A — Yes. Mt. Shasta is a major site of Alien – Elder Race – Reptilian Race – Human meetings. Beginning Cleveland, Grover every president in U.S. history has visited Telos City. Truman was supposed to have visited the Lower Realms as a High Archon on Earth. He was supposed to have met the King of the World there, and gave him the “Keys to the U.S.A.”

(Note: Whether or not the reigning ‘King‘ of the Agharti realms at the time had benevolent or other motives, subjecting America to an outside super-power without Congressional consent would be considered high treason. Although unelected/appointed ‘individuals‘ working within the Executive-Military-Industrial branch of ‘government‘ might choose to do so of their own volition without Congressional or Senatorial consent, such an act cannot apply to the ‘America‘ which is based on the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

There are apparently two ‘nations‘ occupying the United States, the traditional grass-roots ‘America‘ established by the founding fathers and led by the ‘Electorate‘ government, and the fascist Bavarian-lodge-backed ‘underground nation‘ led by the ‘Corporate‘ government which is contesting the original ‘America’ on its own soil. Some predict an inevitable civil [?] war between the Electorate/Constitutional/Surface government of the U.S., and the joint humanoid-reptiloid Corporate/National-Global Socialist/Underground New World Order government, which incidentally was bought and paid for by American taxpayers and other unsavory money-making projects.

This war will apparently provoke an armed United Nations / New World Order invasion of the U.S.A. which, according to George Washington’s famous ‘vision‘ at valley forge in 1777, will ultimately end with an American victory as a result of Divine Intervention. Something like this may be inevitable if FREEDOM is to be preserved on this world, and beyond. We should never forget however that the NWO corporate elite and their draconian masters intend to ‘depopulate‘ the surface of this planet AND the underground systems as well.

According to one Navy intelligence source the 33-plus Masons [there are allegedly several degrees above the 33rd degree which interact directly with the draconians and are part of the interplanetary initiatory lodges] intend to set the left-wing caverns and the right-wing caverns against each other in order to depopulate the underground realms so that they can impose absolute Bavarian-Draconian global control of ‘both’ worlds.

The 33+ and higher degrees according to this source intend to ride out the inferno in super-secret fortified caverns while the 33rd and lower degree masons and their respective left-wing and right-wing armies will be left to die in the surface and subsurface wars. It may be that some of the 33+ Masons intend to ride-out the holocaust in their Alternative-3 bases on the Moon and Mars, IF those bases are still active.

Remember, the roots of BOTH the ‘right-wing‘ National Socialist AND the ‘left-wing‘ Global socialist agendas trace back to Bavaria. Isn’t it interesting that the legendary ‘dragon‘ has TWO ‘wings‘ — a right wing and a left wing — both of which are controlled by a single ‘beast‘?. In essence, when it comes right down to it the war is between the Judeo-Christian based Constitutional Republic of America and the Luciferian-cult-based Socialist empire of Bavaria.

Both the right and left wing movements are Machiavellian extremes created by the Bavarian Black Nobility [‘Black’ here being a reference to something hidden that cannot be seen, and NOT skin color] in order to foment global chaos. There are several claims that the collaboration with the Reptilians began with the Luciferian cults of Bavaria, and was later brought into America via the infiltration of the Scottish Rite and the fascist core of the NSA-CIA.

There may have nevertheless been a reptilian presence below North America within the caverns that dates back several centuries, however a MASSIVE reptilian infestation of these underground systems seems to have begun near the beginning of the 20th century. ‘Mt. Archuleta‘ might be considered the ‘capital‘ of the ALIEN segment of the ‘secret’ [Bavarian-Draconian] New World Order government in America — with the deep underground systems beneath the Denver International Airport being the ‘capital‘ of the HUMAN segment of the secret government. – Branton).

Truman received assurance to new high tech knowledge, and victory over all enemies on Earth. He then was introduced to Samaza and Khoach, aliens from Bootes and Tiphon [Draco], both reptilian ‘kings’ or Embassadors. Truman updated the ‘100 Treaty‘ [that began IN 1933, Roosevelt] and requested magnetic advance, space knowledge, and experiments. Khoach agreed, Samaza partially agreed. He exchanged hostages for genetic experiments and magnetic advance but vetoed space and beam weaponry.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 11g - A DULCE BASE SECURITY OFFICER SPEAKS OUT

Q — Did you notice any involvement of high-level Freemasons, Rosicrucians or Jesuits within the underground installation and/or with the aliens?

