, because the pill had a high concentration of the vitamins of fruits, and was so nourishing that I had no further need for food.

“Now we are working on the boat and elevator and the moment when they are finished, ten vegetarians here in Joinville including three men, one woman, and six children, will go up the mountain and descend into the subterranean world. The youngest of this group is only one week of age. I want my newborn child not to live and grow up in this radioactively contaminated atmosphere and eat food full of radioactive poisons. I want it to grow up in a better world free from radioactivity and live on these fruit concentrate pills in place of the radioactively contaminated foods here’”.

—  Sincerely., The Inca   



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