They put every detail into my head. I REMEMBER them telling me that I was to go and kill this man. And I would not do it. I said “what has this man did to me personally, Nothing! I will not kill him!” They would come back and say that this man “kills women and children, that he tortures young girls to death and then rapes them, he murders babies and he butchers grandmothers for fun! You must kill this man to save the people that he is killing! He is evil and must be stopped and only you can save the people of his country from him.

” That was the only way they could get me to kill, was to tell me that this man was a butcher and how he did awful things to the people around him. After they told me that, I had no choice, it was like they made me feel like it was my duty and the whole world was depending on me to do it.

I remember completing several assassination missions. I don’t know who they were, how I got there, where I was or why specifically I was doing it. I remember shooting several people in the head several times, stopping to reload and shooting him some more. They had told me to “terminate with extreme hostility” and I did. The thing is I COULD NOT THINK I COULD ONLY DO, so all the planning and all preparation work would go out the window if something went wrong, if something didn’t go exactly according to plan then “all hell would break loose“.

For example, if there were four guards at a certain point and there were only supposed to be two. Or if an area was supposed to be dark and it was light. Somehow I would “snap” and just start shooting everyone. Everyone became the enemy and I had no way of distinguishing between who was foe and who was friendly. I remember one time when my helicopter came to get me, they had a spotlight on me and I started shooting at them. I think I killed several of my own people. They tried to fix this by giving me a helmet camera and an earpiece but still, I freaked out at some point on all my missions.

Related:  Project Superman 17b

I specifically remember asking them “How many missions do I have to run before you will let me go?” The man with the white hair told me “10 missions Rhino after you run 10 missions you then become retired and we will let you go.” I can only remember going on 4 missions specifically. One of which as we were flying away in the helicopter after they had picked me up, one of the men who had volunteered to be the gunman on the helicopter was shot and killed from the ground. He was the man I had pushed out of the tank of water back in the lab, and the only one who had been “Nice” to me at all. These “assassinations” were all done (I think) between the years 1988 and 1992.

The FBI is looking currently for me but the Illuminati have deprogrammed me, “erased my memory” if you will. As I slowly regain the scraps of my memories more and more of the pieces fall onto place. However, as the story unfolds I will add most of the reverent details at the end as not to complicate the two parallel timelines. I clearly remember the complexes, the types of uniform the men were wearing (some wore business suits, some had turbans on their heads, others had these funny hats on), and of course, I remember shooting many of the guards and several of the “target” men in the head several times and stopping only when they had no head left to shoot.

Then I would just get the “hell out of there” shooting everything in sight that moved. The problem was I didn’t know when to stop, who was “friendly” and who was not, because I had my “tunnel vision” on. I was just running, running for my life. I could not think I could only do!

Project Superman 17d

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