QUESTION: a sort of personal question from J.R., which is along this line. She writes: “The night I saw two saucer-shaped crafts, just outside my bathroom window in West Virginia: Whose craft were they and what were they doing in my yard? Also, was it in response to the energy of my astonishment that they immediately took off? Also, were they related to other craft seen in the area, the one written up in a local paper, the ones Dr. Jenkins said visited his family regularly; and currently: why am I hearing the sound of crickets whenever it is quiet enough to hear it? Is this an effect of meditation, stress, UFO’s or physiological malfunction?”
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness indicates that It suggests that you be most attentive and cautious; that these entities were not Pleiadians; that the Pleiadians essentially have abandoned this planet temporarily and may not be able to return. There are some entities from Sirius who are benevolent beings. These were not the entities from Sirius either. There are some humans in saucers from the technology that has been acquired from the alliance with the Greys; that the Greys in some cases are not as vicious or hostile as others. In regard to the entities whom you saw, it appears that these were humans of your government testing craft in the general area without a desire to be noticed; that they did not recognize your presence when first landing in the area.
How the `Good’ UFO Will Contact You
This Awareness indicates that it is very important however, to avoid any contact with those of UFO’s unless you are absolutely sure that these are Pleiadians or from Sirius, and these entities will often give you ways by which you can be absolutely sure.
This Awareness indicates they will make themselves gradually known over a period of time before contacting anyone in a close encounter. This Awareness indicates that they tend to set up appointments telepathically, letting you know that they will be there at a certain time, where to look, where to expect them. Anything other than this kind of appointment should be considered suspect of the more malevolent type aliens; that the aliens will be tending, and have tended to become more bold in their abductions and this may increase as they are increasing in number.
This Awareness indicates the increase of approximately 20,000 per month in recent months has been a kind of average influx during the three days of the full moon. Look for Holes or Marks on Your Body This Awareness indicates that these entities generally going to the bases which then allow them to traverse underground to other places in other areas through these underground tunnels. Anyone who has seen a UFO should also double-check their memory, trying to recall if there were any marks on their body or energy weaknesses shortly thereafter, for in many cases, an entity will see a UFO, be abducted for a certain length of time, usually on the average of two hours, anywhere from twenty minutes to two hours, then released, and the entity will not remember having been abducted, but will simply remember having seen the UFOs or whatever took place prior to the abduction.
This Awareness indicates that if, in examining oneself one finds holes, such as in the back of the ear, or chin, or a pain in the nose, or in the back of the head, or somewhere else on the body or in the naval area or the genitalia area, there is good reason to suspect that an abduction and experimentation or implanting has taken place. This Awareness indicates that generally, the memory is gone, but the subconscious effects and feeling of violation will endure and cause severe problems thereafter. Most entities having been abducted benefit only from therapy that is similar to that of rape cases.
The action being very much like that of rape, in which an entity has been violated against his or her will, and the feeling of having been violated can create severe hostility and make one feel one is violated and a victim, affecting many of the entity’s relationships and activities thereafter. It is important for entities to get help when such an event is realized. This Awareness suggests however, that it is equally important that entities not fake an abduction just for attention, because such action can cause you other kinds of problems that you may not really desire. It may be that, for example, you find yourself at some future time being looked at as an abductee when in fact you aren’t, and in some ways, you may feel you have classified yourself into a certain category that you no longer want to wear as a label. This Awareness indicates that it is not something that entities should fake for attention or as a means of self-importance; that generally speaking, entities could not fake the action anyway and will be embarrassed and found out when in deeper therapy.
FOLLOW-UP QUESTION: Is there any significance to the cricket sound she’s been hearing?
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness indicates that this is not seen clearly. This Awareness suggests the entity may wish to pursue further investigation in this regard to determine whether this might be the result of an implant which the entity does not recall receiving. It also could be the result of the close proximity of the craft and vibration and radiation given off from the craft which may be affecting her. The energy is not seen as to why this is occurring, if it still is occurring for the entity.
This Awareness indicates the entity may wish to read THE GULF BREEZE SIGHTINGS in which this writer tells about an attempt by the aliens to abduct him, wherein thereafter he always heard a sound, vibration in his head, or a hum, when the craft came anywhere near, even though others could not hear that humming sound.
This Awareness indicates that approximately one in thirty-five or one in forty entities have been abducted or have in some way received implants; that not all implants have been effected in the craft. How the Aliens Enter a Bedroom to Implant (Who are the Candidates for Implants?) These aliens have the ability, in wearing certain types of packs on their backs, to move through walls or through rooftops, to come right into one’s home, even into one’s bedroom, while an entity sleeps, and to give an implant. This is very rare that this occurs however, and in most cases, the implants have been given to entities who have worked in and around government operated bases or alien operated bases, or people who work in government occupations, in order that the aliens have some control over these entities. That these are the more likely candidates for implants. It is not seen as a likelihood that persons operating in more socially oriented occupations, even if in government, such as the post office, or the revenue department, or commerce department, that these would be special candidates for implants, but more toward the types who would work in military occupations, secret bases, or projects, or entities working in corporations that have close contact with this type of operation, or the families of such entities, the close-working families, and also people who live near or around those places where UFO government operations may be visible to the population. Thus, for example, the city or town of Dulce, New Mexico, as being one in which many of the local people have been implanted and abducted.
Related:  2003: The Dulce Report:

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