1947: AMAZING STORIES: California Cave

The following letter was published in the March, 1947 issue of AMAZING STORIES magazine and can be found on pages 171-173 of that issue:    “…The writer is presently a writer for the Washington Times Harold, is a former World War II combat infantry officer and a holder of the Distinguished Service Cross.    “I can be checked upon at my paper or better, simply contacted there by your Washington office. I vouch for the following and will be […] Read More

Project Superman 6a

As I’m about to leave, I reach for the desk drawer. I yank open the drawer, and the only thing in it is a thin brass metal plate. I flip it over and it says “101“. My heart stops, I instantly start to sweat. All of a sudden I AM VERY SCARED. I drop the plate, slam the drawer closed, close the door and get the hell out of there. Looking back and trying to piece this all together […] Read More

Project Superman 4a

Ever since I had gotten my driver’s license I used to like to unwind a little before going home. So I would ride around the area and play music in my car. A few days after the trial while riding around a bronco type vehicle is flashing their headlights at me from behind, so I pull over. This happened on West Saddle River Road, and I pulled into a small parking lot right next to the red building where […] Read More

Project Superman 1a

PROJECT SUPERMAN 1 Introduction: [Memories are a strange thing, there are tangible memories that can be proven factually, there are suppressed memories which are clouded recollections of actual events, memories that are a mixture of real and unreal events, memories based on imagination and possibly most frightening of all, memories that have been intentionally “programmed” within the mind of a person, which might consist of anything between actual real life experiences to entirely “designer” memories that may have been […] Read More


From OMNI Magazine (October 1983) If there were a hall of fame for pseudo-scientists, surely Cyrus Teed would deserve a place of honor. It was shortly after the Civil War that Teed had his vision: The earth is a hollow sphere, and WE LIVE INSIDE IT. Everything else in the universe is in here with us — planets, comets, stars — everything. What’s outside the sphere? Nothing. Teed’s cosmology had a particular appeal to religious fundamentalists. It made the […] Read More


THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE (Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality) Page # 8a [7th edition] Compiled by ‘The Group’ — Edited by ‘Branton’ Re-Edited 02,02,2020 for grammar and spelling – ‘Think’ “One possible scenario is that John Lear found out about this Top Secret project — perhaps while eavesdropping — and this is his way of ‘spilling the beans‘ without implicating his father or anyone else as the source. “In 1990, researcher Val Valerian released a peculiar document that […] Read More