Note: For more information on UFOs and the Alien Presence, please refer to the following issues of ` Revelations of Awareness:’ 79-1 (The Gathering Storm); $4.00 79-18 (A Cosmic History of the Illuminati); 79-25 (The Web of Conspiracy: The Secret of the UFOs): $4.00 80-27 (Alien Invasion and Robotoids): 83-18 (Bigfoot and other weird items); 86-1 (Some Mysteries Explained) 86-14 (The Physics of Consciousness: The Bermuda Triangle); 87-6 (A Peek at Life on Venus); 89-9 (UFO Invasion and Space `Monsters’); 89-7 (“ET’s Go Home!”): 89-1 (Some Possibilities in the Coming Months); 90-2 (The Web of Conspiracy, Part 5): The William Cooper Papers: The Alien Presence & the Secret Government Exposed: $5.00 90-3 (Is There a NASA Cover-up?) 90-4 (The Alien Presence: What was Missing from Dr. Beter’s Info.); 90-5 (The Hidden Crisis: The Quandary of the Secret Government): 90-6 (The Third Prophecy of Fatima: The Alien Connection): 90-7 (The Drug Crisis: Are we Being Set Up for an Alien Takeover?); 90-8 (The Crystal Pyramid. Alien Walk-ins, Descriptions of Aliens etc.); 90-9 (The Web of Conspiracy, Part 6: The Servants Awaiting Their Masters: An Overview & Update on the Situation): 90-10 (“Nightmare Hall”); the Underground City at Dulce, N.M. (Special Report); $5.00 Note: Except where noted, all the above reprints are $3.00 each, available from C.A.C.
INTERESTING BOOKS AVAILABLE FROM C.A.C. The Gulf Breeze Sightings, by Ed Walters. $19.95 plus postage An Alien Harvest, by Linda Moulton Howe, $45 plus $3 postage
BOOK LIST CONTINUED: Communion: A True Story of Alien Abductions, by Whitley Strieber. $15 plus postage (Hardbound edition). The Earth Chronicles, by Zecharia Sitchin: Comprised of the following four books: The Twelfth Planet…$4.95 The Stairway to Heaven…$4.95 The Wars of Gods and Men…$4.95 The Lost Realms…$4.95 Order From: COSMIC AWARENESS COMMUNICATIONS P.O. Box 115, Olympia, Washington 93507
FOR FURTHER RESEARCH: UFO (Magazine) California UFO 1800 S. Robertson Blvd., Box 355 Los Angeles, California 90035 Subscription: $18 a year ($26 foreign) The UFO Data Base: 1800 S. Robertson Blvd., P.O. Box 355 Los Angeles, Calif. 90035. (With a computer and laser printer, you can have the whole story. Send $2.00 for catalog and info.)
UFOLOGY Information Network P.O. Box 0123 Alamogordo, N.M 88311 Send SSAE for free info on their services. (Newsletters, computer access). Nevada Aerial Research Group Newsletter P.O. Box 81407, Las Vegas, Nv. 89180 (Write for free info and prices) Arcturus Book Service P.O. Box 831383 Stone Mountain, Ga. 30083 (Write for free catalog of UFO books, etc.) REVELATIONS OF AWARENESS is a cosmic newsletter, published for the membership of Cosmic Awareness Communications, P.O. Box 115, Olympia, Washington, 98507.
Related:  2001: The Battle at Dulce

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