Chapter 1 – Introduction

Introduction   ATTENTION ALL ABDUCTEES!!! Please download and study this document and distribute it as widely as possible, ESPECIALLY to any ‘ABDUCTEES‘ whom you may know. If, as the late J. Allen Hynek claimed, over 1 in 40 people have been abducted and ‘processed’ by the ‘alien/secret government’ agenda — or 1 in 10 according to more recent sources — then you are bound to know SOMEONE who is an abductee and KNOWS it. This information is for THEM. For […] Read More

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 30a – REVELATIONS FROM THE LEADING EDGE

The following information is reproduced, with permission, from Val Valerian’s massive work MATRIX II [The Abduction and Manipulation of Humans Using Advanced Technology]. This and other highly interesting research reports are available from the LEADING EDGE RESEARCH GROUP; P.O. Box 7530., Yelm, Washington State C.F. 98597 C.F. The following information is not given in any particular chronology or order, but more in a random collection of notes and research generally involving the connections between Aerial, Conspiracy and Subsurface phenomena: […] Read More