I tell him in a very calm voice that I was just having these strange memories and I was wondering if his father could help clarify them for me. Oh, yea, I tell him, I’m so sorry to hear about your mother, HOW LONG HAS SHE HAD ALSTIMERZSE DISEASE? He started to laugh and then he said: “My mother doesn’t have Alzheimer’s disease!”

Really,” I say, well thank you very much and have a nice day. Within one hour the Ramsey Police have called my house and spoken to my mother stating that they got a call from Dr. Purrizzo and that he recommends that I be sent to a mental institute immediately and put on heavy medication for the safety of the community!

My Mother reassures the Police that I am no threat to anyone but I am just having a tough time right now. This only confirms everything to me that something is going on and I am not crazy. So I call a bluff and call Father Jack at home and leave on his answering machine something like “I have a copy of the steroid trial you lying sack of shit and you are on it as clear as day, I HOPE YOU HAVE A GOOD LAWYER” and I hang up. The next day Father Jack calls my house and speaks to my mother. I had told my mother what I was doing and just for my sake could you “Please” just play along.

Of course, when She answers the phone Father Jack informs her that he has contacted his lawyer and wants to know what she knows about this “trial” and where is the tape? What does my mother say? nothing other then “there really is no tape. Andy just isn’t feeling well, he is just ‘off his rocker‘”. Father Jack then tells my mother that he doesn’t like being threatened and that if I don’t shut up he is going to have the Police come me lock me away (this is the local priest who interacts with all the children).

My mother is of course now frantic and I basically locked my self away in the basement for the next month and didn’t say a word to anyone especially my mother about any more of this, as she has already betrayed me once. But think about it? If there never was any steroid trial, and the whole thing is a figment of my imagination and it all never happened, then why would a priest (if he is so innocent) contact his lawyer if there really could be no possibility of there ever being a tape, to begin with. I knew that I was right but the whole world is against me for some reason and I had to find out what the hell is going on. So I laid low for a while and tried to piece together the scraps of memories which I had as there was still no order.

Related:  Project Superman 21c

December 25th, 1997 – For the previous few weeks I have been writing down my thoughts to try and make some sense of it all. My thinking is that if I organize some kind of “timeline” I can organize my thoughts and get a better picture. What you are reading is obviously the timeline.

Christmas eve I have no friends to talk to and nowhere to go. This doesn’t bother me in the slightest in terms of depression because my memories are very slowly starting to fall together and become clear. Pilar calls me Christmas eve and we talk as she is in a similar situation. We begin to talk about Aaron and the strange things that I thought were going on at his apartment. Then Pilar breaks in and tells me that her and my stories are identical and she just never brought it up because she thought that she might have been imagining things or somehow going crazy her self. About how there was lost time at Aaron’s.

How she remembers staring off into space and seeing me next to her as Aaron was controlling both of us. This was a great piece of reassurance and made a lot of other pieces fall into place as well as a number of other memories come back. The most important piece to fall into place and the one which had puzzled me for the longest time was this? I knew as I was leaving Atlanta that they weren’t just going to let me go. They must be watching me somehow, but I couldn’t figure it out, how were they watching me? AND THEN IT CAME TO ME like a shiver going through my soul. Here I was safe in the basement of my mother’s house where no one could get to me because I didn’t go out at all.

Project Superman 21c

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