Afghanistan’s Underground

Afghanistan’s Underground [google_map_easy id=”7″] Location: Somewhere in Afghanistan Functions: Unknown Levels: Unknown Tunnels to: Unknown Notes:  According to British explorer T. Wilkins, the Mongolian tribes of Inner Mongolia believe that there are entrances to a great tunnel system that leads to a subterranean world of Antediluvian descent somewhere in a recess of Afghanistan Source:   Location: Somewhere in Afghanistan Functions: Unknown Levels: Unknown Tunnels to: Unknown Notes:  “There is an ancient legend among the Hindus of India that tells of a […] Read More

A Prophecy from the Inner Earth?

“The entrances to the Interior Earth are to be found at the poles, as well as in the Antarctic Oases and possibly on the top of this mountain. They can be reached by travelling through the deep waters which flow beneath the ices. “In this Interior Earth are the Cities of Agharti, Shambhalla and the Caesars, inhabited by the immortal Siddhas. There the Golden Age still exists. The Discs of Light, covered in orichalcum, fly out from there. They […] Read More