What the government is doing to “cover their tracks”, simply is they come up with a fictitious medical term to “explain” what all these people are remembering. In this case, they came up with the “false memory syndrome“. The fact that all these people are simply “delusional” or “crazy” and they (conveniently) need medication. It conveniently explains their “memories” of the wrongdoings and government torture done to them as all simply being “figments of their imagination” and “it all never happened“. It also shuts them up as they are now heavily sedated. I know this as to be a fact because it happened to me when I attended the University of Rochester between the years 1988-1992.

The horrific experiments were conducted at the secret facility illustrated in the map of Rochester N.Y above. These are the individuals responsible for the kidnapping, and most disturbing of all are the torture, murder, and illegal horrific medical experiments being done on American children TODAY. They actually are the NAZI PARTY working in conjunction with different branches of the United States government in order to find an effective way to control your mind and to control the minds of All the United States citizens as well as the rest of the world in order to form “The New World Order“.

A single military based world government where free speech, free thought, and free will only be a memory of the past. This is also the same group that was hypnotizing citizens as well as the United States Army using stage hypnotists in the mid-1990s. The United States government (THE PART THAT WAS NOT YET UNDER THEIR CONTROL) eventually passed a law making it illegal for stage hypnotism to be performed in the United States because of this exact group. Their secret location was never revealed until now as they have not yet been prosecuted. Why? Because the network of government collaboration between the different branches of the government and the Nazi party have become so intertwined that it virtually has become impossible to sort out “Whom” is really responsible because the whole operation’s success is based upon secrecy.

Related:  Project Superman 24d

This is also the same group, the certain individuals and groups within the United States government and the diehard members of the Nazi party who were brought over from Eastern Europe named as “the freedom fighters” with the money donated by the American people who gave during Ronald Reagan’s fundraising campaign. Which then was cleverly tapped by the “Crusade for freedom,” (A CIA front operation). This group of fanatics then attempted to overthrow the FBI by planting their agents “posing” as FBI psychologists. The “agent” would then hypnotize (brainwash) the FBI agent during their “psychological evaluation” into giving their loyalties to Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party!

Project Superman 24b

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