(This question is based on the assumption made by some researchers that many of the Masonic lodges were, beginning about 1776, infiltrated by the Bavarian Illuminati. Much of the Masonic world is ultimately controlled by the Bavarian-lodge-backed 33+ degrees of Scottish Rite Masonry, a ‘Rite‘ which according to early Masonic authority Rebold can be traced back to the JESUIT college at Clermont in Paris — a Rite which advocates the destruction of national sovereignties in exchange for world government, the destruction of religious and especially Judeo-Christian movements, and the destruction of the family-structure to be replaced by ‘State‘ control of children, etc., as opposed to the more traditional Protestant-Christianized YORK RITE of Masonry which the SCOTTISH RITE has attempted to subvert since its inception into Masonry.

This question was also based on claims from a former 33rd degree Mason, James Shaw, that the Scottish Rite headquarters in the “House of the Temple” — which lies at the northern apex of the pentagram-like street layout of Washington D.C. — is filled with all kinds of indications of serpent worship in the form of murals, carvings, statues, etc., depicting serpentine figures.

Actually, from what my sources tell me, not only are there degrees beyond the 33rd degree, but the 33rd degree itself is made up of two cores, an inner and outer core, the 33rd degree and the 33+ degree. In the past when the 33rd degree initiation was reached a potential initiate might have been given a Bible or a Cross and asked to spit on it or desacrate it in some manner.

If they refused to do this they were told that they had made the “right decision” and remained in the outer core of the 33rd degree, thinking that they had finally ‘arrived‘. If they did or do commit this form of blasphemy then they are told that they have made the “right decision“, and they are sent on to the inner core of the 33+ degree, which is the springboard to the higher levels which interact with the joint humanoid-reptiloid Ashtarian lodges or branches of the ‘Serpent Cult’ on other planets, within underground cities, and possibly even other dimensions.

One source informs me that former president George Herbert Walker Bush — who was at one time the HEAD of MJ-12 — had attained to the 42nd degree, however he may have attaned to even higher levels since that time. I would guess that the one who holds the highest level of initiation would be the ‘dragon-king‘ of Draconis himself, or whatever appellation the leader or the leaders of the Draconian Empire may go by. – Branton):

A – Yes I did, but that is a loaded question, and I won’t comment further. I’m not a Mason, or member of any other secret fraternal group. There is one organization I am a member of [in the U.S.A.]. That group is commonly called the “Central Unit.” It is a pleasure to tell you that I AM a member of the “Sub-Galactic League” of Costa Rica.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 11a - A DULCE BASE SECURITY OFFICER SPEAKS OUT

Q — Is there any truth to the allegations that the CIA/’Aliens‘ have established ‘bases‘ on the moon, and also Mars?

A — I’ve HEARD that too, but I haven’t seen proof with my own eyes. The ‘aliens‘ do allegedly have bases on several moons of Jupiter and Saturn. The CIA operates in other COUNTRIES, but I’ve never heard they operate on other PLANETS (Note: Perhaps we should have referred to the CIA’s superior agency, the NSA, whose personnel reportedly pilot the “black-budget UFOs” between the LUNA and DREAMLAND bases. – Branton).

Q — Have you heard any hints or rumors suggesting that there may be lower levels beneath the ULTRA-7 level of the Dulce base, and also, where these might lead to and what they might consist of?

A YES. Your guess is as good as mine… Sure, there were lots of talks but that doesn’t mean it’s there. However, I will tell you I saw elevators that were “off-limits” unless you had an UMBRA or higher security clearance. At that base, information is supplied to me at a “need to know” basis ONLY! [My clearance was ULTRA-7]

Q — Some insist that the U.S./Secret government has developed its own disk-craft based largely upon top secret antigravity experiments carried out by the Nazi-German scientists during World War II. Have you heard anything referring to this?

A — When I was working in Photo-security, I heard a lot of talks, never saw the proof, but once in the Air Force, I developed a roll of film that showed a craft LIKE ADAMSKI’S, WITH A SWASTIKA ON THE SIDE.

