The Underground Empire 3

There have even been other accounts suggesting that there is a “base” near Mt. Lassen consisting of “joint” human-sauroid activity, or humans under the control of the serpent race and thus serving their cause. The following account which we will describe shortly was released by Val Valerian in June of 1992, and appeared in ‘LEADING EDGE’ magazine. The account describes human-sized reptilians (who might, with some alterations, be able to pass themselves off as humans?) or reptoids that are […] Read More

The Underground Empire 5

At this point their story becomes even more complex, and the exact series of events, in their chronological order, are rather undefined. First, the strange ‘people’ made it known that the tunnel led to a network that went all throughout the earth and to even greater depths. ‘They’ had certain types of instruments that could monitor from a distance the emotional field or make-up of a person and thus determine their intentions. It was only because ‘the group’ was […] Read More

The Underground Empire 4

 We continue now with the interview with ‘Sharula’:   “INSIGHTS: Earlier, you mentioned… you had to petition the Aghartha, the ones in charge of the inner earth cities. Are there other cities in existence?”   “SHARULA: Oh, yes. There are many. There are over one hundred inner earth cities. Some of them are very similar…”   “INSIGHTS: How does one travel from city to city or from surface to inner city?”   “SHARULA: Probably the most common method is […] Read More

The Underground Empire 2

Some years ago a woman by the name of Joan Howard, at the time living in eastern Canada although originally from Britain, wrote a manuscript in which she described her own paranormal experiences with small “alien” entities. Joan had experienced several UFO-type ‘abduction-encounters’ while at a very young age when she still lived in Britain, and claimed to have had ‘psychic’ contact with beings that claimed to be of extraterrestrial origin. These experiences were accompanied by a great deal […] Read More