Is God possibly giving them TIME to reconsider their ways? Does the above verse mean that ALL fallen angels are irreparably doomed? Or, has the Creator in his infinite mercy given SOME of the fallen angels — those who still maintain a semblance of regret for their part in the rebellion — one last chance by allowing them physical incarnation through the Reptiloids and Greys? Could this be why the Greys are so absolutely desperate to attain emotional individuality in spite of the restraints of an individuality-killing collective? Could their very eternal destinies be at stake?

A few years ago I would have totally rejected the possibility that some of the fallen angels could be included in the plan of redemption, yet now I wonder…

Now before you begin labeling me a heretic, I would like to quote three versus regarding the serpent race [Greys, Reptiloids, etc.]:

“Now the serpent was more subtil [intelligent/cunning] than any beast of the field… And the Lord God said unto the serpent… I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed.” — Genesis 6:1,14-15

In its full context, these verses imply that the fallen archangel Lucifer was the being that had incarnated this particular reptilian — possibly something akin to a velociraptor or stenonychosaurus equallus or a similar type of bi-ped saurian hominoid — and in turn the entire serpent race, promising them power over man and nature if they would allow the Luciferians to re-incarnate through their race at will.

Whether you take this passage literally or symbolically, the message is essentially the same. Lucifer used the serpent race to deceive the humans into sabotaging their own connection with the God-Source and thereby sabotaging their supernatural dominion over the lower life forms — and from that point onward these lower life forms began turning wild and untamed because the downward ‘flow‘ of LIFE and ORDER had been broken at the human level, as DEATH and CHAOS began to reign.

One of the races which reverted to their base animal or predatory instincts was, of course, the serpent race, which originally held a position somewhere between mankind and the beasts. Due to mankind’s ‘fall‘ and the reptilians’ alliance with the Luciferians, the serpent races began taking the upper-hand over the human race — or rather, the fallen angels began taking the upper hand over the human race THROUGH the serpent races.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 19a - WHO CONTROLS THE DRACONIAN COLLECTIVE?

Today one could say that we see basically the same thing happening, however in this case the “Luciferians” are known as “subspace beings“, and the “Serpents” through which they have incarnated are known as the “Grey Aliens“, who are attempting to enslave humankind by offering them/us Trojan-horse gifts or “forbidden fruit” in the form of occult-technology to those intent on using this technology to establish “god-like” control and domination over their fellow man. As King Solomon once said, “there is no new thing under the sun“. But the point I want to make is that according to the verse given above, fallen angels have been re-incarnating through the Grey and Reptiloid [serpentine] races for several thousands of years.

And another verse:

“In that day the Lord with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.” — Isaiah 27:1

This verse, unless I’m mistaken, is speaking of the reptilian COLLECTIVE itself, which could be considered as a “piercing serpent“.

And then the following verse, which literally threw me for a loop:

“Praise ye him, ALL his angels: praise ye him, ALL his hosts… Praise the Lord from the earth, ye dragons, and ALL deeps.” — Psalm 148:2,7

Now unless I’m grossly misinterpreting scripture, it would seem that here God is saying that the [fallen-angel-incarnated] serpent races are told to praise the Almighty — who after all was their creator before they allowed their own race to be corrupted. This MAY apply to both the spiritual-angelic and physical-bestial natures of the serpent races. Other verses that we might add to the one above include:

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 19e

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