(Note: A letter from ‘R.J.M.‘ of Pennsylvania dated 1-31-91 stated: “…I have a lot of UFO videos. I also have ‘THE SECRET LAND’ [1947]. It shows Bunger’s Oasis and says they discovered warm land at the South Pole. One German author claims the Nazi’s had a photo-finish FIGHT with Byrd. At the end of the movie, it says: ‘Byrd’s Intrepid 4,000 met and defeated ANTARCTICA’S TOUGHEST BATTALIONS.’

I don’t think they were talking about the weather…” Another source has stated that there were loses on BOTH sides, and the Battle for Antarctica against the Nazi’s “Last Battalion” — which had fortified themselves in underground bases below the mountains of Neu Schwabenland, Antarctica — ended in a stalemate.

Question: Why would Adolph Hitler and Eva Braun commit suicide after Hitler had spent so much energy executing over 5000 Nazi officials whom he ‘suspected‘ were behind his assassination attempt at the ‘Wolf‘ bunker, especially if he had a way out via a secret Nazi South Polar base?

The March 18, 1994 issue of THE PLAIN DEALER [Cleveland, Ohio] carried an AP story titled “DOCTORS FIND BURNT BODY COULD NOT BE HITLER’S“.

Excerpts include: “…French forensic experts say the charred corpse said to be Hitler’s is not his body… experts FALSIFIED verification reports ordered by Josef Stalin to APPEASE the Soviet dictator…. the body is actually that of an unknown German male.

[The forensic experts] spent more than two years analyzing the autopsy reports prepared by Soviet coroners in the days following [the] surrender of the Third Reich in 1945… the body [said to be Hitler’s] had an extra tooth and only one testicle… no German doctor who had examined Hitler before his death ever mentioned either anomaly.

” This is also interesting when we consider that the well-known ‘abductee‘, Barney Hill, remembered the following experience under regressive hypnosis as recorded in the paranormal encyclopedia, “MYSTERIES OF MIND, SPACE & TIME”. Barney and his wife Betty were abducted by gray-skinned humanoids “from Zeta Reticuli“. HOWEVER, one of the ‘beings‘ on the craft was described by Barney Hill under regressive hypnosis in the following words which are taken from p.1379 of the encyclopedia:

“…another figure has an EVIL face… HE LOOKS LIKE A GERMAN NAZI. HE’S A NAZI… HIS EYES! HIS EYES. I’VE NEVER SEEN EYES LIKE THAT BEFORE!” Remember that this occurred nearly 15 years after Europe had supposedly been “de-Nazified“.

There seems to be an Antarctic connection with the Dulce scenario as well as other possible ‘Nazi‘ connections: German ‘tourists‘ scouring New Mexico, exploring mines and caves and buying up land and mineral rights just before the outbreak of WWII; the Nazi-connected CIA’s involvement and their placement of several Nazi S.S. agents — who had been brought into the U.S. via Project Paperclip — within the Dulce and other underground facilities; the involvement of secret ‘Bavarian‘ lodges at Dulce; and the possible Antarctican-Dulce connection to ‘Alternative 003′.

Another interesting connection is the fact that the secret Nazi teams involved in the construction and operation of the underground bases below the mountains of Neu Schwabenland and elsewhere in Antarctica were called ULTRA teams. ULTRA is also the code-name for the DULCE base! Also there seems to be a direct connection between the Dulce base and the Montauk base in Long Island — which was/is[?] reputedly jointly operated by the Draconian Reptiloids, Orion Greys and the Bavarian Thule Society which had backed the Nazi agenda. – Branton)

Q — Tom, did you have access to the alien craft? Were you ever inside any of them?

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 11d - A DULCE BASE SECURITY OFFICER SPEAKS OUT

A — Yes, I frequently saw them in the garages, there are quite a few of them. The main fleet is stored at Los Alamos. Yes, I entered several crafts. There were two things that stick in my mind, the odd spongy feeling of the floors, and the unusual pinkish purple color of the lighting. The crew stated the floor becomes ridged in flight and the purple tint of the lighting changes to bright blue-white. The entire inside of the aircraft is scaled down in size when compared to the average human. The halls were curved and narrow, but somehow, when inside it appears bigger than it looks. Certain areas, the outermost sections, almost felt and looked alive. I was never taken up in one.

Q — Can you give me more information on the reptilian race, what do they do on the sixth level? [The area called Nightmare Hall.]

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 11d

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