Project Superman 3a

May-1987- Track season junior year, at one of the major relay meets, it was announced the prior week that there was going to be a “clean and jerk weightlifting contest” sponsored by some guy I had never heard of. I, of course, was all excited and trained that week on my technique. As it turns out all it was, was a guy with some rubber mats and an Olympic barbell set in the middle of a grass field. I […] Read More

Project Superman 2a

Anything that we do as human beings, whether it be a sporting event, starting a business, going to college or simply deciding to venture out on your own away from home for the first time. ANY TASK YOU CHOOSE TO UNDERTAKE, OR ANY FIGHT YOU CHOOSE TO FIGHT. 90% OF WHAT IT TAKES TO ATTAIN YOUR GOAL, NO MATTER WHAT THAT GOAL MAYBE, IS ALL MENTAL. AND FROM THAT FEAR IS THE KEY TO IT ALL! IF YOU CAN […] Read More

Project Superman 1a

PROJECT SUPERMAN 1 Introduction: [Memories are a strange thing, there are tangible memories that can be proven factually, there are suppressed memories which are clouded recollections of actual events, memories that are a mixture of real and unreal events, memories based on imagination and possibly most frightening of all, memories that have been intentionally “programmed” within the mind of a person, which might consist of anything between actual real life experiences to entirely “designer” memories that may have been […] Read More

New Jersey’s Underground

New Jersey’s Underground [google_map_easy id=”74″] Location: Northern New Jersey Functions: Unknown Levels: Unknown Tunnels to: Unknown Notes:  John Keel, after hearing reports of strange sounds of pulsating machines coming from caves in the mountains of northern New Jersey, personally visited some of the caverns. Source:   THE 8TH TOWER, by John A. Keel Location: Newark New Jersey Functions: Unknown Levels: Unknown Tunnels to: Tunnel systems run from the I.T.T. Corporation building in Newark to the I.T.T. facility at Nutley, to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio [maglev tubes], […] Read More

Chapter 28 – Mind Control Projects out of Atlantic

The writers of this document did not originate the above material but are simply passing this information along to you to do with what you feel is necessary. We have no way of knowing that these things will happen [we hope and pray they do not], but if any of the above should occur, you can rest assured the balance of this evil scenario will follow. Their two main immediate goals are to DISARM American citizens and SUSPEND our […] Read More