1947: AMAZING STORIES: Burley, Idaho Underground

The following letter appeared on pages 174-175 of the October, 1947 issue of AMAZING STORIES:    “Sirs:  Perhaps I have delayed over-long to send you my slight contribution to the master code. Why? I was still afraid there might be some slip that would put me in a bad spot. I am a druggist in this town and any trace of nut’s talk would ruin my job. I have been waiting for the issue which just hit the newsstand […] Read More

Idaho’s Underground

Idaho‘s Underground [google_map_easy id=”61″] Location: Burley Idaho Functions: Unknown Levels: Unknown Tunnels to: Unknown – Sherry Shriner reported links to Dreamland and Dulce Notes:  Druggist George Haycock claimed that he had explored a shaft that could be entered via a boulder-strewn depression or sink 6 miles west of Burley, and one mile off the main road [presumably in the opposite direction from the river?]. Native American legends told of a demonic race that would emerge from a cave and capture their women and […] Read More

Aliens live on Earth, under the ground

A lot of respectable scientists and writers believed that Earth is hollow inside Rumors about underground towns appeared for the first time in 1946. The person to launch the rumors was Richard Shaver – writer, journalist, and scientist. His incredible story about contacts with aliens living under the ground was published in Amazing Stories Magazine. Shaver said that he had spent several weeks living under the ground with demon-looking aliens, whose descriptions can be found in ancient legends and […] Read More